As a gun owner I didn't realize how dangerous these guns could be I mean really 800 people...

As a gun owner I didn't realize how dangerous these guns could be I mean really 800 people? That's insane I don't see why anyone should own a assault rifle it's just to dangerous what do you say pol? We need less of these military assault weapons in civilian hands use your head for once and stop thinking about all these conspiracy theories you don't NEED an assault rifle.

Attached: in-9-minutes-time-of-vegas-shooting-an-expertcould-shoot-28170510.png (500x610, 64K)

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Just look at the facts here from a true president

Attached: Obama_gun_tweet.jpg (600x367, 36K)

Based how will amerilards ever recover?

if you were a gun owner you'd realize the bullshit you just posted was wrong.
i'm not going to tell you because you'd be able to fix it and might be more believable.
If your argument has merit,why would you need to lie?
the truth should be enough,but you feel the need to lie to make your case.
that's because you KNOW your beliefs are wrong.

Attached: 12039659_10207686025733237_1954503958485986197_n.jpg (960x734, 94K)

Oh please

Attached: gun.jpg (420x282, 51K)

>Disarm yourselves
Kill yourself

Attached: 72364824.jpg (923x530, 80K)

>if [thing] kills > [insert numerical value] peoples nobody should have on!

Attached: 2jy24u.jpg (636x773, 32K)

Y'all niggas postin in a troll thread.

Attached: sticks and stones.jpg (700x685, 233K)

As a britfag Iant comment on your gun laws but I can tell you in a country where they are not allowed, people get stabbed or hacked up with machetes on a fairly regular basis and can do absolutely fuck all to protect themselves