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This just in: Australia slated to collect record 11 trillion dollars in tax revenue this year

What a blatant attack on Australian culture.

I don't go outside.
good post and triples

>hands in guns
>now can't swear in public without being ticketed
Where's the men of your country?

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Also why post this when most aussies are sleeping?

In UK soon:
>any bong swearing in their homes will face concentration camp and massive fines

Based swearing is for fags.

ozzy cunts are fucked

Why aren't you?
What keeps you up at night?
>here, have some hot milk from cow tiddies

Bongs already goto prison if Achmed breaks in to rape thier kids and a bing picks up a spoon in defense

Swearing is apart of our culture. Fucking racists.

This is what happens when you surrender your guns

Are they considering Cunt a swear word?

I hope they will win next war against birds.

Thinking swearing or a gun make you a man, you're a nigger aren't you.

They might as well go ahead and stop Australians from talking at all

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Lack of shitposting.

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Nah that's a term of endearment

Swearing is degeneracy. Only chavs swear in public.

Wow, what if I question liberal politics will I go to jail?

Australian attorney here
It's actually not swearing but "any offensive language" eg, these laws can theoretically apply to transphobia, homophobic remarks, but most commonly these laws are enforced when you call the police an offensive word eg "you pig", etc.

oi ya fuken cunt oil kick your door in m8 if its the last thing i do

This is straight from 1984. Fucking jewgle and those other AI home monitors an Sheiit will be calling the cops on you soon enough.

gee thats no fucking good is it

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It's actually been the law for a very very long time.

I know that feeling

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>cant call people cunt anymore

Its over, Australia has fallen.

Yet the US does what it pleases and you can't do anything about it "muh guns"

So no more 'cheers cunt' this, and 'ripper cunt' that??

I wish someone would forbid Russians to use suka blyat, so everyone is forced to use colorful non-swearing insults, like "you grandson of a lousy jackal and a Canadian with urine for saliva".

What about "dog cunts?

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I wish they'd do that here in the UK. The woman here have the foulest language I've ever heard. Especially if someone made the mistake of letting them drive. Eg "bloody coont" "daft fuckhaaaa"

is that how they train aussies in the art of shitposting? are those fines like the heavy clothes goku wears?

Do you love your work?

Sounds like the government is fucking broke to me.

Sharia police tickets?

“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”
― George Orwell, 1984

Full on demolition man

>against free speech
>against self empowerment
pretty nigger-like if you ask me
tell me, when did you become so emasculated?

Australians inhale oxygen and exhale "Cunt!" to stay alive. This won't end well.

I thought it was another word for a gullyhole



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Says the Subservian residing in the most jew'd Balkan nation.

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>It's actually not swearing but "any offensive language"
i hate it when they do this. how come we still havent any protection against such laws? its like with the hate speech laws in european countries. no clear definition so everything could be considered hate speech in court

These news 'laws' are illegal.

Fines are not tax revenue you fucking retard. You are an embarrassment.

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So you are saying the money goes where?

How are they going to communicate? half their spoken words are curse words .
Are they going to actually have to learn English now?

Tits or gtfo

Here they are.
Installing speeding cameras generates revenue to binland. Cops are just money collectors and only segment in our police force that works like a old train toilet and exceeds expectations year after year.

Good thing you bitches don’t have guns. Maybe I’ll sail down and take that island over

Fuck you and stop swearing bitch.

My gun can make your "man" beg for his life though,in retrospect, your "man" could never make me beg for my life

ahhh there it is. Exactly what everyone has been saying on Jow Forums for years and years. When they started branding stuff as "hate speech" it was just a matter of time when everything becomes "hate speech".
It's swear words now but who knows what's next. Fucking hate this stupid planet and the monkeys that inhabit it.


But remember folks - police are just doing their job when they enforce unjust laws.
They're definitely not simply unjust people who want power over others.

As much as you disgust me, we can at least say these things. Pic related, Aussies prepping for the thought police.

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demolition man is a documentary

Oh fuck off!

Oy cunt, here's a ticket now go to the gulag known as Wales

I'm guessing this only applies to whites right?

Yeah this won't result in a bunch of pissed-off bogans tearing apart the police force with rebar covered in cone snails and trained kangaroos. Great idea australia.

First they take your guns, then they take your rights.

Most of the “men” here are Sweden tier pussies. There’s still a few tough Bruce’s in the country, but they’re a small minority.

Nothing more i have to say

Title is misleading, they are making the fines largher, its always been the law.

>NSW, QLD, VIC, WA, NT, SA and TAS all have laws relating to summary offences. Swearing (also known as 'offensive' or 'obscene language') in public is classified as a summary offence. As with other types of summary offences (including vandalism, begging and flag burning), the case could be heard by a judge or magistrate with no jury involved.

>In the NSW Summary Offences Act 1988, Section 4A, it states that: A person must not use offensive language in or near, or within hearing from, a public place or a school.


Seems more and more real every day, problem is everyone is so full of instant pleasures that they don't even see the evil lurking about.

technically there's something that protects people from such abuses and it's called "Principle of legality".
It's generally a constitutional mandate that prevents govt. from passing those laws and it has some more implications too.
Whether it's enforced or not, that's another thing