He's got a year left, he won't build it.
It's too late.
He's got a year left, he won't build it.
It's too late.
>Trump lied
so whats new?
He will win again and finish the wall
He's getting re-elected and no amount of shilling is going to stop anything. Liberals had four years to come up with a suitable competitor, they spent this time instead shitting their pants and trying to impeach Trump through unscrupulous means. Enjoy your four more years and Supreme Court Republican super-majority, asshole cuck.
the wall seems pretty great actually, it even has robotic M2 gun turrets
>He's got a year left,
You mean 5 years right?
He's winning 2020.
Any sane person can see that.
Didn't the Pentagon divert funds to the wall this very day?