WELCOME to Catholic/pol/! Where we talk about the importance of faith in politics and society in general. What matters most is NOT Left OR Right, But GOOD and EVIL. >Abortion for example is EVIL, no exceptions. >Adultery is WRONG. Period. >Homosexual activity is WRONG. Period. >Masturbation is immature and wrong. Stop doing it.
How was mas today anons? did give alms? did you do Communion? Did you Fast before communion? have you gone to Confession? Have you been fighting your predominant fault?
Have you become a Parent OR in the midst of doing so? have you prayed the Rosary as you should?
>catholicism >god is three people, jesus is made of bread and you can do whatever you want as long as you apologize to a pedophile in a box who wears a dress and makes you call him daddy lol
I see that it says she was favored, but doesn't say anything about her being without sin?
David Ramirez
So she did not sin. Unlike her we are born WITH original sin. Original sin IS to lose trust in Gods plan. before our fall we had COMPLETE trust in God. But with original sin we are FAR MORE vulnerable to the Devil's snares.
Help me understand, so the immaculate conception was about Mary's birth? Because I thought it had to do with the virgin birth?
Ayden Ortiz
the catholic church is in such deep sin it is beyond blasphemy of the ghost, get out of babylon, repent and go to christ yourself he will not answer you if you sharing a doctrin with these jesuit amalekites
Friendly reminder the practices of the catholic church are unscriptural and has many false doctrines. The biggest problem is the work salvation where they say it requirea faith + works to be saved.
>Romans 4:5 kjv But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith counted for righteousness.
>Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
James chapter 2 is addressed to already saved people and says faith without works is dead as in unfruitful, not unsaved. Fellow catholics, you don't need work to be saved, you should work, but it's not a requirement nor a process; it's instantaneous and you will be imbued with the holy spirit if you believe in Jesus Christ and him alone, not your feeble, mortal works.
The corrupt modern bible versions are the cause of all the mess we see in today's society. There is only one accurate bible in the English language and it ain't the catholic bible, just look at their fruits.
I've made this pic. You have to thanks E.Michael Jones for the analogy.
Bentley Edwards
What does God think of people with non-IQ related mental disabilities like major depressive disorder, bipolar, and OCD? Would Jesus tell people to take care of us like He did for the sick and poor?
you're spiritually blind and retarded, and very very sick, you need help and have to go directly to christ because you certainly aren't praying to the god of abraham when you're this deceived.
Adrian Flores
But they said Mary was sinless? I'm trying to figure out how she was the immaculate conception and not Jesus. Why does Romans 3:23 say all have sin, and now I'm hearing Mary was sinless. I'm very confused.
Ethan Foster
>I'm trying to figure out how she was the immaculate conception and not Jesus. Jesus isn't a "conception", he is a "creature" of God like we are or like Mary is, he is GOD the son. Jesus isn't a creation.
Correction: >, he *ISN'T a "creature" of God like we are or like Mary is, he is GOD the son.
Carter Collins
Popes, cardinals, bishops, and priest go to the extreme by wearing yamakas in order to imitate Jews. This is the Christian's goal in life. Christianity was invented by Saul of Tarsus. Let's hear it from Christianity's leaders themselves,
"We are Semites spiritually." ( Pope Pius XI )
"Judaism is the father of Christianity and Jesus is our rabbi." ( Pope John Paul II )
"Inside every Christian is a Jew." ( Pope Francis )
As Christianity's membership evaporates, the remaining men become more homosexual, hirsute, and hereditarily Jewish. In a century it could turn back into raw homosexual Judaism, just as the original Judaic cult of Christianity was when it started. Imagine being ruled by a homosexual erotic mischling hirsute man-club of neo-Judaic Jew-worshippers in a Christfag empire.
Jack Lopez
Live is short, salvation is forever. Why ruin it?
Robert Evans
Read catechism 721-726 Pope John Paul II catechism
Sebastian Diaz
So is the immaculate conception about the birth of Mary?
