Is low testosterone really the cause of homosexuality in men? If so how do we get men's test levels back up?
Is low testosterone really the cause of homosexuality in men? If so how do we get men's test levels back up?
Fucking a qt hairless femboy twink in his pink little boipucci is the most masculine thing a man can do.
i feel like im the only one not memeing when showing love for fat girls
just wanna bury my face in fat tits
This puts me in the mood for ham
Tell women to lose fucking weight.
Sardines, oysters, proper sleep, and/or strength exercises.
Hello my fellow fag
It'll never be normalized no matter how much you push the issue, fag.
>Tell women to make themselves look more like men
How's that gonna increase men's testosterone?
god imagine what her gross breath smells like
Skinny women look feminine faggot.
>I only have a chance of getting a slam pig for a girlfriend. Y- you should only be attracted to non-thin girls, anons!!!
Kill and eat teenagers
Excuse me for interrupting but you see I am what you may call a BIG GAY.
And straight men, it’s really your fault for sharing a workplace with women that made the fencesitters homos.
Us natural born homos spent too much time with mom.
You unnatural homos have a boss with a vagina.
Your fault.
I'd rather have that than the BIG AIDS.
Homosexuality is a genetic flaw. Homosexual men have been proven to have a smaller corpus callosum, the pathway between the 2 halves of the brain. Women have smaller ones too, so gay men essentially think a lot like women.
Instead of encouraging male homosexuality we should be discouraging it, and discouraging them having flawed children
Could be a factor, but I think a much bigger factor is jacking off to porno. There is no a gay/ped/trans or other assorted sexual deviant who isn't very deeply addicted to that crap. Then there are those studies that also claim porno uses reduces T levels even more than fast food.
And yet bisexual men have more children than straight men on average. Really gets my noggin joggin.
Adopted or natural?
Imagine wanting something at such a far end of the curve. Unhealthy fats are bad. Unhealthy twigs are also bad. There are retards that would because of their perverse fetishes defend either morbid obesity or anorexic beauty standards. Imagine not just being attracted to a healthy female specimen
Thats kinda nog-jog inducing.
You got sources for these numbers burgerbro?
The woman you posted is about the same size as the woman I posted.
I just don't think women should be fat pigs.
25% body fat is ideal for women
B-but... you’re already IN the EU senpai
>Get a job at your local water treatment plant
>Dump test enanthate in the last water tank
But steroid using men are usually tranny chasers. The two go together dicc in bucci you might say.
No I got you my dude.
I really don't get those who would want a sedentary wife. Have they seen what kind of mothers hambeasts are?
They are terrible. Every shitty child I have seen has an extremely fat mother. Mom won't take care of herself so she doesn't take care of her kids.
That's only because steroids are legal in thailand. And everyone knows asians make the best trannies.
Its only in burgerland and its because they consume bottled water and ready food from stores.
How are Estonian women?
I’ll take the right girl any day.
It's already happening. Gay marriage and sodomy are legal. You live in a fantasy world. What you're going to have to accept is the dominant/submissive male aspect that is becoming more brazen post-red pill. We learned that everything matters, and matters even more because of the internet: penis size, height, frame, musculature, everything. There will be submissive males and dominant males who will play that power dynamic out through sex. You have to accept it but fight for a white-only nation-state. You have to make beta males accept their role and support the offspring of big superior Aryans, but society is currently too individualistic. Everyone is still running the rat race to be the most artificially masculine to compete with those who were gifted with superior genetics.
big girls have more crevasses to fuck
You're definitely not the only one my man.
Get your yellow fever out of here.
they feel soooo much better also
I like big fat titties too but the rule is the titties have to stick out further than the gut.
Imagine the braps that come out of that slampig...
looks like a praying mantis
Homosex > race mixing
You people are fucking disgusting lovers of gluttons. And you shit on gays. kys
gootta love them. best sex ever.
At least fat women can be bred.
>No other sizes of this image found
I like closer to 30 but not over 35 percent.
I’ve been jerking it to sissy hypnosis for a year now. I drink, do coke and when the high hits I go full force. I shove the dildo up my ass and sniff poppers till I feel like I’ll pass out. I’m trying to break my mind. I’ll stay up for a few days doing this when I have enough time off. It’s blissfull.
Bro have you ever felt some big ol titties before? Nice, soft, and warm. Fat chicks are like that ALL OVER! Also their pussies are fat too! No boney pokey! Now I am not saying fat is good, oh no by all means. I say a chubby girl is best. Enough to were she will get sorta big but will still hop on a treadmill.
No. High dopamine is.
penis injections, only the brave get high test which is how it should be
Not gonna lie, I'd fuck every one of these female fatties if I was single. My girl is hot skinny latina with nice tits, and loyal but variety is nice when you've been with someone for over a decade nomesayin
Do you get banged out by big steroid using muscle daddies
Fat pussies are great for pounding. They can really take a beating. It's wonderful. Little girls complain and bow out. The chubby ones love it.
Sounds like a side effect of estrogen
My wife is at like, 40%. It's fucking heaven. And she still has milk from the birth of our daughter.
Good thing fatties and degenerates will die when shit drops
Within another decade your latina will get fat and you can fuck a fat chick then.
>lift and lift often
>no porn
>eat well and no processed shit and sugary drinks
>hang out with other high testosterone men
>find your purpose
You be you. Fat bitches need lovin too.
Yeah hi I’ll take the sweet and sour chicken
Of course not. There's no fucking database that keeps up with every persons sexuality.
What's the point of having high test if you're not gonna use it, you stupid fruit?
also funny story. had a friend that went vegan. started dating dudes. about a year later he started eating meat again and within 6 months was dating girls again.
Jealous that you still have the nectar of the gods still on tap. I regret not drinking more of my wifes breastmilk. Do yourself a favor and have some then go lift weights and work out. Watch your youth return.
Imagine still listening to Alex Jonestein in 2019
she looks like a bird
High testosterone actually causes homosexuality. Why do you think niggers make the highest percentage of homosexuals? Or why jacked dudes are mostly gay?
When guys are taking tren (steroids) it makes them want to have homosexual sex.
No, being gay is the cause of being a homo you retard.
underrated post
Vajomach. Level 3 Gunt. Level 4 FUPA
She's 38, she doesn't have that gene apparently. Literally can eat whatever she wants and can suck a dick like you wouldn't believe. Whenever, wherever
This is noodle armed cope right?
>I was born a faggot
no, you were abused as a child and the trauma turned you into a cocksucking, hairy ass licking faggot
Frosted flakes milk! I'm not into it that much, but it gets in your mouth from time to time and it's not bad for sure
This. Marlon Brando (The Godfather) actually fucked Richard Pryor.
Look it up.
Niggers don't have higher testosterone, it's acthsually pretty much the same as whites. The difference is, they have much higher levels of estrogen, that's why they act like beefed up females