How would you improve the US Constitution?

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Remove income tax. Implement the original 13th amendment.

Return Senate appointments to the State Governor

Bring back 13th Amendment

By actually following it’s provisions, as it is currently written.

Make only tax paying land owning veteran males eligible to vote

Delete it and reinstall Articles of Confederation.
Federal government became too powerful and corrupt just like the Antifederalists said it would.
Why didn't we listen?

We have the Seventeenth Amendment because of massive corruption when appointing Senators. The idea is cool but we need a new idea that would make sure Senators aren't corrupt.

>Delete it and reinstall Articles of Confederation.
Look at this fag

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Reclaim the colonies for King George, its the only answer burgers.

A 13th Amendment restricting lawyers from serving in government was ratified in 1819 and removed from US Constitution during the tumult of the Civil War. Since the Amendment was never lawfully repealed, it is still the Law today.
>We have the Seventeenth Amendment because of massive corruption when appointing Senators. The idea is cool but we need a new idea that would make sure Senators aren't corrupt.
Are you too retarded to realize that Senators are far more corrupt today than ever before? Holy shit.

Based and ToFNA pilled

Add an amendment that puts any public servant who violates the constitution in any shape or form into a military tribunal, and the only facility they can be sent to is gitmo.
Add an amendment that makes the salary of any congressman equal to that of the average household income of their region.

what's this mean

I'm informing you WHY we have the Seventeenth Amendment. I didn't tell you you were wrong to want to stop the election of Senators you fucking sperglord

make proposing any gun law punishable by death.

also, repeal the 19th so those retarded cunts quit fucking our country up and make it so only white men can vote.

We have the 17th amendment because (((Democracy))) is easier to manipulate than 50 states' governors and the people they pick.

add two amendements, one restricting citizenship of white persons of non-jewish descent and one preventing foreigners from owning property or businesses in the country

That's how it started, and look where we are now.
The Federal Government should be a monarchy.
Each State Government should be an appointed Viceroy.
Then the lower down levels can be elected, for married white men with property and kids only.

You can write and rewrite the Constitution until you are blue in the face and it won't change a thing.

Anytime you delegate your intrinsic power to other people to make decisions on your behalf, those people are going to fuck you. This is a client-agent problem, a well known problem in all fields of society and commerce.

You are only free if you start taking responsibility for the society directly.

What this means is that old lady living by herself down the street who is no longer able to care for herself is YOUR responsibility, not some government agency's. That means you will have to take direct responsibility for crimes, fires, street maintenance at a local level.

Don't want to take this responsibility? Then you'll never be truly free, you'll always have a seneschal lording over you, doesn't matter how explicitly clear you write the Constitution about what you want.


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I love you user.

Allow the federal government to print fiat cash.

add a new amendment mandating the execution of anyone with azhkenazi jewish traits


"The freedoms in this document are absolute and permanent. The only changes that can be made, are to add to the rights of the people."

which includes all whitoids cause jews love to (((disguise))) as them

The 2nd Amendment should have a death penalty clause on the end that permits open execution of gun grabbers by regular citizens.

Abolish birth right citizenship
Underscore the first and second
Only allow whites citizenship
Instate some kind of monarchy

Protections of the nation
>No non white may become a citizen or receive permanent status
>English is the official language
>work visas may only be offered to whites
>voting, vice age and draft age raised to 20
>residential property may not be bought by noncitizens
>supreme court permanently affixed to nine members
>permanent bar on joining international organizations that may supersede Congress or the constitution
>one vote per household

There I fixed it

Titles of Foreign Nobility Act

Enfranchisement is only available to those who sacrifice in some way for the civilian body.

>serve in the military for a minimum term
>firefighter/paramedic/police officer