BREAKING: Science confirms Republicans are literal retards

You are LITERALLY all rural and suburban retards who bow to demagogues as they rape you and steal all your money.

People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views, suggests new Belgian study (n=983), even after controlling for age, sex, and education level, indicating that deficits in emotion understanding and management may be related to right-wing and prejudiced attitudes.

In two studies, the researchers assessed the emotional abilities and political ideology of 983 Belgian undergraduate students. The second study also examined the participants’ cognitive ability. Emotional ability was measured with three tests: the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding, the Situational Test of Emotion Management, and the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test.

The researchers found that individuals with weaker emotional abilities — particularly emotional understanding and management — tended to score higher on a measure of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation.

Right-wing authoritarianism is a personality trait that describes the tendency to submit to political authority and be hostile towards other groups, while social dominance orientation is a measure of a person’s preference for inequality among social groups.

“The results of this study were univocal. People who endorse authority and strong leaders and who do not mind inequality — the two basic dimensions underlying right-wing political ideology — show lower levels of emotional abilities,” Van Hiel told PsyPost.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>lower emotional intelligence
>people who don't weep at Grey's Anatomy or cut themselves during This Is Us

A Guy in a dress isn't a girl

Anyone who self-identities as a Republican has a double-digit IQ. Imagine supporting a party that gives tax cuts to billionaires and imports third-world immigrants for cheap labor.

inb4 some retard screeches about BUT DEMOCRATS ARE WORSE. Both major parties are trash and want to replace whites.

Promoting pedophilia and he death of inocent babies are both values that democrats hold.

I don't want to be asociated with those people.

And are you hateful that they are retarded? Did you want to kill them?


False flagging kike

(((Belgian))) study

Many hardcore republicans are, in fact, retards, but the concept of "emotional intelligence" is pure pseudoscience.

wtf is a emotional intelligence?

>>Science confirms Republicans are literal retards
>>The researchers found that individuals with weaker emotional abilities — particularly emotional understanding and management
>Calling someone a retard when you can't even read.

This. /thread

If you don’t cry at dying Mexican children YOU ARE NOT INTELLIGENT

Or maybe all the right wing conservatives see through this emotional manipulation

>people who are less emotional are more right-wing

Freud was a schizo

Both parties outwardly reject pedophilia but covertly engage in it

>emotional intelligence

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So people who cry a lot vote democrat, yeah that makes sense. Stoic muscular guys are right-wing, weak crybabies are left-wing, makes perfect sense.

>thinking emotional intelligence is actual intelligence

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Just put "intelligence" after emotional, makes it sound better

Can we see the questions from this emotional intelligence test, or are we supposed to pretend it's automatically not a bunch of bullshit?

It’s literally saying right wingers are smart. “Emotional intelligence” is code word for “I don’t think, I base everything on emotion”.

Is the ability to let a stranger rape or murder your daughter and it doesn't mentally affect you because you're above the temporal things of value.

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exactly, if you aren't emotional enough. You cant be manipulated as easy. Funny that none of this deep emotion and empathy ever applies to white people. Why should I care about any group that doesn't respect mine?

Calling people stupid for being smart enough to not fall for your bullshit is the hallmark of any sociopath.


>emotional intelligence
>actual intelligence
Yes, we are the retards

What the fuck is "emotional intelligence"? It's likely something they themselves defined.

If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


90% of American blacks vote democrat. Blacks form 13% of the population and have an average IQ of 85, therefore, assuming votes in the US overall go 50-50, by virtue of blacks alone, democrats are in low 90's range.

>This exact thread wasn't already posted multiple times today.

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Emotional intelligence is just made up bullshit designed to trick women into thinking they're better at men than something, and as such deserve an opinion.

>emotional intelligence

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"emotional intelligence" =/= intelligence

high "emotional intelligence" is an excuse for those with low intelligence

Tell me how I'm wrong about Republicans.

>lower emotional intelligence
So a woman bitching about how ineffective her lies and emotional manipulation is. It's almost like the only they have to offer are holes and emotional REEEEing.

I clicked on the reddit link and even the majority of the comments are discussing how the article is BS. The real fuckbag in this whole thing is OP for posting this here in the first place.

and now it will be used to put you in a mental asylum if you vote for trump in a blue state


Only 1 post by that id

>emotional intelligence
they mean foresight

I must be thick as pig shit because I've not even heard of emetional intelligence before. heil Hitler

>living in a blue state
At this point they only have themselves to blame. Living in enemy territory during a war is a bad idea.

lets just say Rob Tibbetts is a very emotional intelligent person

Attached: rob-8.png (534x548, 58K)

>Promoting pedophilia and he death of inocent babies are both values that democrats hold.
>I don't want to be asociated with those people.

