Daily reminder that even Germanic pagans, contrary to what christkikes want you to believe, knew writing (runes) and were quite advanced (they had ships capable of traveling to America) - they definitely weren't niggers (did niggers discovered America)?
And that's just Northern Europeans - Southern Europeans such as Greeks and Romans created advanced ancient civilization while spiritual jews destroyed it and brought Dark Ages.
Christkikes insist that Europe would be like Africa without their dumb jewish desert doomsday cult - it's other way around - their religion would be nothing if it weren't for European ingeniuity - they've stolen from pagans even such basic concepts like immortality of soul and many holidays and practices - Christmas, Easter and many other feasts are pagan, they just slapped Jewsus on them.
Everything great happened in spite of Abrahamic parasite, not because of it.
Europeans should worship gods of their ancestors, not some kike on a stick.
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It's called Christianity user. Also Jesus was like us.
How many more threads are you going to shill?
Look back at your Christian history, you could find really neat things.
Dark ages are over mate. Reality check, not by pagans.
Yes, semitic Palestinians totally have everything in common with Europeans, indeed. The first (((Christians))) who spread the virus through Rome were kikes, just like the founders of this cult and its stolen myths.
To anyone with a brain this is self evident user. Truly proof that christcuckery is a Jewish mind virus.
Even the Islamic world was scientifically more advanced than Europe in the Middle Age… had to wait until the Renaissance (i.e. re-discovery of Antiquity) for that to change.
The norse and greeks worshipped ANE gods.
You huwhite heathens are all cucked by sandfag deities and it is hilarious
This is why you lost ww2
Varg pls.