Redpill me on the IRA

They seem like the only group of any kind of nationalists who’ve actually managed to do anything

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they should fuck off and never come back


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they were cool guys but now they are not

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I haven’t heard anything about them doing anything recently

I’ve heard some people kinda larp as them? Nowadays but they kinda disbanded

Blew up a car, killed lgbtq journo and tried to blow some police cars in a ambush which failed.

>killed lgbtq journo
So are they /ourguys/ then?

they're no nationalists the way you think they are, politically they were committed to re-unifying the Irish nation, but in reality, the IRA were just another drug gang/protection racket etc. who would carry out the odd bombing or mortatr attack now and then. Fun fact, the vast, vast majority of their bombs and mortars never went off because the drivers would lose their balls and bail on the vehicles before they got to their targets and setting them off (the bulk of the drivers were people in debt to the IRA)

This is complete and utter bullshit. If you're Irish at all your probably from some fucking Fine Gael party and loathe the thought of unification and the scummy FG rats of the establishment losing their grip on the country so you drag the name of patriots into the mud in front of people who might fall for your lies.


Lmao. They were/are internationalist Marxists who want Ireland to be North West Somalia.

Their hatred of England stems from the fact that we are white and right wing

No they apologized since the journo wasn't the original target, they wanted to kill a cop.
Nu-IRA is piss shit.
Fuck these Antifa fags.

Why are left-wing nationalist and national liberation movements so based and redpilled and reactionary right-wing nationalism so based and redpilled.

Oh, the IRA. D'you mean the IRA? The PIRA? The OIRA? The RIRA?

They were the most disorganised "resistance" the world has ever seen. They were more like a drug trafficking gang.

The only nationalist thing about them is that they want a united ireland. They are marxists.

It's beyond me why half of the American right wing worships these taigs like they're heroic freedom fighters.

Politically, i support the unionists, but the only notable things either side did in that conflict was murder innocent civilians.

IRA always have and always will be the shit. They stand up for social justice for workers, fought against the british empire and won, support a united ireland, they killed the pedophile Mountbatten and were one of the top listed paramilitary groups during the troubles

the only relevant one was the pira

>Fight English for 10000000 years to preserve your identity
>import 3rd world decades after being free
I don't get Paddies

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I lost track of which. Probably because it was the most disorganised and chaotic resistance of all time.

That and they won by assassinating pols that betrayed them and they blew up empty office buildings, costing the jews running Briton billions. What assholes.

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They were infiltrated at all levels by military intelligence. The fact that the "war" wasn't ended sooner is telling...

> be IRA
> fight britbongs because they arent really Irish
> tell Irish guys in Boston they arent real irish
> 20 years later accept 14% of their country as niggers who are real irish.

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>the only notable things either side did in that conflict was murder innocent civilians
Nearly blowing the entire cabinet including Thatcher to fuck is 'notable', so your statement is factually wrong.

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Is that why it lasted 29 years? It wouldn't have lasted a month if was half as disorganised and chaotic as you are describing them.
They have a specific structure where they are organised into groups of three and regularly contact other groups. They recieve instructions from up above. It's organised in such a way that no one knows how many members they have, not even the top chief knows how many are in it, I forget what the management is called, it could be matrix organisation.

>White and right wing
Lmao what a load of bullshit. anglos are sub human mutts and jews.

Also they had a rule: snitches get killed. They had a problem with infiltrators despite that policy, suggesting that you need to be ruthless.
If america had a group like the pira, they'd be killing pols/journos and blowing up empty bank buildings in nyc, blowing up Google office parks & burning Amazon warehouses. They'd get the message that being anti-white had a price. Right now google, Amazon and all those (((capitalists))) can be as anti-white as they want and they never feel any consequences or have any fear of death.
The fact that this is so alien to us tells you the Irish were very different; American burgers can't comprehend.
This post is 110% satire. Follow all laws, especially the ones pushed by kikes. Always be a good shabbos goy.

>the IRA
Okay, let me tell you about them.
>Irish Volunteers (1914)
Pro-British. Wanted to help the British Army install an Irish Parliament, and crush a rebellion by the UVF if necessary.
>Irish Volunteers (1916)
Republican, nationalist, separatist. Probably the best they ever were.
>IRA (War of Independence)
See above, but better and more organised.
>IRA (Civil War)
Retards, but with good intentions
>IRA (post-civil war)
Monumental faggots
>Everyone else
Either communists or anti-communist retards

>This post is 110% satire.
oh ya same here i think society is perfect just the way it is now everything i've ever posted on this site is total baloney that only a crazy person would believe in


>They seem like the only group of any kind of nationalists who’ve actually managed to do anything
Ireland has a history of fending off invaders for the good part of 1000 years. Only natural of the Irish. Mind you there are other groups than the IRA and just people acting with no accordance to named groups.


