For The Wrong Reasons

Recently, I've taken to shilling leftist opinions, but for all the wrong reasons. Somebody was discussing abortion the other day, and about how wonderful it was that women have sexual liberties. I chimed in.

>I think that abortion being legal is a wonderful thing. The people who end up getting abortions shouldn't be breeding under absolutely any circumstances anyway. They clearly have a maladaptive trait making them partial to infanticide, and the continuance of said trait is dangerous to the long term survival of the species.

A comment like this had two noticeable effects. The first was that the leftists in the room did not engage this point. The end justifies the means. All that mattered to them was that their position went unchallenged. However, the other result of such a comment exposes an underlying and inherent truth of the leftist platform to those who tread more moderate ground. That unpleasant truth is that the political left, either through malice or stupidity, actively engages in a form of eugenics against the greater population.

I propose that through a widespread shilling of leftist opinions, for all the wrong and unsavory and non-feelgood socially unacceptable reasons, will do more to unseat their movement from positions of power than direct opposition (barring use of force in Minecraft) via a twofold approach. The first, being disarmament - this person clearly agrees with their aims. The second being an unpalatable nature - something the normalfags cant accept. If nothing else, perhaps this can cause the left to enter an unrelenting purity spiral. Maybe it can create a modern day witch hunt in their own ranks to see who's guilty of supporting their goals, but for all the wrong reasons.

So, then, if anyone is on board, what are some other leftist talking points that can be hijacked, and how can it be done?


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Wonderful idea. Cant think of anything off the top of my head but i dont want this thread to die

Good idea, user.

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The thing you're not thinking of here is the ultimate result of such a policy.
While I do sympathize with your perspective on this, as I can understand how enjoyable it is to point out to stupid people the blatant contradictions in their false philosophy, it doesn't really contribute to anything larger other than by acting as an 'accelerant' (radicalizing people on side a, which will then radicalize more on side b).

In other words, it's fun to play about with praxis, but as a Christian I'm much more concerned with converting Prots to Orthodoxy, redpilling my friends on the problems with gays, trannies, and 3rd-world immigrants, and other things that are within the domain of my abilities. These are things that I actually possess the power to do, and have done on a number of occasions. And they contribute to the meta-goal of saving civilization in a way that triggering the cognitive dissonance of retarded libs really doesn't.

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I have been wanting to see hard shilling of transgender athletes taking over womens sports.

Like Trump should attack womens soccer as "homophobic" for excluding trans players. Then we could see all these awful leftist female players lose their jobs by the next world cup.

>I believe we should suppport gun control. Citizens having the ability to inhibit government action based on their own irrational fears cloaked in concerns of 'tyranny' prevents officials from carrying out policies that are meant for the greater good

This is fun

who controls your narrative user

Also, Trump was on the right path with calling for refugees to be shipped to sanctuary cities. I would like to see the nicest park spaces in liberal cities to be turned into migrant camps. Dump a half million people into tents in Central Park.

[Leftists dream goal] -->[logical negative result]-->[why is it actually good]
[Implement communism in west]-->[total economical collapse]-->[white people die in masse]

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