Nordic anons, give me the scoop on this guy

Varg was pretty prolific in Norway in the 90s to 2000s. I’m sure some stories as to how he became this way and what changed him in his youth (teens to 20s) will be interesting.
What I have gathered so far:
-born to an eastern norwegian family in Bergen
-was good at school, polite and out going
-played video games a lot, liked to collect military memorabilia
-took karate and had an uncle who travelled to japan
-broke his jaw in a skiing accident
-lived in Iraq for a little while
-has a brother
-has an older daughter, in her late twenties
-had a brief relationship with an unknown Norwegian woman
-some other stuff that I forget.

Attached: AA10AB0E-1A57-4D06-B472-1CDE5A21F347.jpg (600x900, 86K)

>-broke his jaw in a skiing accident
Stop lying wh*toid leaf,he told with his own wh*toid mouth that a BLACK man broke his jaw while he was in jail,he prolly took BBC up the ass on the regular there.

He broke his jaw also when he was young. Then again in prison.

how shitty is a prison that lets you record albums?

Bisexual pervert and old washed up boomer satanist exposed here. Varg used a Norwegian file name and French flag, what an idiot.

Attached: Two gay lovers before all the drama.jpg (650x842, 174K)

Attached: 1567079391124.png (500x550, 124K)

He's a no good edgy murderer who makes shit music. Never liked Burzum or Varg.

He is anti-White and believes the world would be a better place without Whites creating the U.S.A. and Canada. He loves brown people and tribes ruled by satanist warlocks like himself.

Attached: 1567293678861.png (638x736, 240K)

Very based man who calls on you to give up comfort and have white children.

When he got out of jail, he lived off gibsmedats from his wealthy brother and parents. Even he admits his parents live in a mansion. When he met his wife, they hatched a plan to live their current life (her parents are also very wealthy and gave her gibs). They are boomer tier trust fund babies LARPING (Just live off the land duuuuude, as he drives his faggy jeep to the grocery store) just FARM dude (even though barely any of his crops make it, they had bees that all died and then said they weren't going to harvest the honey anyway kek. Varg is a fucking 100% larping idiot who spends 5 hours a day trolling online for keks. I don't dislike him because of any of it, in fact I quite admire him for it..but he's not totally honest about any of it.