Simple question.
Also if big cats are redpilled? Are kittens and normal house cats redpilled? Or are they jews?
Are big cats redpilled?
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House cats would do exactly what big cats do if they had the mass. They're predators, and good at it.
Great thread, faggot.
No, shiba's are though
Exactly, dogs seem fake with their love. Cats are more refined, therefore more redpilled.
You cant realistically own a big cat--not a normal homeowner anyway. Their sense of territory is very large and their urine absolutely reeks of ammonia. They'd go nuts living in a 1/8 acre confined space. Especially if it is indoors.
this guy does it though
Granted his Puma has a medical condition that makes it like 30% smaller. But it lives in his apartment and seems to love his ass.
Wait until it gets hungry
electric blanket looks comfy
>Red pilled