Ok Jow Forums, why does everyone here hates Israel again? I lurked a few leftist places on the internet and literally ALL of them absolutely despise Israel because they're killing Muslims. When asked, they said that only right wing retards support Israel and their oppressive regime. Jow Forums is full of right wing retards but they actually hate Israel just because they're joos. Why shouldn't we support Israel when libtards hate them?
Ok Jow Forums, why does everyone here hates Israel again...
>3rd position
>hate kikes for thier crimes
Try harder
I say nuke the whole Israel-Palestine region and end all of the bullshit coming out of that world. Nothing of value would be lost.
Jews inherently hate & want to dominate all goyim but they target white men because they happen to be successful at creating prosperous civilizations.
Divest of your “left-right” thinking. This is your “programming” showing.
>Jow Forums is right wing
great joke
honestly from my perspective, they have no legitamate claim to that land. they may have rightfully won the right to rule judea once upon a time, but they got their asses handed to them by those who were better at the comand and conquer game.
as far as I see it, the only reason they are there now is because they realized they couldn't compete in the way they used to, so now they play the "pity me, I'm a sniveling coward" game.
fuck jews.
i don't like them because give them billions of dollars, and then we give all their neighbors billions of dollars just to be nice to them
if we stopped giving them money i would be indifferent to them
Whether or not they have a claim to the land is completely irrelevant. Do you ever look at any country and look into whether or not they have a claim to the land? Does Canada have a claim to their land? Does Brazil have a claim to their land? Does Niger have a claim to the land? Who the fuck knows, who the fuck cares.
You should hate Israel for what they are doing to you and the entire world, not some retarded leftist talking points.
If white people invaded Palestine and took all their land, you wouldn't care, obviously you wouldn't care. Only retarded leftists would care.
All of America is stolen land. So? All land is stolen if you look far enough back into the future.
Stop falling for leftist talking points. You should hate Israel because they started wars your people died in, they steal money from you, about half of all money in your politics come from jews, they push for diversity in your country, that is why you should hate them.
not a talking point user, I'm just a reading fag who tends to over think things. used to read my history books from cover to cover all through out school. could help but dislike how isreal got "their" land back the last time around and how they went about treating their neighbors after they had powerful friends backing them up.
my point was that you don't need to get into the boarderline conspiracy theories to dislike the jews. just the normalfag level of information is enough to turn you against them.
besides, I have my reasons for disliking the jews and don't need your non-american opinions on the american reasons I should have for hateing the yids.
because we're the boogeyman Jow Forums needs, but not the one they deserves.
mostly all the jews
Ya if you could be just a little more totally evil it would make it easier to forget your human
judging by your post, you're so dumb that you wouldn't understand in any case.
>why was Hitler bad?
>he killed thousands of innocents
>he sterilized people
>he said "we must be racially pure"
>he started wars
>he encouraged other nations to start wars for his interests
Hey, look at fucking Israel.
because they're putzes. we're the front line against these radical religious motherfuckers who knock YOUR buildings down and we are the bad guys? fuck you goyim, rot in gehenna!
Jokes on you faggot, I hate the both, lol!
They're the enemy of humanity. Picrelated doesn't include the 109 other times, holohoax, 911 and all other current ochestrations in the middle east.
cognitive dissonance personified
you're one of the dumbest posters i've seen here in a while
Nice argument. Care to refute the thoroughly documented in my pic?
and your a jew, I could care less.
>refute my wall of text
it seems technically true but is presented fraudently
pick one or two points from the pic and we may have a glorious debate
ok dumb dumb