Logan Gomez
So you can easily prove Her sin then. Where is Mary's sin in the Bible?
Kayden Clark
Hello Memeflag. Sad to see regurgitating pre- made talking points as usual
Joseph Murphy
>She was, by sheer grace, conceived without sin as the most humble of creatures, the most capable of welcoming the inexpressible gift of the Almighty
Is Romans 3:23 wrong then? If Mary was conceived without sin, where can I find it in the Bible?
Bentley Jones
Where is Her sin in the Bible, user? Can you please point it out? Also, while you're at it, where is sola scriptura?
Austin Collins
Can you easily prove she was without sin?
Jeremiah Sullivan
What's a testament user?
Jonathan Murphy
bro hilarious, i saw you post this in 3 other threads today and it's STILL so FUNNY.
William Lewis
Kayden Smith
since you won't look it up:
721 Mary, the all-holy ever-virgin Mother of God, is the masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time. For the first time in the plan of salvation and because his Spirit had prepared her, the Father found the dwelling place where his Son and his Spirit could dwell among men. In this sense the Church's Tradition has often read the most beautiful texts on wisdom in relation to Mary.101 Mary is acclaimed and represented in the liturgy as the "Seat of Wisdom."
In her, the "wonders of God" that the Spirit was to fulfill in Christ and the Church began to be manifested:
722 The Holy Spirit prepared Mary by his grace. It was fitting that the mother of him in whom "the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily"102 should herself be "full of grace." She was, by sheer grace, conceived without sin as the most humble of creatures, the most capable of welcoming the inexpressible gift of the Almighty. It was quite correct for the angel Gabriel to greet her as the "Daughter of Zion": "Rejoice."103 It is the thanksgiving of the whole People of God, and thus of the Church, which Mary in her canticle104 lifts up to the Father in the Holy Spirit while carrying within her the eternal Son.
723 In Mary, the Holy Spirit fulfills the plan of the Father's loving goodness. Through the Holy Spirit, the Virgin conceives and gives birth to the Son of God. By the Holy Spirit's power and her faith, her virginity became uniquely fruitful.105
Josiah Collins
724 In Mary, the Holy Spirit manifests the Son of the Father, now become the Son of the Virgin. She is the burning bush of the definitive theophany. Filled with the Holy Spirit she makes the Word visible in the humility of his flesh. It is to the poor and the first representatives of the gentiles that she makes him known.106
725 Finally, through Mary, the Holy Spirit begins to bring men, the objects of God's merciful love,107 into communion with Christ. And the humble are always the first to accept him: shepherds, magi, Simeon and Anna, the bride and groom at Cana, and the first disciples.
726 At the end of this mission of the Spirit, Mary became the Woman, the new Eve ("mother of the living"), the mother of the "whole Christ."108 As such, she was present with the Twelve, who "with one accord devoted themselves to prayer,"109 at the dawn of the "end time" which the Spirit was to inaugurate on the morning of Pentecost with the manifestation of the Church.
Ayden Ortiz
keep bumping the thread, mohammed
Ethan Torres
Yeah, sure. The biblical typology is all there. As Christ is the new and final Adam, Mary is the new Eve. Were Adam and Eve sinless before taking a bite out of the fruit? You can also establish parallels with the Ark of the Covenant which Mary carries the New and Eternal Covenant. You can also infer Her interception since it was She who asked Our Lord for His first miracle which started the entire passion. And if you believe then the interception to be real, you have plenty of corroboration through Her apparitions. And if Sacred Tradition is of any value to you, then as corroboration of Her dogma of Assumption, we do not have Her bones unlike all the Saints and Apostles except St. John's. And if the opinions of the people who combated all the gnostic heresies and false gospels of their days are of any validity to you, they all professed a belief in Her immense sanctity.
So again, what was your argument? Where in the Scriptures do they talk about Mary's sin? Can you reasonably infer that She was a sinner and not the Immaculate Mother of God who bore us the Saviour?
