Right wing people have Lower Emotional Intelligence

/pol unironically BTFO OH NO NO NO NO NO

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EQ has been debunked. Also sage.

So the left is emotional and the right is logical? Did you have anything new to say?

>the right is logical?


That's just blacks being sociopaths. We already knew.

and not having out-group empathy and in group self hatred or 'emotionally managing' your own ethnic cleansing in a winning evolutionary strategy


people I disagree with are dumb


EQ is feminist nonsense though.

>right wingers are calm, composed stoics, while left wingers are emotional hysterical harpies
More news at 9:00 tonight

>Lower Emotional Intelligence
We are indeed all high iq autists.

>people I disagree with are bad at something I made up to make myself look better

(((Emotional Intelligence)))

people are forced into certain political believes by biology and lefties agree?


a) blank slate'ism BTFOed again
b) isn't it cruel to punish people for things they were born with? you know, the gay rights argument?

They mean empathy. And most everyone already knows that.

"emotional intelligence"

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What the fucking fuck is "emotional intelligence??

I imagine most conservatives will be perfectly happy to stick with good old fashioned REAL intelligence, founded in reason and logic.

>people with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to be rightwing
>leftists throw temper tantrums like a five year old when they don't get their way, are still freaking out over an election they lost three years ago, have emotional breakdowns over seeing or hearing something they don't like, require 'safe spaces' so they don't encounter ideas different from theirs, appeal to emotion rather than reason or logic in arguments, place higher value on feelings than facts, scream at people for disagreeing with them, assault people in public for disagreeing with them, and arbitrarily demand that all of society conform to their whims so they don't get 'offended' by anything they don't like
>people with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to be rightwing

Yeah, bullshit.

Also, what the fuck is 'emotional intelligence'? They fail when compared in every metric, so they have to invent a new (meaningless) metric just to feel better about themselves?

"Hurr durr, everyone is dumb but me!"

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Mainstream liberals insult Donald Trump by claiming he is the gay lover of Putin and then talk about LGTBBQ rights.

Pick 1

all that shit is a roundabout way of saying right winged people don't sympathize or empathize as much with the other retards

this. And blind empathy is the worst metric for policy making possible.

"oh no, billy is crying, quick: Destroy the economy!"

there's actually an explanation for this as well as asperger/mildly autistic people. basically spergs/autists have older genetics and probably descend from less civilized groups of humans compared to others. straight up aspergers was probably normal for modern humans up until big cities started popping up.

needless to say we all know the over socialization of today is not good so having "low emotional int" is not even a bad thing

>straight up aspergers was probably normal for modern humans up until big cities started popping up.
I don't think you know what aspergers is. At all.

Intelligence cannot be emotional per the scientific definiion. Maybe they mean empathy or something? How do you even measure that shit?

ok retard what is it

>right leaning person has no idea what emotional intelligence means
>confidently offers his "logical" opinion on what he think it means
I'm sorry to inform you but having low emotional intelligence means the complete opposite of what you think it means. Not just low EQ but IQ as well... Makes sense.

>The right doesn't think how we want them to

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>1 post by this ID
>reposting garbage from social media
>phone screenshot
>people are responding to this in earnest
You faggots should feel ashamed for bumping this garbage, let alone replying to it like whoever posted that in the first place can see respond. Nevermind the OP bothering to stick around for more than just 1 shitpost.

>Emotional Intelligence

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> A post modern construct with ill defined borders is somehow an authoritative measure of anything

If you're not going to respect board culture you can fuck off.

Also 1 post by this id

It goes in all fields

>1 post by this id
nice bait thread

>greater empathy is a sign of "emotional intelligence"
>but empathy isn't emotional

A developmental disorder that makes it hard to understand/read facial expressions, gesticulation, miscomprehension of jokes, nuance, sarcasm, etc. in speech; social interaction in general. Often times they speech is monotone.

They often have an interest in repetitive, highly focused behavior like arranging things and often show compulsive, repetitive body movements like head-shaking, nodding, trembling or hand wagging or rubbing.

therefore Asperger people have a very hard time fitting into groups, which was VERY detrimental for people before a) we knew it was a medial condition and b) the anonymity and demands of modern societies and economies fits people with such a disorder way better

>Emotional Intelligence

Those who don't feel for the six gorillian?

>emotional intelligence
So we're just calling anything an "intellgence" now? Anything to keep denying IQ I guess.
I have high vidya intelligence, and low housekeeping intelligence.

This thread basically proves it.

It means if a woman doesn't like something you did, or an emotion expressed, you're an idiot. Same applies to oppressed minoity groups. If you stick up fory

>being a bleeding heart doormat means you're an emotional genius
these people pretend like autismo-level EQ is a good thing