Eat bugs goyim

>eat bugs goyim

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It's almost like their plan of eliminating 99% of the human race is failing, so they are going with plan B. Eliminate 70% of the population through climate change.
I can't believe anyone is actually pro climate change.

it's called "climate crisis" now wtf

She will head the UN in 20 years. Screencap this post.

what ever happened to global warming ?


Things tend to progress, world is burning and storms are brewing. It's only matter of time before climate catastrophe like nothing before.

>I can't wait for food chains to collapse and half of Africa and the middle east to become inhabitable, causing half a billion shitskins to flee to europe

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In Russia we are to poor to eat bugs. And our bugs too small. We will have to stick to cows, pigs and chickens.

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they had to do a full rebrand when people didn't kvetch about the heat, but instead noticed the fucking hurricanes and record lows caused by fucked polar vortexes

yes things are a little more chaotic
some places got hotter while others got colder
from what I can tell here in NZ there has not been a cold winter in the last five years
and there has been drought the last three years in the start of the year
>fucked polar vortexes
I wonder if its possible to divert the gulf stream and other such under sea currents

Who and why would eliminate 99% of the human race?
Where's the profit in it?

there is no climate disaster incoming and nobody will die because of it.

There is no incoming climate catastrophe, silly, exactly nothing will happen.

>ohh no its raining today!!
>ohh noo its not raining today!!

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I will turn to cannibalism long before this becomes reality.

>climate catastrophe
is this stage 4 right before climate hell?

She is this board, she's playing the jews for shekels.

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she is so fucking autistic it's unbelievable;literally claims to SEE co2;an invisible fucking gas.

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I would love to be Greta's strong daddy. I'd love to wake her up early, make her favorite bowl of cereal while she spills the milk (very cute) and then sit up till noon watching Peppa Pig with her. She'd coo and gurgle and need to be burped at some point, but I'd have my soft daddy rag to wipe her spit-up off if she spew spewed. It would be a good life.

I shit in op's mouth and he thanked me for the meal


It was 'the hole in the ozone layer' a phrase you don't hear anymore.. Obviously.
Then here comes 'Greenhouse effect'..
Then they realised it wasn't getting hotter all the time...

Try to keep up bro.

This, it's fucking clown world again. She's a medieval quack tier charlatan and people just fall for it. The true blackpill is that people have never changed. A Roman plebeian was the same person as a medieval serf who is the same person as a modern normie. The only thing which has changed is the amount of knowledge of humanity in general, of which the run of the mill normiw knows basically nothing.

No there's stage 5 (IT'S HAPPENING IN 5 YEARS!), followed by stage 6 (IT'S REALLY HAPPENING THIS TIME) etc etc

>some literal who brat with autism in maximum overdrive is working for The Jews(tm)

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You apparently have never witnessed the effects of weaponized autism. Stick around.

I think climate change is real, but it's being exaggerated for an agenda that I'm not entirely familiar with yet.

more immigrants goyim it's too hot in Africa for them to feed themselves

>it's too hot in Africa for them to feed themselves
Is it the 1980's again?
USA for Africa We Are the World (Official Video)

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soon every day will be we are the world, but the only ones singing will be skeletons



what happened to the greenhouse effect?
what happend to "Waldsterben" (forest decline)?
what happened to the coming ice age?

Truth is that climate change is real, that it's caused by the sun (no sunspots = warmer) and that we can't do anything about it so all climate treaties revolving around temperature are a waste of energy, resources and effort.

we need to focus on more important matters, like how can we harness the energy of BRAPS

ah the good ol' 'hole in the ozone layer". thanks for the nostalgia

climate science is over 100 years old. and it isn't invalidated because this autistic girl acts autistic. ultimately those in power have all the power, and despite many many years of trying they haven't stopped mining coal, extracting oil, minerals etc but things have become worse and worse. ecologically were living in the end times, most animals including humans cant survive without a habitat, so when it fails so we do.

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the actual truth is that we don't know fuck all about the subject because we can't run experiments on the fucking global climate, a massively chaotic and complex system we don't even sort of understand, or how it relates to the sun, to other cycles, the entire thing is a joke

>ecologically were living in the end times
lol wut? Maybe if you live in a country that imports an unsustainable number of violent parasites, and pay them to kill you off.

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Wew lad

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More like, Breta Dornburg am I right?

get fucked you retards, the damage to the ozone layer is real and has a completely different cause


We know sunspots are dark spots where there's less heat/radiation/light emittance.
That means that less sunspots = more light = more heat.


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no u

god i want grate her face off

I ate a cockroach, do I win?

Why does she have to be so unbelievably ugly? All I want is a proper eco-waifu, for god's sake

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