ICE Warnings

All over social media I see people doing this shit (For real, pic related was just a joke)

These people seem to think they're like the modern day Underground Railroad, only instead of fighting against literal lifelong bondage and servitude they're fighting against, uh, asking for government permission before invading sovereign soil. Those monsters. I guess.

But it gave me an idea

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up, leaf

They also imply white people actually let shitskins anywhere near their families or property.

USfags, I propose that you start participating in this warning system. Specifically, come the 2020 election, start warning that ICE is going to be inspecting voting locations.

I mean, after all, they repeatedly insisted no illegal immigrants were voting fraudulently, so surely it would be a harmless, victimless prank to spread this misinformation, right?

Surely it wouldn't actually cause any fraudulent voters to avoid their polling locations

Because voter fraud is a myth


We could easily make this happen.

Would be a pretty harmless prank.


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I like it. Good job leaf.

anyone else feeling sleepy?

Happy to be of service

While we're at it, it wouldn't be a terrible idea for ICE to actually start hanging out in voting locations, but I hope to fuck nobody with that kind of influence is on this board.

It's weird they feel so proud about their stance on this stuff... I do my own fucking housecleaning and gardening and look after my own fucking kids... I don't get a fucking servant and then feel like I'm doing the world a fucking favour.

This is actually a good idea
Also if you guys see like a construction crew or any type of gathering of Hispanic people yell “LA migra” (means immigration) and they’ll scatter like roaches I’ve done this a couple times funniest shit ever

holy shit this is the best idea for an operation of mass persuation ive seen in the glownigger ville this week ! have a fat thicc bump .

I figured I might as well drive down to a swing state and vote 10-12 times just for the hell of it... since nobody is looking at ID's.

Is this La, or L.A.
Important info

Nah, I'm good, actually, but you go have a nap, buddy

This is important

La meaning the ,but LA could work too if you happen to be in LA

how do all these illegals work in US? Shouldn't workers be registrated so they can pay pension fund, tax etc? Or all all of them working "on black" as we call it here, and if they do why do people openly say that they employ illegally, you would get vsited by tax collectors here in no time. I doubt that US is that dumb

The people who want their votes plus the people who want their subpar labor currently outnumber the people who want to actually apply fair standards to them

>their housekeepers, nannies and landscapers
I don't know what is worse: the fact that every illegal immigrant has a demeaning servile job for rich white people OR the lack of an Oxford comma.

cause they vote democrat

>but I hope to fuck nobody with that kind of influence is on this board.
I do hope to fuck everybody with that kind of influence is on this board.

I assume they are same people who want socialism and adore EU even though it's completly opposite of what they do

OP was a joke tweet, was too lazy to make proper compilation of actual ICE warning posts on social media.


I think we "USfags" should be supporting immigration. This country sucks ass now and it looks like its only going to get worse. I say let them all in, everyone from every third world shithole on earth. Fuck this gay society. It honestly, unironically, literally, needs to be destroyed.

This is a great idea.
Illegals are able to get driver's licenses in 12 states. All you need in order to vote is proof of residence. Something like a water bill or driver's license. There are 45M illegals in the US and millions of them vote.

LoL, SJW are more reacist than an actual racist.

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and they like socialism, want big nanny state, see EU as example of what US should be but do everything against that that they claim they want

Well there's no call for that kind of attitude, friend! The US has lots going for it, you just need to stop reading sensationalist misery-hole news media.

Besides, it's nothing to do with encouraging or discouraging immigration. It's a harmless prank. An inoffensive goof

Because I have it on good authority that no illegal immigrants ever vote.

>I hope to fuck nobody with that kind of influence is on this board
but i am.

You evil genius.

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When it comes to stuff like landscaping companies the illegals aren't employees, they're probably treated more like independent contractors so they end up the ones that are supposed to pay their own taxes which they of course don't because the government has no contact information for them.

Based leaf.

I also love, how "liberalas" always equivocate the "dreamers" with being their servant chattle.

>everyone ... their houskeepers, nannies, and landscapers
so things really havnt changed since the 1800s and democrats are still slave owners and thats why they want illegals so bad.

