Are big cats redpilled?

Simple question.
Also if big cats are redpilled? Are kittens and normal house cats redpilled? Or are they jews?

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House cats would do exactly what big cats do if they had the mass. They're predators, and good at it.

Great thread, faggot.

No, shiba's are though

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Exactly, dogs seem fake with their love. Cats are more refined, therefore more redpilled.

You cant realistically own a big cat--not a normal homeowner anyway. Their sense of territory is very large and their urine absolutely reeks of ammonia. They'd go nuts living in a 1/8 acre confined space. Especially if it is indoors.

this guy does it though

Granted his Puma has a medical condition that makes it like 30% smaller. But it lives in his apartment and seems to love his ass.

Wait until it gets hungry

electric blanket looks comfy

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>Red pilled