It will be no news/surprise to you that communities such as Dumpert and Geenstijl are becoming increasingly based, whilst simultaneously being EXTREMELY blue-pilled about topics like women and Israel.

This is our chance to make a real difference.
How? Simply make accounts and post *SUBTLE* red-pills, they have an army of literal Jews patrolling the place 24/7, they WILL ban you for dissent.

Bonus points: Use a VPN to down-vote centrists and upvote radicals.

Attached: flag-prince-netherlands.png (923x615, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is how hard (((they))) censor the place, so be wary of that.

Attached: brave_2019-09-04_22-14-49.png (512x291, 23K)

Fuck off toothpaste flag

>Red-pilling and waking up the masses in the Homelands is not important because of toothpaste.
Yeah I'm gonna go with:
75% Chance of Jewish
15% Chance of Spic/Nigger/Creatura
10% Chance of White trash retard

Did I win?

look, it's not our fault your flag is just a mess inspired by ours.

Dumpert is fucking gay. I saw a video of 'rapper fresku' getting beer thrown at him and 99% of the comments were 'thats a cool guy': No. He's a retarded ugly fucking shitnigger who whines about racism sounds like he seriously has brain damage.

That's only because (((they))) deleted 90% of the racist and realistic comments, the censorship is going hard.

BUT what you might not know is that they are radicalizing at insane, actually incredible rates, every day the comments get more racist and it's become impossible to censor completely, we can easily take advantage of this, the Dumpert audience is 98% White incels aged 16-32, they are definitely, absolutely on their way to becoming Jow Forums tier, but kikes are very deliberately censoring the reddest of pills, we can change that.

I've been commenting for a while and the reactions keep getting more based by the day, stop being a passive twat like the Jews want you to and BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME bro.

Not at all. Every shitty moroccans video gets 1000 racist comments.

What do normies think of Geert Wilders. He may be a kike puppet but I like him

Most people "don't have an opinion" on him until they are in White-only company, then they will say "he is right about everything".
And he IS right about everything, except for Israel.

Go find videos from 3 years ago, hell, even 1 year ago, and see the difference in comment section.

I don't use dumpert.
It's 100% pozzed up the ass with randstad faggots last time i checked.
Besides, no attraction for me. Great if you guys want to do this but i'm allergic to low IQ gay comments.

I can understand, you guys are absolutely right that these dweebs are fucking pathetic losers, and cucked out the ass for the most part, however there are absolutely some based retards browsing there, and I will not let an opportunity to fight the Jewish hegemony go wasted, no matter how menial or exasperating the task.

Based. I have many Dutch friends. They are my favorite people

In my experience they were always very negative about filthy moroccans. But this dumb braindead nigger is 'cool' cause he's not as annoying as 'Boef'. But they can't even see that he is, and probably even worse.

Ja wanneer een Marokkaan iets kuts dut dat zit de video vol met racistische comments maar wanneer een bl*anke nederhond iets kuts doet dan zijn de comments helemaal anders.

Attached: FD8C5D8E-421A-41BD-95CE-1B91CE11E73C.jpg (1024x1024, 186K)

Well i really can't do it. I will last 4 minutes in there before getting banned 6x like last time.
How do you suppose you want to redpill the masses?
I'm good at debate but not without calling the other a faggot first.

T. schijthuid


You can stay, tikka masalah poster.

Attached: th(2).jpg (474x561, 58K)

I like this flag better.

We do too but certain (((faggots))) don't.
Perhaps in the future it will revert.

No swamp in the netherlands.
You must be from amsterdam, jump in the canal and inhale the condom water, dugusting.

people unironically placing the pussy on a pedestal, hahahahaha
women are property and nothing more

Freedom to choose what to cook, what to dress the children in, when dinner is served and finance. Imo japanese got it right.

Fuckssake, 4th post where i forget to include daily gondor shit.

Attached: th.jpg (474x277, 24K)

Ja joh? Zie hier: een filmpje waarin een AUTOCHTOON een MAROKKAAN slaat.


Zie je die reacties? En nou je bek weer houden kankerslaaf.

Attached: 5ya8h9pmbg1z.jpg (1079x1445, 206K)

Me too, but remember that the MOST effective is VOTING manipulation, there are enough based people regularly commenting to never need an account.

Look at this comment, it had +7(!!!!) before I turned my VPNs on, I got it down to -3 and brainless cattle did the rest.

Attached: chrome_2019-09-04_23-50-55.png (456x67, 5K)

I recommend NordVPN, it takes about 5 minutes to get +15 or -15 votes ;--)
Once you set the precedent the voting cattle goyim will do the work for you, just like plebbit, the system is incredibly flawed, people don't read comments but simply look at the score before forming "their" opinion.

This is our TRUE flag, I wear it on my jacket and cap every day, Jews hate it because it represents everything they try to destroy


I've got it already, you dont need to make accounts to upvote shit?
I've only ever commented.

Nope, just use Brave browser and incognito tab that you close every time you switch VPN server.

Don't spread this around too publicly though, they will surely require accounts for voting if(when) they figure it out.

I just realized we are forcing (((their))) hand.
They can choose between letting us manipulate voting and disabling public-voting.
If they require accounts for voting, people will get pissed and leave, it's a win-win, we beat the Jews at their own filthy game.