What would happen in America if dems win in 2020 and follow through with their gun "buyback" program?

What would happen in America if dems win in 2020 and follow through with their gun "buyback" program?

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They'd get shot in black neighborhoods and have to respond with military level force. Get called racist and scrap the project.

They've get mowed down in the country.
The city on the other hand could probably entirely be confiscated. But when it comes to outside the cities good fucking luck.

Trump is the last president.

Police would get culled and eventually refuse


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>Trump is the last president.
Last REPUBLICAN president. The only future is a new country if you have any right leaning beliefs.

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Again politicians pretend that because they have pushed this far that they are going to be allowed to continue

>Politicians: I am still here so I guess no one will do anything if I keep going

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They’ll leave the guns in the city. Niggers killing niggers is definitely part of the plan, it’s in both party’s political platforms.

Everyone on this board will tuck their balls behind their ass and hand their guns over to the brown police that are 2nd generation illegals.
Fucking pussies.

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fuck around and find out tranny

Nothing good.

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you don't own a gun so you'll just be watching it play out like you do with everything in life

the 2nd generation illegal alien police force will come for you when youre at work or asleep, have you ever read the gulag archipelago?
Thats how they work, this isnt some sit at home type shit where you wait for them to come knocking.
When they pass the laws it will already be too late, the time to act is now, and nobody is acting, which means we've already lost.
The best resistance weve got is faggots shooting up spics in walmart. What good has that done?
When will people go for the big game?

>a bunch of fat scooterbound boomers will shoot hero thin blue line cops en-masse
good, one more reason to give grandpa the pillow

if we dont do that to them first faggot

Open Season on these domestic enemies masquerading as our "representatives."

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Sauce on the picture? Is he selling bumper stickers? What do the stickers say?

No one reply to this tripfag subhuman, not only so conceited he has to trip on Jow Forums but also knows nothing about Saint McVeigh. Get gassed, you aren't even white.

Lol you're so fucking mad

I am surprised to no militia went on a rampage yet
You have this power
5 men is all you need to cleanse hundreds

>mfw the local plice know me as a radical gun owner
>mfw they know a no knock will result in a bloodbath
>mfw I know several of the officers personally as I grew up with them and their children

small town america wont comply
friends and family would kill each other
if anything it would engender a large proportion of rural americans to organize the likes of which havent been seen since boxers rebellion.

unless they bring in national guard and federal officers, in which case it would be a fucking mess and cause lots of death.

this is what happens right now, under Trump

Nothing because the cops wouldn’t do it



Democrats will run on it and do nothing like Obama. Nobody will ever take guns away no matter how much pandering they do

we call their bluffs and let them try to take "back" what was never theirs.

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>City guns get confiscated
>Rural folk ain't having none of that shit
>Police refuse to enforce gun bans
>Government screeches autistically and sends in the feds
>They fail to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip

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War. Thats what would happen. It would be a paradigm shift.

These seditious traitors will have the republic destroyed one way or the other

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Sage. This is a SLIDE THREAD. Be advised, whites must stand united lest we fall to their typical divide and conquer tactics thus derailing our discussions/distracting us from something bigger important events even worse, inciting division among our us. If you're new here, I highly suggest ignore this kind of threads and lurk more of course. Keep the integrity and unity of this board goys. We are powerful if we do. Jewish shills can fuck off and hang themselves or else we'll do it for them on DOTR!

its already happening. Red flag laws. Its just happening slowly enough for you not to notice the water boiling around you

Trust in the plan man

Becomes harder to buy new guns. Otherwise? Nothing.

Cops can't even do the job they have due to apathy and lack of manpower. There's absolutely no way they'd be able to raid even a modestly significant number of homes.

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Anyone getting their name in the news will be thoroughly demonized with their online history being broadcast for all to see

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so im already evil racist lets fuckin do it let me show you new sites you cannot unsee purple haired dildo swallowing mutant freak

im going to need a link to that list for scientific purposes

came here to say this. nobody but a few isolated pockets of easily quashable resistance will happen and that will be used as further reason why you should turn your guns in. the rest will turn their guns in gladly just for a chance to stay comfy and go to work the next day. the future police will be nonwhite illegals and terribly anti-white. they'll take you at work, take your kids at school; or youll come home and find them waiting, the house broken into and raided. it cannot be stopped. disarmament will happen.

>I ain't no fortunate son intensifies

Do you want to 'run out' of police?
Because this is how you run out of police.
My town has 1,000,000 people and 800 cops.
If 1 in 1000 decide they are not giving up their firearms without a fight all the cops are gone today.
Just say'n...

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won't be much different than Trump winning

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We don't even have to look that far ahead. If any of this unconstitutional gun control shit passes in the next months, there will be war in the streets. Anyone who signed or enforces these laws will be targeted for death.