Apparently I don't know, you'll have to walk me. Where in the Bible is it said that sola scriptura is real? Please point it out to me, it should be very easy.
John Cruz
>implying I am
Caleb Sullivan
>Catholic >when you try to crusade the real Christians and fail lmao
That's very misleading because I always thought the immaculate conception was about Jesus being conceived by the Holy Ghost. That term is making Mary takes precedence over Jesus, I'm not very comfortable with that.
Tyler Morgan
What's with all the religion shilling threads? Isn't this a political board?
Sorry. Describing things has NEVER, EVER been my strong suit. Has gotten me in trouble in the past. Sorry if confusion, but i am HORRIBLE at describing subjects and topics
Ethan Rivera
Religion iS politics... of a different kind. YOU are concerned with the CITY of MAN. WE are concerned with the CITY of GOD. YOU worry about worldliness. WE are concerned with GODLINESS.
>inb4 Your god is fake
There is NO OTHER GOD. Only God is that of the Holy Trinity.
Ryan Smith
Besides there is no religion board and Jow Forums is Christian, so...
So it's typology and not how it's read on the surface, well what's stopping anyone from using their own interpretation of scripture, because that's what you're doing. Isn't the old and new testament the will of the Father? Was the assumption of Mary like Elijah? Did she have a witness to it? Where can I find that in scripture?
So when we die our ONLY options are >eternal groveling (you won't even be allowed to exit the hell-tier suffering of purgatory until all you want to do is grovel) OR >be tormented for all eternity by a massive faggot Both of these outcomes are severely depressing. There's really no better options than these? Are you shitting us? All of this sounds awful.
Elijah Lopez
Ironic, don't you feel ashamed that you are propagating the pedophile cult?
Angel Cook
The bible is scripture, but it requires a unified church to determine it. The Catholic church CREATED the bible. It DID NOT come DIRECTLY by God, But by people who were INSPIRED and GUIDED by God. The church decides WHICH is inspired by GOD and WHICH is HERESY. Answer me this, because I WILL ask ONCE: How do YOU decide which IS Scripture and which IS NOT? HOW do you prevent heresy like Mormonism and JW
Jace Watson
Today i passed a rather difficult and important exam bros. I know i studied pretty hard for it, but i know He gave me the strenght to do so, and maybe even something more, so to God be this glory and to God be the glory!
Joshua Carter
>So it's typology and not how it's read on the surface Yes, that is correct. >well what's stopping anyone from using their own interpretation of scripture You can certainly ask that to the protestants. They seem very keen on disassembling the Scriptures despite the Old and the New Testaments being so inexorably intertwined and most of these concepts like the hypostatic union not being particularly novel developments and held independently by various orthodox traditions. >Isn't the old and new testament the will of the Father? Was the priesthood in the OT not the will of the Father? Was the line of kings not a will of the Father? Was the tradition not a will of the Father? >Was the assumption of Mary like Elijah? Did she have a witness to it? We presume that St. John was a witness. Some hold to the doctrine of dormitation but they still believe that Mary merited all the graces of Our Lord so it is quite strange that Elijah and Enoch were assumed a not Her. Apparently, "being full of God's grace" means nothing to protestants.
Where is sola scriptura? Where are Holy Mary's sins?
Jordan Sanders
>Presume Will presumption hold in a court? Doesn't that go against Deuteronomy 19:15? Or is that a typology that I need you to interpret for me?
Thomas Butler
Im not trying to be an ass, it's a legitimate question of mine, or rather, something I can't agree with the church on. My family has a history of physical disability (muscular dystrophy), and I had to watch my own uncle choke to death on his bile (no joke. My mother elected to pull the plug, but I felt obliged to watch out of shame, while she cried into my shoulder).