To be fair the amount of baiting, false flagging and arguing both sides I do my post history probably looks like I'm a Schitzo.
Everything is satire, and nothing is satire.

>import 3rd world
That's British influence on Irish politics.

>being this clueless
The PIRA were an extremely well organised force. The others however were shit.

In their original days the IRA more or less revolutionised guerrilla warfare.

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Keep blaming the English for everything paddy.
I'm sure it will give you great comfort as your country becomes majority non-Irish.

Did the IRA actually speak irish or english like most other irish people?
It'd be a bit ironic if it was the latter

It's all a joke. And it's part and parcel of living in this culturally enriched time.

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>blaming the english for everything
I'm Northern Irish, not Irish.
Ireland joined the EU because the UK did, and their current domestic policies regarding immigration and the like are more or less modelled on our the ones the UK adopted decades ago.
Fine Gael are basically just Irish Tories.
Many of them did, yes. Today, it's unlikely; the IRA are today little more than gangs similar to Loyalist "paramilitaries."
However in their hayday many members of the IRA spoke the language, and most of the leaders of the Irish Revolution did too.

you dont think zionists are nationalists?

Not Irish but I respect the provos. They had an American engineer & many American helpers. Can't believe they spoke gaelic.
If whites in the USA get to live in a time like the one the provos created, I'll be delighted. The early ira history (civil rights marches where everyone goes to jail and nobody cares) is like what we have now, and it's boring, fake and gay.

Lies. The provisional IRA assassinated the communist IRA in the 70s you twat. The provos were nationalist through and through they talked about the Irish race an all and their main inspiration was padraig pearse who was basically a fascist before fascism was a thing. It was that bastard gerry Adams and his wing that subverted them. All the old IRA men hate sinn fein with a passion now

>The only nationalists able to do anything
The biggest thing the "IRA" (in fact the Irish Volunteers, before they became the IRA) was the Easter Rising.

The War of Independence in Ireland really wasn't a war between the IRA and the British Army. The primary goal of the IRA was to be the armed manpower which made Ireland ungovernable; they primarily targeted infrastructure and police stations, making themselves the dominant force.
The real war was one of espionage and propaganda.
>respect the provos
Provided its respect and not admiration. They murdered a lot of innocent people for not really any good reason.
>The PIRA assassinated all the communist IRA in the 70s you twat
No, they didn't. In the end the Socialist factions and influences actually won, as militant republicanism in Ireland-particularly NI-is dominated by Socialism.
The "main" IRA wasn't socialist, nor were the PIRA, but in the end it took over.

It is the global cosmopolitan politics, not that of Britain.
It was forced on Britain like everyone else.
We didn't choose it.

now that the dust has settled
was he an hero or just another kike?

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>we didn't choose it
Obviously not, but the UK was the spark.
People who criticise Michael Collins do it to be contrarian. Unironically one of the greatest Irishmen to ever exist.
Pretty much all of his mistakes weren't his own but rather him cleaning up after someone else.

good enough for nigger knockin Liam

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I actually blame the French as they were the first ones to destroy their aristocracy and the first to start importing non-whites.
This cancer then spread to the rest of Europe and Britain spread it worldwide.
Fucking Normans.

I worded poorly. I mean that to imply that Ireland is worse than the UK or any other EU country for the path they're on is silly. Ireland held their own for a long time, and their constitution protected them from getting roped into the shitty meme EU deals that are the main driving force behind a lot of EU-Scepticism.

It's literally only in the past decade or so that things have started getting porky, and everyone fucking hates Fine Gael and Fianna Fail for it. But there simply are no other parties worth mentioning.
I'd rather a country with two tory parties than what we have.
The Normans are truly the enemy.
Reminder that the last anglo saxon king of England (Harold) was on extremely good terms with the High King of Ireland.
After the Battle of Hastings, Harold's sons were sheltered in Dublin. They were given ships, supplies and weapons to help them retake their home.

