What the fuck? Just as we thought the BRITISH couldn't get anymore irrational after Brexit, we find out they're MASS inbreeding. What's going on? Did someone put something in their tea? Why are they doing this??
What the fuck? Just as we thought the BRITISH couldn't get anymore irrational after Brexit, we find out they're MASS inbreeding. What's going on? Did someone put something in their tea? Why are they doing this??
Hey man, this place (UK) is an island and it really isn't that big.
The UN should setup sperm banks across the middle East and Africa for mass delivery to the UK.
It's the pakis, it's always the pakis, and posting a photo of a white baby in the article is intentionally misleading as fuck.
Figures that they show a white baby
we all know damn well who actually does this
Blame all that influx of incest porn
pakis dude
absolutely halal
Wow, what a disgusting and racist assumption that is TOTALLY FUCKING RIGHT AND I CAME HERE TO SAY THE SAME THING.
>BBC also released a study, revealing that approximately 55% of Pakistani immigrants in Britain were married to a first cousin and that Pakistani-British were “at least 13 times likely to than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.”
Funny how they fail to mention the actual culprits, but do post a picture of a white child in an attempt to send a false message.