I agree that abortion for nearly all cases should be explicitly banned, and I understand why, and I actually believe that it's a satanic, or at least degenerate ritual. I suppose I've been so negatively affected perception-wise by physical deformity that I have a complete aversion to it. It actually helps to simply even write this, but the point still stands: is it not less cruel to simply kill a child in the womb, rather than allow them to suffer so much unfairly? Saying that sounds rather silly- after all, life is suffering, and no one is exempt from it, let alone those with physical disability. But at the same time, perhaps someone understands my issue with it?
Adam Cooper
>That's very misleading because I always thought the immaculate conception was about Jesus being conceived by the Holy Ghost. Jesus is part of the Trinity, he can't be conceived by something else since he is God. He is not a creature of God, he IS God.
Jayden Reyes
If that's the case, does that contradict psalm 119?
Cameron Allen
Can a catholicanon explain to me or rebuke this sermon using scriptures from the bible? It's saying worshipping Mary is sinful and it's pretty convincing desu.
That doesn't answer my question how Mary takes precedence over Jesus.
Jackson Ward
>psalm 119 No
Nicholas Murphy
1850's they began deifying Mary, and moving their church away from Jesus completely.
Carson Butler
>That doesn't answer my question how Mary takes precedence over Jesus. Who thinks that ?
Evan Myers
They feel more comfy going to Jesus' mommy. Wish I were kidding.
Brody Price
>but it requires a unified church to determine it. Nope. Just another job of the Holy Spirit.
Brody Rodriguez
Simple. OT is in. NT is 27 books written by eyewitnesses to the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ, that have zero contradictions to the rest of scripture, or to each other, demonstrating harmony that can only come from God.
Kayden Nguyen
I used to think that way too, but in all honesty, there needs to be such a gross dichotomy- the alternative is the univeralism approach, i.e., 'No matter what you've done in life, you'll go to a happy place when you die'. I'm not kidding, either. We either need to acquiesce to a higher power (which is fucking difficult for me, because I come from the Nietzsche school of Ubermensch pride), or believe that we are blameless and that everything we do is good. It really comes down to the question of objective vs subjective morality.
I know it sounds aggravating, but I think you suffer from the same disposition towards pride as I do (Which, although is not a good thing, is certainly better than being a massive pozzed faggot like the majority of guys these days). Think, if you will, for a little bit on the nature of pride and 'groveling', which can either be shaming or liberating, depending on to whom and for what you grovel.
If a king pardons you for some crime you did, I would honestly have no problem kissing his ring or whatever, because the guy just did me a massive favor, and he deserves my thanks for it. Men like us will easily set aside our pride if we have been helped out by that person. Try to think of God less as some ephemeral 'thing', and more like a personal liberator and king who already has pardoned you of everything you've done. In this case, would you not kiss his finger at the very least?
yeah, keep fighting against Jesus that will turn out well
Ayden Myers
I actually can answer this, bad Catholic as I am. Worshiping anyone except God is sinful, of course. Even while worshiping God the father; Jesus; or the holy ghost, we need to be cognizant of their greater part of the trinity, otherwise its multi-god worshiping.
Realizing, however, that Mary is a human being who has a soul like you or I, or your ancestors, or anyone, we realize that she is still out there (and in her case, that somewhere is heaven). Because Mary is one of the few people we know for certainty to be in heaven, and because she is a very pure and merciful person with a direct line to the father, we venerate her and ask her to intercede on our behalf. Like, how in Medieval times, you might beg the Queen to ask the king to take mercy on you. (This actually happened in the 100 years war- the English king would make a big deal about how he was going to massacre his prisoners, but the prisoners made a big public deal of begging the queen to intercede, which she did, so the king pardoned the prisoners. Thus, the King wasn't a monster, but he still saved face).