He was one of greatest Irish men to ever live and I say that as someone from the occupied 6 county's. We know it's not his fault and he tried his best. Could sure do with a fella like him now

Fair enough, the Catholic Church acted as a bulwark for a long time and the Irish nationalism though misplaced was still strong.
Ireland is as doomed as the rest of us.
>The eternal Norman
They ruined everything.
Byzantium, Italy, France, Palestine, England.
Where ever they've been it's been ruined.
Those cunts even brought the first Jews over.

They did. The first Norman Invasion of Ireland was funded by an English Jew, too.

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A hero
The IRA were the good guys.

Janny jim jams HATE me

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Heres a redpill.

>meet faggot on sonic rp kik group sadposting in group, mentions something about being IRA and regretting something, just emo bs
>pm tells me hes an ex ira, post guns patches and uniform
>ask him why hes sad :(((
>tells me he had been in the ira for about a year before he was discharged
>for friendly fire, shooting some other IRA in the head during training.

Im not making this up. This is the current state of "da masta rice".

The final ultimate redpill about the IRA/Ireland's Revolution is that the UK was not the enemy, only the occupier.

Post-revolutionary relations between the UK and Ireland were always supposed to be good. Awkward, likely a source of much bitterness for many old Imperialists, but good.
It was clear by 1921 that the Revolution was not to be undone, only brought to heel. It was never in the interest of Collins or the Revolutionaries to destroy the UK or the English, only to restore Ireland to the Irish.
The partition of Ireland, Dominion Status, the oath to the King-all of these were to be temporary peacemaking compromises to allow Ireland to rebuild itself in preparation for full severance.

Churchill said it best; "The Channel forbids union; the Ocean forbids separation."
Anyone who has joined the IRA in the last 15 years is undoubtedly a faggot.

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and then everyone clapped lol

He had mentioned something about a sergant from the ira being killed by some terrorist.

I looked some of this up. Something friensly fire being up, and the IRA seriously on panic mode or something or that they werent fucking around no more.

This was in 2015. I was young.

we have a ponyfag and an IRA faggot in the mod team too

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I stand by my statement. The IRA are yet another nigger-tier gang now, no better than Loyalist gangs.
The IRA will probably still be around even if Ireland Unites. They aren't revolutionaries/rebels/dissidents/soldiers-they're LARPing faggots.

we all believe you

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>managed to do anything
I mean if you wanna claim that about communists who want open boarders and haven't ever managed to achieve a untited Ireland, go ahead. Just know your very wrong. YOU SHOULD GO HOME AND RETHINK YOUR LIFE.

Thank you for proving that you know nothing about the history of the IRA.

What happened to the bhoys of the old brigade? Why is justin barret and the national party shit on all the time by the media?

i do

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They trained the ANC in the making of bombs.
Brits should have bombed them more
>with more bombs and more guns

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Thats cute user just thought id let you know.

this. ira were prob c I a at the top or being controlled at the top by mi6 etc etc etc same shit different day.

>Are they communists? yes
>Have they achieved a united ireland? No

>Are they communists? yes
You have a source?

They literally won a war against you Brit scum when they secured the freedom of the 26 counties

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>boys of the old brigade
Who do you refer to? I know the song refers simply to the IRA of the War of Independence.
What happened to them was:
>Anglo Irish Treaty Happens
>They either stay with Collins and become the National Army
>Or they follow anti-treaty people
>They try to restart war with the British
>Irish Civil War happens
>Get their shit pushed in
>Spend the next few decades chimping out now and again, cause Ireland to become extremely totalitarian during WW2
As for
>national party
Not really big enough to garner any attention. Criticising them in MSM would be a boon to them at this point.
>Brits should have bombed them more
They couldn't. Public opinion crippled the British Army in their operations.
>Are they communist
For most of their history no, and today many splinters of them are some degree of socialist. Others aren't.
>Have they achieved a United Ireland
OP didn't imply they did, just that they achieved *something.* They achieved plenty. However ironically the IRA if anything arguably allowed partition to continue; both the UK and the Free State wanted Partition to end ASAP, the Irish Civil War perpetuated it.

On another note.

He was really sad (obviously) about the friendly fire. He said he drank a lot to forget or something.

I think he friendly fired on 2 people. I dont know the story. I dont have logs.

But he was sad af and he said that was his problem and thats what was eating him.

This could all be some bs, but ironic coincidence.

Im from the bronx idgaf about the ira, just something i stumbled upon.

>right wing
Right wingers are the true multiculturalists, apparently

>The IRA were Marxists
First of all, the IRA =/= the PIRA
Secondly, almost every single "Marxist" insurgent organization has been Marxist in name only. Marxists are almost always (but not universally as there are exceptions) incapable of organizing and conducting long term insurgencies without nationalism. From the IRA to the Viet Cong, they were Marxist in NAME but in deed and loyalties, they were nationalists to the core.