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I mean, it would certainly be quite upsetting if Democrat leaders were explicitly trying to undermine immigration enforcement and offer benefits to immigrants just so immigrants had a motive to illegally vote for them

If that were a thing that happens, the current Democrat playbook would make perfect sense

But of course that's nonsense- because as we all know, voter fraud never ever no-never not-ever really happens in real life.

That's what my entirely harmless little prank is supposed to show, my friend.

I like it

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Meh. I don't see a problem with it. People do it with drunk driving checkpoints and speed traps. Wariness of police officials (especially federal) is healthy for our country.

White people love to outsource their maternal duties so that they can be stronk womyn.

A fucking leaf delivers

fucking lol

Neither do I, dear friend, neither do I! I simply want to have a bit of harmless, inoffensive fun with it

And to do so, I've chosen a place where it, definitionally, will do no harm

Because illegal immigrants don't commit voter fraud

Right? Right.

as it has been.

>Wariness of police officials (especially federal) is healthy for our country.
but you have to be a citizen to deserve that.

Why are these people treating foreingers like servants? It's always "who are gonna pick up our trash, trim our garders, make our pizza"

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I support this

If I had been alive in the 1860s I would have captured/turned in/re-sold escaped slaves.
We need a bounty system for illegals.

Near where my grandparents live ICE arrested 700 shitskins in a raid.


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what happened after that?

You better not be bullshitting!

t. mexican

He woke up.

Create fake news articles talking about some ICE project to prevent voter fraud. Make them wonder what might be up

>better keep an eye on our slaves today fellow whites the government is cracking down on our illegal operation

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What do you think dipshit? Them beaners got beaned back to shitfuck land.

Bumping. Great idea that needs its own thread.

They are fighting for cheap helpers and workers and not calling it slavery. But it is slavery and it is designed to under cut local labor wages.

This is that thread, my friend.

I'm glad so many of you find my harmless little prank so entertaining. I do so enjoy bringing smiles to faces.

>how do all these illegals work in US?
They don't. And some never do because they came here for their retirement which they don't get in the countries they came from. Many others come because they find out they have chronic medical conditions that are too expensive to treat in their own countries, so they go to the USA as illegal immigrants and have the USA taxpayers pay for both their medical care and social welfare costs.

And there are other illegal immigrants that come because they are escaping felony criminal records in their home countries. It's also easy enough to have a "fake but legit" false identity by finding someone that looks similar, obtaining some basic known facts about their past, then kill them and make sure the body is destroyed. Then they illegally emigrate to the USA and declare themselves to be that person. They become a new identity courtesy of the USA government and pro-latino supporters.

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Bros... ice checkpoint in front of the in n out burger at 6pm tonight, no one go there

UPDATE i meant 7.30, had to stay late at work

I hereby grant you honorary American citizenship. Put a reminder otherwise we’ll forget about this prank.

Oh, don't worry, I hope to suggest it a few more times, see if I can get people on board

You can too, of course. Anybody can. Just remember, it's totally victimless, because illegal immigrants don't vote

Just a bit of harmless fun.

saving. guys, lets do this

You could literally do that in California. No ID required.

Why do you fags always compare undocumented immigrants to slaves? You know what's bullshit.
First of all, they can leave anytime they want. Second, if you're really concerned then we could just give them amnesty which would be far cheaper and more productive than spending billions on ICE agents to run around the country playing kindergarten cop.

But we all know you don't give a shit illegals being treated as slaves or else you'd be protesting the ones in cages at the border. Stfu with your concern trolling.

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Gentlemen, gentlemen, please, let's not lose sight of ourselves

After all, voter fraud never happens

This is just a harmless prank.

I'm not comparing anything to anything, buddy! I'm just proposing a harmless little goof about the absurdity of the border situation!

Oh, let me explain you, little faggot. On august, Ice raided The Mississippi Chicken Plant, they captured 300 illegal immigrants, all the journalists were crying for the kids of the people arrested and....nothing happened, ICE released a lot of them on the afternoon, that's why i asked.

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>Underground Railroad
If the railroad involved hiding your slaves from the government, sure.

Did you not just say illegals are in lifelong bondage and servitude (aka slavery)? Sounds like a comparison to me.

No, I said slaves were

I was comparing slaves to illegal immigrants to suggest that their situations were nothing alike, to point out that the attempt to provide a safety network to protect them among the general public was absurd and misguided

It's alright, friend, I know reading comprehension can be tricky.