Daniel Martinez
No. You have no options after you die. You have this life to determine where you will spend the afterlife, and you will be transformed/resurrected into one of two eternal bodies, one for hell, one for heaven. No second chances. No universal salvation. There is no reason not to be saved today, right now.
pray for me lads, i really need to get a handle on my porn problem
Michael Robinson
shut up kike, no one's biting your d&c
Jordan Rogers
Ascribing to Mary the godly attributes of omniscience and omnipresence, which she would need to hear all of your prayers, the billion of you, is deifying Mary, idolatry, and an abomination to God. So, good luck with that. Mary has never heard any prayer from anyone on earth, ever.
Cooper Campbell
Stop liking it. PORN KILLS LOVE
Matthew Bell
Whore of Babylon v Jesus And you think the outcome is up in the air.
Christian Johnson
>Just another job of the Holy Spirit > "I have the Holy Spirit ! Sodomy is not sinful and it's great" > "I have the Holy Spirit ! Usury is wonderful ! " > " I have the Holy Spirit ! Pornography and masturbation are awesome ! " What do you do when two people with the "Holy Spirit" contradict each other ? How do you find the truth ? You don't and make each other a protestant sect ? The Holy Spirit isn't a permission to anyone to people to anoint themselves as priest with ultimate truth, that's just an absolute insane idea.
Liam Brown
When two people contradict each other? See if they can iron out their differences. When two people tell you two different meanings for the same bible verse? Why am I listening to either one of them, again? Do I not have the same Holy Spirit they both purport to have?
Kayden White
ok, rabbi, spell out yahweh
Jaxon Nelson
Do you hold the belief that Christ is a central figure in the Old Testament? Why? The Scriptures don't name Him. Heck, the Jews have made a religion out of denying Him. Why are you not a Jew? If only the New Testament speaks of Him, then why do we cling to the Old? Can you safely presume (trouble word!) that the Old points to the New? Because if you do, that exegeses is known as typology, you are looking for the types of Christ in the Old Testament. You can look at Noah's Ark and see it as a type of Christ or a foreshadowing of the Church and a great number of other possible interpretations. So are all interpretations correct? Why are yours superior when you hold to the superficiality of scripture? Case in point: >Deuteronomy 19:15 >One witness shall not rise up against any man, whatsoever the sin or wickedness be: but in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall stand. So you're taking a verse of the book of the Law here and you've shifted gears from the superficial interpretation to an """enlightened""" protestant interpretation. What is the chapter talking about? It doesn't matter. You just picked a verse and that is more than enough. But here is what the chapter is about: it is how to sentence the crimes of false witness, the crime of manslaughter and cities of refuge, it has specific prescriptions to the priesthood on how to proceed during the trial. So why didn't you just quote the Commandment from Exodus 20? It's much more to the point and is directly related to that unlike the verse that you quoted that is directed to the priesthood and observed in different ways by the Catholic Church.
The fundamental hypocrisy here is that you're expecting people to prove a negative and you do not find it slanderous in any way shape or form. So again I ask: where is Mary's sin? Because it seems to me that you're not only acting in defiance of EX. 20, so the sentence is quite fitting, that you should be taken out and other fear your chastisement.
Liam Barnes
One more question for you guys, if anyone wants to help. I'm fine with the teachings of the new testament: it's beautifully written, and every one of the teachings is very applicable and good. Jesus is an all-around stand-up guy. I just can't help get extraordinarily angry about the old testament. It's not just a matter of having spent too much time on Jow Forums, it bothers me for two reasons: 1) It seems to contradict the new testament in every way possible, yet Catholic maintain that it's the same God in both, and 2) It's the history of the Hebrews, not my history. I feel as if the old testament should be the Catholic history of every group of people. Why should I give a crap about the lineage of David or Abraham; my ancestor's relation with Christ happened when St. Boniface cut down the pagan tree at Paderborn.
Owen Perez
The Holy Spirit turns dead people into priests, yes. Just not Babylonian Mystery priests, or Levitical priests. Actual priests, with Jesus as the actual High Priest.
Ethan Bell
>The Scriptures don't name Him. The Angel of The Lord in the OT is always Jesus.