Now, the problem with the IRA and with all ""nationalist"" orgs in Europe is the strange quality that is present in ALL European nationalist organizations and that is the fact that White people hate each other more than our enemies. You see this in German nationalists especially but also Irish, Slavic, and to a lesser extent Anglo nationalists. This is a deep character flaw in White people that must be fixed but this is the reason why Irish were willing to die to defend their homeland from English but not from Africans.

Sinn fein were never communist you retard, Thats why there was a whole feud between the IRA and the INLA. Typical loyalist mentality right here

While they won the diplomacy war to gain the 26 counties, they still lost the real war to gain the other 6, teehee

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Have you ever read history? I mean im guessing your from a republican slum and your fag daddy told you they weren't commies. Guess what they are, look at sinn fein.

why don't you just look up on it yourself you lazy fucking faggot

26 compared to only 6 ? , Id say thats defiantly a win for the IRA

Socialist, communist all the same taig.

You just seem to be throwing 'trigger words' with no substance behind them.

Zionism is a strange form of jewish nationalism because most nationalists want an ethnic homeland which is safe from foreign influence where we can be left alone. Jewish "nationalism" is about forcing everyone else to pay for your nationalism by involving them in it and most kikes refuse to go to their stolen "homeland" and refuse to leave everyone else alone.
It's sort of nationalism but it's very globalistic in practise.
I dislike it.

Post flag and then you can have an opinion.

Imo, the last thinh we need is that filthy welfare black hole up north.
Let them bleed the UK dry like the perfidious leeches they are.
Fuck norn iron.

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>Northern Ireland
>Northern Ireland only exists because Dublin allowed it to
>Northern Irish politicians refused to attend the boundary commission because they knew they'd get cucked
>Northern Ireland was never meant to exist permanently
>Northern Ireland was offered to the Free State during World War 2
>Northern Ireland has never "fought off" the IRA, nor have they ever in almost a century impeded the IRA's activity
>Northern Ireland's loyalist "paramilitaries" started the Troubles and got their shit pushed in hilariously hard
>It was all for nothing because NI will be Irish Catholic majority in a matter of years.

NI Loyalists are pathetic. Unionist =/= Loyalist for a damn good reason.

Nah telling you to read history, the republican moment tends to be exclusively communist if not very sympathetic to it. There are almost no right wing republican parties.

Thats retard level understanding of political ideas. It literally takes a 2 second google to see that they are different ideologies

>tends to be exclusively communist
They were vehemently anti-communist until the 60s.

>They murdered a lot of innocent people for not really any good reason.
Guerrilla wars are even worse than conventional wars. They were terrorists and terror involves targeting "civilians"
4th generation war is total war. There are no civilians in total war.

Yeah, in the context of this thread we are talking about recent times. Troubles ect

Does it matter whether or not they call themselves communists? Really don't think so.

surely it goes back further than 1914? what about the Cromwell era?

Agreed still murdered innocent people.

I get the "guerrilla war" idea but the PIRA did literally execute/kidnap people quite commonly despite the people in question having done nothing wrong.
It's easy to forget this.
And during the Troubles, the main belligerent of the IRA-the PIRA-were not communist or socialist in any way shape or form.
The only reason the fucking PIRA exist is because they were opposed to communists being in the IRA.
It matters because people-primarily Loyalists-try to paint them as reds to further discredit them to add to this LARP idea that the IRA are filthy communists.
>Pre 1914
During the "Cromwell Era" there was the Irish Confederates, but that's literally hundreds of years prior.
The IRA's origins begin in 1914.

Invaders are guilty of being invaders. That is not innocent.

kikes wont leave until they stir up enough chaos like always
notice how millions of them showed up in america immediately after starting two world wars in europe
they always come and leave in masses

IRA rats should thank my great leader for funding them

Ireland should fuck off. They got conquered multiple times and should suck it up.

>all the uk flags in this thread crying
will anglos ever NOT be butthurt

Loyalist Paramilitaries murdered more civilians than the IRA during the Troubles. They also killed almost exclusively civilians
That doesn't excuse the terrible shit the IRA did, but considering the fact that Loyalists are the ones who started the Troubles it's ridiculous that people act as though Republicans are worse than Loyalists.

Absolute state of the loyalist mindset ,Again the IRA were literally never commies