Does god exist?

Does god exist?

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Edge and cringe use a better pic next time

im not sure, but only brainlets are atheists.

Let's find out



I have never seen satisfactory evidence for a deity. But I make no claims saying there is no god because there also is no evidence for that claim either.
But I am sure the millenia old question will be settled by a bunch of autists screaming at each other in this thread.

>ironic Nazi flag

Hello, redditor.


No, but I'm inclined to believe that the masses would be better off believing that a god does exist, to ease existential angst. It also makes for a handy tool in controlling them, by putting words in said god's mouth and acting as his representative on earth.

>if he's ________ he's reddit.

Yes. You are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. You are truly so special. God knows you, the good and bad, and will never forsake you as his child.

>14 year old posting from his mother's house.

I do not allow such superstitions to cloud my coldly rational and materialist view of the world.

It's ok my friend. Whenever I ask I'm told "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". Don't fall for the meme. This board is also satire. It's just a meme as well. Stop making threads


yeah but all the religious have it wrong

God is fake and hes also gay

No, there's lots of other subtle clues going on here. And you know I've got you.

>posting like a fucking anime character.

Funny thing is since no religion has a majority on Earth, no matter who is right (if any), the majority are wrong. Yet they all think they are right.

All the evidence is there. God is also not gay. You are so lucky our father is so merciful and kind. You will see, brother, the glory of his kingdom awaits you. You will be so glad you were wrong and your words will not be held against you.

>Does god exist?
Yes she does

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>your words will not be held against you

lmao god is an omega cuck


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no one knows.

why does the universe need a cause but god doesn't? theists have never explained this

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Just hang around this thread. The millenia old question will be resolved in this thread before bump limit. Just watch.

I hate americans.

God is the almighty. His power is incomprehensible. To him, you are a misbehaving child. You do not know better than your rude and quite ignorant outbursts and still you are loved. As Jesus said on the cross as they killed him, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The same applies to you, user.

Serious question to theists. What happens after you start believing. Do you actually get "saved"? What does that even entail?

More like Cuckamas.


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>Cringy crazy christcuck blames everyone for what happened before they were born.

I’m a universalist christian, I believe all are saved. Once the majority, now a very small minority. I believe that someone believing allows them to be fruitful and follow the will of God better and grow and love with ease. To most, it’s a matter of their own entry to heaven but it is our means of honoring our creator beyond our selfish ambitions.

God always existed. Only things that begin to exist need an explanation for where they came from. The universe didn't always exist, so it needs an explanation for where it came from.

Ok Christian Virkernes

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Any rational person would. You are your ancestors.

No you fucking dumbass, only you do, not even your fellow believers think that.

The white pill is usually not mine to give but I was given no choice. Accept you are a child of God.

I'm not following your links.

God, the man himself who exists outside of this universe is real. Humanity's arrogance decided long ago that their superiors between them and God are not important. This is why humanity is hated throughout the universe. We're liken to janitors taking every grievance we can think of directly to the investors. We even skip the CEO for crying out loud. How long would a janitor last in that company if that's what he did constantly? It makes me sick to think about the overwhelming arrogance that permeates this species. My resolve is wearing down. Just being honest. Have a good "1"...

No, god doesn't exist, and yet he does exists.

When we create something, even intangible, when we name it, draw it background history and believe it, then it exists. His 'image' will make us feel something, so there's also feelings and sensation bonded with it's image and name.

We created 'God' from our lack of knowledge, as a way to explain how things were, it were purely metaphysical, an elemental that would bring peace to our chaos, making it rain, and making our crops grow stronger each year. We rebuilt God as an image to fear, we created his laws to rule those who were not our friends, to rule our foes. We've merged a vast number of common knowledge and history to create a single entity that is capable to control the masses.

Our society was built under a Judaic image of a god, an image that came before Christ, and it wasn't enough to gain control. Paul, therefore, was able to write how we should praise (you can also read fear) god, now vengeful, seeking sheep, and now an enemy.


God itself doesn't exist, we created it.