Don't worry, you're not.
You're associated with retards.


>emotional intelligence

Breaking news: 4xhan confirms that OP is a faggot.

>emotional intelligence
It's always funny when pseuds think they can co-opt words by adding a qualifier to it.
"Emotional" intelligence.
"Social" sciences.
"Good" jews.

>people who are manipulative gaslighting snakes are more likely to be a leftist

>emotional intelligence
Doesn't exist.

fuck shitlibs.

>emotion = intelligence

Stopped reading right there.

Retards should be euthanized. These are not retards.

>emotional intelligence
I still don't fathom why this is warranting of quantification. I thought humanity moved on from using arbitrary numbers to justify certain human natures.

Just woke up and saw it so I had to post it.

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A lot of what Republicans do goes unnoticed. Its thanks to Republicans that we don't have a ridiculous welfare state where everyone has one nigger they have to support. Its thanks to Republicans that the country is relatively Muslim free. There's plenty of Republicans working locally to defund public schools. They keep property taxes low and maintain the rights of the police to actually do their job. Walk into your local prison and see the fucking thousands of niggers that are locked up. The left wants them to walk free. Yeah they're far from perfect but just because they haven't started fascism doesn't mean they aren't making life better for honest white people.

Checked and rekt

>emotional intelligence
Laughing my ass off at this oxymoron! God damn it, you liberals don’t realize how amusing you are when you think you’re “the smart ones”.

>they mean foresight
No they mean manipulating morons like yourself into actions they "predict" upon the circumstances they actively created. You a cucked tool for them.

Shitlibs only admit IQ is real when they want to attack white people. If you post stats on nigger IQ levels though, they'll just start doing mental cartwheels in order to deny/excuse it.

>emotional intelligence
>aka if you see a picture of a brown kid with no shoes on you start weeping and voting to have your culture and people demographically replaced

reminder that to be a leftist all you have to do is literally disable parts of your brain

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>Imagine supporting a party that taxes the middle class into oblivion and imports third-world immigrants for cheap votes.

>emotional intelligence
It's basically a test of having left wing views, and doesn't say shit about G.

>Don't worry, you're not.
>You're associated with retards.
Tits or gtfo.

Says it all. Sage in all fields

so, even retards arn't retarded enough to vote democrat. interesting..

I have the foresight to realize that turning the US into another Venezuela is a bad idea.

Euphemism for being in favour of left-wing views.

oh no no no
>but muh emotional intelligence
yeah i'm sure thats really helping you get laid, tranny leftoids.

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>psychological studies
My sides

Ultimately, that's how we should differentiate people; whether or not they are hypocritical.
I like to say that conservatives are the only decent people left, since tradition implies playing by established rules, while progressives will bend and break however they see fit to achieve their goals.
I implore that we should all reject hypocrites, left or right. Sounds easy on paper, but realize that it must include oneself as well. Only when you become the embodiment of your word can you hope to begin teaching others.

"Emotional IQ"
"IQ" is a construct

But let's define "emotional IQ"

the ability to understand, react and even foster emotions in others.

Oh we have a word for this "manipulative"


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I have really high emotional intelligence which is why im right wing

I've never taken their shitty test.
You're an antagonistic asshole tho. Do I get emotion points for recognizing that?

Reading the post the only thing that sounds like true intelligence is managing your emotions. Everything else is so subjective or not knowable. No idea what their methods of measurement were, but if a question asks "what was this person feeling" and you said "i don't know" that doesn't necessarily mean you're emotionally stunted. It could well mean that you're skeptical of people who may be using your empathy against you.
And it looks like I'd have to purchase a PDF of their study so that's as far as I'm willing to give a shit about this.

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That's terrifying.
I completely expect this technology to be used to "de-racist" people, because we all know the left does not respect the sanctity of the individual.

Then why do blacks vote straight libshit?
Checkmate faggot,


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>emotional intelligence
sorry i have actual intelligence

Emotional intelligence has a negative correlation with actual intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is completely different from General Intelligence (IQ). they only call it "intelligence" for propaganda purposes, because they came up with a test that made women and liberals look good.