>Aerial footage of destruction in Bahamas



>NOAA Hurricaine Dorian: Current Advisories, Key Messages and Forecasts

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Fuck toronto

Roll for NC to be washed away.


This is a snoozefest in Charleston. I can't wait for this weekend when it turns around and hits Toronto at a Cat 5.

Will the Frying Pan Tower cam survive?


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live cam from a hotel 34 miles off the coast of wilmington... chat is live and currently (((moderated)))
both of these are under the water at the same location

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This is a local surf cam site... they have lots of great streams that should be low key and low view count.

Just woke up. I need a quick rundown on Dorian. Is it headed NW at 6mph still? Is Florida gonna get fucked?

Need to grow the nigger circle a bit more down Carolina Beach Rd towards the port, missing the whole shitshow there.

Protecting yourself is not a callous act. They didn't plan on it stopping there.

It's little more than a breeze and some rain. Dorian is dead.

Nah, Florida got off easy this time.

Torontofag here. How fucked am I?


R*lling for Independence Hurricane pt 2 to mess up Canada again

I want a Category Five to hit California desu
Having the libs get the thing they usually root for the east to get would be hilarious
That stupid Pacific wind, though, usually smacks the hurricanes (like Juliette) out to sea

Maybe if we pray to Kek we’ll get a win
Maybe a Category Five hurricane will hit mid-Mag Ten

This is a bullshit. They need to forbid rebuilding and let nature reclaim those islands. Stupid to keep rebuilding on something that is only going to get blown the fuck up again, and again, costing bazillions.

Residential free zones in disaster areas because FUCKITOL the cost. Let the ones who lost everything get an insurance and resettlement check, and palm them off on another Commonwealth country.

BTW what has the UK done for them? Are they too busy destroying democracy in their own country?

it should just be labeled rape ally... that whole area is a mess of undesirables and blighted property.


Grabbing fish in the streets

UK politicians are too busy arguing with trump on twitter and criticizing him about not doing enough to help with the hurricane than they are actually helping their own commonwealth brothers during the hurricane

Somebody with a twitter let that retarded bitch know that that is not a shark. Fucking women.

Does this mean we should just move in and annex it now?

Some proof here for the non locals....

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We're just gonna have to agree to disagree. Until a greater threat forces your nationalism to give way to a greater global consciousness I reckon the average individual will struggle with the concept of being humane toward people outside if their borders

THIS, every storm recently has been just a shower of disappointment.

And apparently weather manipulation might have had a hand in it

So what's the fucking death toll?

7, only 7 died

I find it all to ironic that Jow Forums is usually for refugee resettlement for every country but their own baka

Maybe Bahmamas would be a better purchase than Greenland at this point. The chinks were busy building a port right off our coast. Probably not for anything good. It's gone now.

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those are amateur numbers

Then squatters show up.

They are not US adjacent. They are COMMONWEALTH citizens and as such I fully expect the Commonwealth to absorb them. Period.

Nah turn it into a massive military compound.

Redeveloping that shithole is a fucking waste of money.

No way that only 7 died

Imagine being this scared of a fish out of water. Lol

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It's not even about nationalism. You lack the greater consciousness

7 million is more important than 56 thousand. The Bahamas isnt some hati tier place.

If you want aid thats one thing, but asking a country to take a direct hit because another country might get hurt when the first country has the capability to protect its people is asinine. It is irresponsible for the US government to let its people die to save the Bahamas. It's the US government's job to protect US citizens

If you want to complain then blame the UK. They're the US's ally. They probably have their hands in that weather control pie too. They didnt give any of their islands tech to help out. They are barely there helping out now, the US coast guard is doing the heavy lifting

really.. another thread? This is an anti-happening

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Thats only those who have been found and reported. That is not the final death toll. Most deaths are people washed out to sea or people trapped in their houses who havent been found yet

Based chinks giving us a reason to annex things; Also Chinks are clearly trying to turn Charleston into a treaty city in the long term (think 100 years)

Imagine the nigger bones that will become new coral reefs.
>it's beautiful

7 confirmed. That will likely rise.

Just take a play from the useful nigger’s handbook and breed them out desu

you need a new image

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You didn't think this through, did you?

Any stores open in jax? I need beer and hamburger buns ;_;

There was just an island nigger interviewed, crying saying she was so happy her family was alive when MANY people lost their WHOLE family! It's going to skyrocket, but they have to have numbers over 7 already. Why aren't they disclosing?

Whatever you gotta tell yourself bud. The space coast has been hit with enough hurricanes over the past decade and never has a death toll rose above even 10 per storm, and even then it's because of fools shenanigans during the storm and not just staying the fuck inside. Islands have a greater risk of devastation than a peninsula, especially Commonwealth islands. People there have no inland to flee to and even if there was an initiative to boat them into Miami people like you would still push against it. I don't see how caring about people who aren't your fellow countrymen is 'lacking greater consciousness' or how potentially manipulating a natural weather system to avoid property damage and giving people time off from work isn't a direct byproduct of nationalist propaganda and capitalist greed.