If you have to ask you already know the answer user

It’s proof of God. You know that. You are just afraid to admit you are wrong. You don’t want there to be a God because it means you might be accountable for your hate and negligence but don’t worry, you will be forgiven. Go and be fruitful now.

Yes in word and description. It has existed for centuries. It’s a matter of controlling the narrative to have the higher ground to gain politically or superiority power.

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Obviously OP

I thought this wad a Christian board but I suppose this type of thread becomes an atheist echo chamber. Anyways, see
God is real. God loves you. You should be grateful.

Get Muslims and Christians to fight over it. They been doing a bang up job in Africa. and with the Hindus in South Asia.


But anyway, I'll jump in here:
>Cosmological argument:
1. Something which has a beginning cannot create itself (because existence is a prerequisite for taking action such as the act of creation)
2. Entropy: the universe literally could not have just "always existed"
3. Therefore the universe had a beginning.
4. Therefore the universe had a cause.

This is foundation-level stuff.

Can we all agree on this?

WHICH god? There's so many that we invented
Seth Andrews in pic

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You missed that if the (Architect) can ignite the process of the universe it can physically manifest anything. A key point you miss.

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>God always existed
prove it

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Psalm 14:1 King James Version (KJV)
>The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Do you know what a cavitation bubble is?

You linked me with another poster asking me to prove it when I explicitly linked you all the proof in the world that you need.

>no proof

gee that was easy

What do you mean by that?

DNA is proof of a designer. Living creatures that reproduce are proof of a designer. Feelings and thought are proof of a designer.

>but muh evolution
That retarded goo-to-you bunk is literal weaponized stupidity.

I have even bad news for you, my friend.

Imagine if the (Architect) ignite the process, would he be a god? if yes, think about the following news

Israel Space Program crashed a bunch of Tardigrades into moon, they are probably going to survive the extraterrestrial environment, right? Now think about the possibility to them to evolve into a smarter life form

the tardigrades (architect), the tards god, would be literally the Jews.

They want control of the wording. It’s linguistics. The scientific community want control of the narrative. They are trying the new religion out in real time but honestly it’s almost the same shit different wording.

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Agreed. Have a good "1"...


But that leaves us with the situation where the universe may have had a non-personal cause-- i.e. some kind of metaphysical natural process like a universe-spewing random generator or something.

But this conflicts with the observable nature of reality-- because reality is ordered, finely tuned, and not just a completely random howling chaos.
If there's one thing we associate with order it's "intention". That is, we associate design, intention, deliberateness with order.
And those lead us naturally to the conclusion that the origin of the universe was a person who created the universe deliberately.

Let's back up for a second and really dwell on the nature of the universe and how non-chaotic it is.

You could try to squirm around it by saying that at the quantum level everything is random-- but this is not so.

The positions of sub-atomic particles is a bell curve. Those bell curves have predictable peaks and behave in predictable ways. To say that it's completely random is to ignore the actual truth of the bell curve.
Would you say racial IQ in a population is completely random? No, you could not. The position of any particular individual within that curve is random, yes. But it becomes almost impossible for, say, an Asian male's IQ to drop below that of a sub-Saharan African. Likewise, it's not possible for even an African IQ to drop below that of a rock. So in this way the IQ distribution isn't just actually completely random.
This same logic applies to quantum physics-- the fact that particles behave in statistically predictable and reliable ways at scale allows the universe to function.

Entropy sounds like some science bullshit.

Ignorant troll. May God gave mercy on you because I would gladly see you purged like they do in Saudia Arabia. Atheists always get the Scimitar first.


I can actually prove the existence of god
- monist spinozan god = fabric of reality
- no infinite regress in monism
- monism explains everything

Mind. Blown.
Ima shit in my backyard and letit get all mushroomy and be the mushroom god.

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Maybe Makemake, the god of Easter island.

(God) is a descriptive word. Like a singularity event. It’s semantics fren you miss the obvious answer that if this event thing spawned it it can manifest life. Through due process. It’s very simple.

