We don't have much time

The CIA are planning to release a deepfake of Trump defacing The Quran and have the media up in arms about it. This will be followed by arrests in Odessa, Ukraine of a "Russian Glavset cell" showing footage of the deepfake being made followed by a retraction and a massive scaremongering campaign about Deep Fakes. I am posting this to raise awareness before any such hoax can be pulled off.

The purpose of this operation is to:

- Bring in legislation worldwide to make deep fake filters mandatory on all video and audio uploads, citing national security concerns as justification.

- Implement a deep fake filter called MediFor. They plan to force ISPs by law to use MediFor to automatically block specific video and audio using a constantly updated Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud. Only the government will be allowed to inspect how MediFor works and you will be expected to blindly trust the filter to determine what is and isn't real.

- Watermark classified videos which will inevitably include blackmail material so that they cannot pass through the internet unless they have their watermark removed to leak dirt on specific people.

- To pass off actual deep fakes as real.

- To expand the filter crtiteria from deep fakes to 'content with malicious intent' and 'fake news'

Stay vigilant.

Attached: 235957398408460860484.png (1050x1042, 223K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>They plan to force ISPs by law to use MediFor to automatically block specific video and audio using a constantly updated Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud.
>JEDI cloud
>hurr durr muh jedi magic clouds
sounds fake bud


>They plan to force ISPs by law to use MediFor to automatically block specific video and audio
That's not how the internet works. It would have to be implemented at video-sharing providers like YouTube and there's already such thing in place but it sucks because neural networks lack viewpoint invariance. Even a small rotation and rescale throws detection off.

Amazon selling facial recognition to cops, meh if you didn't think this was happening already, not sure how to break it to you.
Proof the cringe faggots in gov actually named their project JEDI
I stand corrected.

whether or not this is a larp, it highlights the risks of endless delays. you only end up giving the enemy time to prepare and awareness of the things against which they should prepare.
you must strike when the time is right; not delay the action until some imaginary time when all the stars align.

>The CIA are planning to release a deepfake of Trump defacing The Quran
Based glow niggers

thats nothing the local jewish klansman is planning to deploy a murder bot with aids in all cia facilities. the purpose of the operation is to illustrate that glowniggers are made of meat. we have little time we must gas all the kikes to prevent this.

I would totally watch Emma Watson taking cock, even if I knew it was Deep Fake.

I'm inclined to believe you, but please explain to me why I should.

posting in potentially ebic bread

Attached: 96C312F0-13B5-4CDF-8E25-0689004BA466.jpg (1242x1715, 1013K)

>wonders how many hoaxes were foiled because of anons like this
It’s probably a LARP

Attached: 57C27503-D0A3-43A6-BC69-DA10B66DFDFA.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Attached: 1567414297091.png (500x593, 169K)

you are not.

the first poster is the same as OP and since you got one thing wrong like this leaf mentioned, i'm going to say this is fake and gay

bump just in case you didn't pull this out of your ass

Is it possible that there will be future tech that is able to detect rescaling or audio distortions?
It seems naive to believe these limitations will always exist

>The CIA are planning to release a deepfake of Trump defacing The Quran
well tell them to STOP IT RIGHT THIS MINUTE

So OP is an asshole? Shocking! archive.is/KRXqS

Attached: 0DAE3B08-5BEE-4038-BADA-109033639A8A.jpg (1285x746, 234K)

dumb faggot im no op

My dick just flew over my house

the amount of information here makes me worried.

project blue beam

The fake will actually show Princess Ivanka pissing on the Quran, making for much butthurt in the Muzzie world.
Princess Ivanka will then offer to give BJ to any butthurt Muzzie male.

Big if True



can't be any worse than any other theory on this board. put me in the screencap.

Attached: 1562310060332.jpg (1024x683, 66K)

Pappy? What's the CIA?
Oh, honey, we don't have to worry about that anymore. They're long gone.

I wonder if the reason why so many of these kind of things don't happen is because they're posted on here.

Attached: Shrug2.jpg (700x606, 55K)

>defacing The Quran
Shit... This is a regular weekend thing for me, thank God nobody has a video huh?

yea im sure someone at the CIA is browsing this site right this minute and he turns to his boss and says "We need to go to plan B"

Wouldn’t it be more believable to Normies to deep fake a video of him with the Kremlin or some shit? I mean they already wasted 2.5+ years on bullshit.

>Dystopian technology threatens to make the legitimacy of all visual media completely unknowable
>"Oh ho ho, but if mediocre Hollywood radfem can be made naked, pee pee will feel good!"
We're so fucking fucked

Sorry, autism. Got ahead of myself.