This is why most of the world hates us. For how close it is, we should adopt Bahamas the same way we did Puerto Rico, especially since the middle class LOVES going there on vacation yet, when the natives of these paradises need the help of further developed countries nearby a deaf ear is turned to their cries for help until it's too late, only then will America swoop in like angels from heaven and take pictures of them helping after a couple cheeky hashtags begin trending

you must go back

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No, explain the HIDF meme logically. Go.

The Bahamas are Great Britain's problem. They can beg their Queen for help. As for Puerto Rico, you might ask yourself why that is where the IRS has you mail checks. Go fuck yourself, you whiny bitch.

The UK are too busy ignoring the will of their own people to deal with "some wind and rain on an island somewhere". The Bahamas would be better off petitioning the US for statehood than asking the UK for anything.

Florida here, looks like this weekens will be more fun to watch.
Hoping it can at least stay a cat 2, lazy can't find mainland Dorian.

They don't have a clue yet. The storm JUST left Grand Bahama.

oh goodie, more niggers

>prove to me
you're nose is showing

If english was your first language perhaps you would be able to correctly read it from left to right shlomo... now fuck back off to whatever normal faggot place you came from or tell your glownigger boss you need a new assignment 'cause you clearly don't belong here.

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Abaco got leveled also and the coast gaurd has been there for a day or two, they have to have higher numbers to report, but are not.

My point is that the UK is useless, not that the Bahamas should or would try to become a US state.

You can't explain your own retarded meme and you call me retarded? lmao
>the left can't meme

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Ya already chewed through your rations? You won't make it very long during the real deal

I say total between Abaco and Bahama is 10,000

>you're nose
>If english was your first language
>you clearly don't belong here

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That’s what I always pray for too. Cat 5 howler smacking into Los Angeles, ahhhhhh.

there is nothing on it that says HIDF newfriend.
Hurricane IDF > Hurricane for the topic and IDF (((Israel Defense Force))) for the shills who you claim are posting them. BTW it's not my meme... Nobody owns memes you cancerous faggot.

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Their efforts have been focused on finding survivors, not so much on cataloguing the dead.

u mad tranny

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Checked and I think you're in the ballpark

If they do not want disease breaking out they had better be hoisting the dead and getting rid of them ASAP. OTOH a nice disease outbreak will deal with the illegal Haitians.

All I have is negative thoughts.

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You've dissolved your argument down to strawman and ad hominem insults lol

It's okay to admit you dont have a rebuttal rather than making jeering comments like a child to save face. You have a lot to learn about the very American culture of debating strangers over local and global politics.

I'm not whiny, if I were POTUS, I would push to annex as many of these Commonwealth islands causing the economy to boom from tourism in the area well before China Russia or any other potential political threat does the same and encroaches closer to American soil. Kill two birbs with one policy js

Check em

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>finding survivors
So far none have been found

This guy called it 5 days ago:


This guy always calls it too:

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Yeah? Well not everybody who busts your balls is a kike, faggot. Your retarded meme is still retarded. Make it better instead of reopening Auschwitz.

They have found survivors.

>cat 5 made landfall
>most devastating hurricane while the US existed
still waiting on death count but it will have to be above 27000

Is it that hard to resist blood marys with bacon salted rims and chorizo sausage lmao.

Whiskey's vegan, right???

So, we did in fact "nuke" Dorian. Noice.

Always thought the I was for Internet

Vegan Alcohol Brands (Beers, Wines, and Hard Liquor)
Fortunately, virtually every brand of hard liquor—bourbon, whiskey, vodka, gin, and rum—is vegan. Nearly all distilled spirits are vegan except for cream-based liqueurs and products that mention honey on the label.

>annex niggers
Didn't you learn the lesson the first time? We could have picked our own cotton. Adding niggers to the country either by annexation or immigration is a (((great idea))) wow who would ever think of that?

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It is.

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Puerto Rico bitches all the time about being part of the US. The Bahamas doesnt want us to annex it, because then theyd have to follow US consumer protection laws and will no longer be able to scam tourists

American tourists built that island. We gave them money in exchange for a product. If McDonald's burns down then you shouldn't be expected to make your house a new McDonald's because you ate a big mac once.

>this is why the rest of the world hates us


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Theyre commonwealth though and that London mayor has been bitching at trump nonstop.

It's like the mayor of LA bitching at japanese PM Shinzo Abe or Filipino PM Duarte because Guam got destroyed in a storm. The mayor has more of a responsibility for their countrymen than a foreign leader does

Im just pointing out the hypocrisy

idf is the israel defense force
jidf is the jewish internet defense force
welcome to Jow Forums

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Florida coastline here. We barely even got a scratch. I've seen every day normal summer thunderstorms cause more damage than this. The Weather Channel are a bunch of lying frauds by the way.

Big Pharma Commercials, Viagra Commercials, Quit Smoking Commercials every 5 minutes. You know how much money these scumbags made? They profit from panic, and pandemonium, cause confusion, you name it. And they KNOW exactly what they are doing.

I'm just glad my local weather forecaster
is saying it is looking like a fish storm

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agreed. but also
>FL west coast best coast

There were only 56k on the island