There's a difference between God, the man himself who exists outside of this universe and your maker. You're exceedingly arrogant to assume otherwise. Do you follow that protocol at your job? Do you take every grievance you have directly to the investors? Do you skip your supervisor, his supervisor, the executive branch, and the CEO when you complain about your duties?

yes, and boy is he mad

Easiest proof for entropy:
>it is impossible to create a perfectly dark black body
>any closed surface will radiate heat energy, even if you enclose it in the most insulated material possible
>therefore, any closed system will be infinitely radiating heat energy
>since energy is conserved, the total energy enclosed in any closed system will decrease forever
It basically means that energy is homogenizing itself out into the universe, in other words: dispersing.

That's entropy.

But take heart, there's still much we don't know. Perhaps it is indeed nonsense

In this universe everything is possible there for God must exist.


We can zoom out from the sub-atomic scale though and contemplate macro-phenomena.
It's more than just a specific thing like the exact boiling point of water. It's about the RELATIONSHIPS between these, so to speak, parameters of the universe.

The balance of things like the ratio of Pi, the boiling point of water, the speed of light, how strong gravity is, etc. that leads me to conclude that there is design in the universe.

If any of these things was out of proportion to the rest of the parameters then physics would work differently and almost certainly not allow life to happen. For example, the chemical bonds between carbon, oxygen, iron, phosphorous etc. allow life. Modifying things like the strong force would change how the chemistry works and would pretty much immediately stop all chemical activity in your body leading to death. Or, in this case, preventing you from living.

If you walk into an art museum and see a beautiful painting that conveys a message you think it's designed. If it were completely random it would be a Jackson Pollock.
Some people may believe Pollock's work to be beautiful, but it does not convey intention.
Looking at a Rembrandt one can easily see intention and design.

Does reality resemble a Rembrandt or, as I said earlier, a howling chaos?

agnostics are fags

I think calling (God) man could be true and not true if he can ignite the process starting the creation of the universe through a singularity type event. (Which is unknown ) but we can recognise results and we are here. So again it’s wording and the left want control of it. Fuck them. Free speech and freedom of thought which can lead you to simple answers.

God here, ama

The problem is your human thinking of time. "What came before the universe? What happened before time?"
Entire universes can exist without time. They don't have a beginning or an end. They simply exist. What's to the left of X=-5? Probably X=-6. What's to the left of negative infinity? The question makes no sense. What's before time? The question makes no sense. Does space without time need a beginning? Does time need a beginning?

Your proposals are not "foundation-level". They are complete nonsense, based on a misunderstanding of this thing you call "time".

>hurr durr wut u men by dat *drool*

Even followers of the DNA THEORY are open to it being incorrect, because, it's a theory retard. It also best explains adaptation and change over time.
>herp derp don'nt mention evolution! NONONONON OHHHHOHOHOHN ONONON don't mention the single theory that blows me entire cult larp out of the water! YAMETEEEEE!

Why are you so scared to discuss evolution? It's just another theory, any the people that follow it ALSO are open to it being wrong. They aren't afraid to discuss it, either. You're terrified to discuss it because it shakes your retarded cult faith to its core.

>I hope you get killed brutally! In the name of my God!

Just another cult hypocrite. There will be someone to comment on how you don't represent your cult in any way, don't worry terrorist. You're just as bad as ISIS neck choppers, delusional larper.

>I had to IP hop because some faggot christnigger reported me for posting porn

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Biomimicry is the most efficient form of replicating objects within this universe. There's a very definitive reason why I reiterate that phrase over and over. God, THE MAN himself who exists outside of this universe. I don't give a shit about narratives. Factual scientific method founded research is what dictates my research. I'm not relaying opinions here. What I say is factual. Have a good "1"...