Why would there be pockets of resistance? The people can just target the cops for ambush killings in the streets. One by one. In and out like a ghost.

blood of leftists, jews, feds, and niggers will flow like the fucking Amazon River. Be careful what you wish for.

Sorry, I already sold my guns to some guy, I don't remember his name.

Literally nothing. In gun owners had the balls to actually do anything the US wouldn't be burning right now. The absolute best you will ever get out of them is non compliance and that is fucking it.

>there will be war in the streets.
internet tough guy predicts war in the streets again. I thought it was gay marriage that would do that? and before that, don't ask don't tell. and women in the military. and clinton being elected. and the weather underground. and hippies. and and and...

You aren't going to do a fucking thing, Cletus, shut up.

Why are you weirdos so eager to start a war? Do you actually think this ends well for you, or anyone for that matter?

>Politicians: I am still here so I guess no one will do anything if I keep going

No shit, that's literally what government does. They'll continue to advance until they're forcibly stopped, and seeing as everyone is still in "nice try FBI we are board of peace" mode it's going to be awhile before they find any real resistance.

>You aren't going to do a fucking thing, Cletus, shut up.
Of course I will.

Civil war.

They are literal pussies from reddit who strike out with women and have no principles and the most badass thing they have ever done is LSD at a rock concert. None of them even realize they all know someone who is fully aware they are responsible when everything goes tits up just waiting

keep pretending you are safe leftist faggot. Your coalition is made up of faggots and chicks, the government wont save you when the shooting starts.

If conservatives had the balls to strike first this predicament wouldn't exist nigger.

Yeah, that's not fake news.

Remember Christopher Dorner? Back in 2013 he shut down damned near the entire state of California and had all the cops wetting themselves so badly that they were shooting up trucks with little old Asian ladies. One guy. Just one. And he wasn’t even trying not to get caught.

Cops don’t live in bunkers. Neither do their families. Neither do most politicians. And it just takes a handful of people who decide they’ve been pushed far enough to shut down most of the country overnight. And as for the ones you can’t get to directly? They have drivers and cooks and maids and gardeners and secretaries and assistants. Then it just becomes a problem of logistics.

Theoretically, of course. In Minecraft.

You're not even a halfwit.

Do u really need to ask dat dumb question user?? Just look in that mirror *points to Aussland*

>They have drivers and cooks and maids and gardeners and secretaries and assistants. Then it just becomes a problem of logistics.
One could just get a job as a line cook at their favorite restaurant or their drycleaners and poison them.

Pretty much.

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My town has 2,000 people and 3 cops.

I didn’t buy my guns from the government, so they can’t buy them back, nor the improvised claymores.

then do it faggot we'll see.

Nothing a shovel cant fix

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Who’s declaring war on whom, faggot?

gonna do you homo in the privacy of your own home with a gun i got from a thug enforcer in his own home just days after he took my guns ohhh looky looky what hes amade of meat awww poor wittle bitchlet

A bunch of white male police officers whom the right believes are super secret allies will bust down white men's doors, shoot the eebil white racist gun owners, and seize the guns. Shoot the dogs, also.

because they have shown stellar restraint thusfar doesnt mean such will continue matter of fact if i ever come into confirmed contact with you i will kill you in broad daylight in front of god and your mama.

they're getting shot, not kidding. I'll aim for women cops first too, let them get a taste of reality.

and day 2?


Countrywide unfortunate boating acidents.

President Harris gives a triumphant speech. States vote to repeal the Second Amendment, then the First. Fourth disappeared long ago and is a nullity, but they may repeal it on paper anyway. We become a totalitarian surveillance state like China, with whites going to jail and being forced out of jobs at record numbers, and we have the demographics of Brazil. Nobody ever does anything about it.

Incorrect. Civilians owning guns is the only thing that has prevented a military coup and dictatorship. If the guns get taken away, in less than three years, the military will have abolished the federal government and put themselves into power.


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i wont be alive for it.


Their wives and their kids get raped and killed.

No mercy for tyrants. Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis

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Knock knock I won't answer, come into my home, firepower awaits.

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>in less than three years, the military will have abolished the federal government and put themselves into power.

I think you've been watching too many movies user.

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Lefties have such a weird view of police. They screech about them being racist pigs one minute and think they're going to go door to door executing gun owners for them the next. You can drive around most of the country for days and not even see a cop, because most of the country doesn't have hundreds of cops per town to deal with the problems associated with leftist government.

Don't get the view from your ghetto confused with the reality of the majority of the country.

Lots of cops OD on super fentanyl. Drones spraying Lofentanil-DMSO over every entry team.

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What would be the deterrent to that outcome?

Probably a lot like Australia, 30 to 40 percent turn in their guns and 60 to 70 percent become felons overnight. Crime skyrockets for a year or so then goes back to normal. There might be one or two shootouts that make headlines but that's it. Unless a state secedes or a military figure openly revolts there isn't going to be any revolution because there isn't anything to organize behind.

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