Whereas I find this fascinating. "There is no evidence." This is like a man drowning in an ocean saying he doesn't see the water.
We are drowning in evidence.
All this shit around you right now is incredibly crazy. Absolutely bonkers. Could not be more insane.
The universe? Okay, we'll give you that one. Let's just say that's normal. 3 spatial dimensions. Time. Totally normal. Atoms fusing together to make heavier elements. Sure. Perfectly mundane. Gravity? Physics? Let's just pretend that this is normal and logical and is just a normal thing.
But life?
Atoms coming together to flap little wings and fly? What the fuck? And now they slap meat bits around and talk to each other? You're telling me that's not mind blowingly insane? They somehow just "evolved" the ability to distinguish a particular frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum (to say nothing of how this gets generated in the first place), as it bounces off of things and into their eyeballs and gets processed by their brain into images?

You think that's normal for a bunch of rocks to get together and do this?

No evidence? Shit, user, I see nothing BUT evidence. Everything around you right now is crazy as all fuck and makes pretty much no sense at all that any of this should have ever happened. In a sensible, orderly universe, this wouldn't happen. In a sensible, orderly set of dimensions, the universe itself wouldn't happen.

Time itself did not always exist.


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Everything you mentioned IS CRAZY, but in none of that is there any implicit signature of a deity. You're forcing one there because it suits your ideology. You must absolutely horrified to imagine a universe without a controller.

Embrace chaos, because it's why you're here right now.

>It also best explains adaptation and change over time.
user the only change over time that has ever been observed is either sorting of existing information or loss of already existing information. For chemicals to turn into an amoeba and for the amoeba to turn into literally anything that isn't an amoeba would require a vast amount of NEW information added.

Evolution is a dead theory. Honestly it wasn't ever a theory more just a poorly thought out hypothesis to justify materialism and the removal of God from the equation.

>evolution is a dead theory

Ok. Explain the Platypus for us.


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It was always a platypus.

You could say by a scientific definition if a singularity event outbreak spawned the outbreak expansion of the universe and if everything is a product of this then that caused it (by the way is unknown) then that very thing produced life etc now all you have to do is give it a name (God) or the (Architect) creator now if the (Architect) can manifest life and ignite the process then it is plausible that he could send a message ( in any form) as it is a great architect. Then ask yourself is it plausible that it sent a messiah or insert name (Jesus) to shed light and to guide us. It’s plausible. The is too see it this way as we do not know for certain but we can physically see things and acknowledge results. It comes under classification and wording and to deliver it in a simple form because it is naturally complicated which forces you back to simplicity. Faith and belief which which you gain from accessing internally i(thoughts) expressed eternally through (words or action)

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You do know evolution is a gradual process over time right?

>t. kike on a stick cultist

>I can't explain the existence of an animal in the throes of evolution so I'll just claim it's always been that way

Are you aware that dog breeds were very few up until a few hundred years ago, and through the process of breeding selection, humans EVOLVED them for specific desired traits and looks? Yes, WE did that. Not God. Human beings evolved an entire species into now hundreds of unique breeds.

He doesn't understand time, user. These fuckers probably don't understand how magnets work either.

Would you prefer the Scimitar which is quick and humane? Because you are such a faggot, your second option is being thrown from a tall building.

The breeding of dogs is sorting of already existing information and loss of already existing information. You are not adding NEW INFORMATION to the gene code.

>Does god exist?
Depends entirely on your take of what "God" is.
It's worthy of a discussion.
There is a logical explanation. However, the way things are presented to the masses, people are generally clueless about this topic, and sometimes they get butt-hurt if you bring forth any evidence that contradicts the way they been taught. This applies to the "scientific" mindset as much as it does to the "religious" perspective. There's been a lot of deception in clown world. It's messed up.

Aww, you're such a warrior of god, aren't you. I'm sure he'll forgive you for being some religious white knight, cause you're doin it for DA LORD, amirite?

Do you see how you retarded fucks twist your cult ideology to suit your desires? You're all like that. High and mighty in the name of your stupid larp. You will take a double tap to the back of your empty head and that will be the end of your existence. No heaven, no hell, no one to lament your passing. Just some fat greasy fedora wearing religious autist that thought his larp would save him.

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