Antarctica Anomaly pt 2

Continuation of this thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why was the last thread pruned?

Because it belongs on /x/

And belongs on Jow Forums, on /tv/, and many much cases, yet here they are on Jow Forums wit 100+ replies. Do your fucking job then faggot if you're pruning threads.

bumpity bump bump bump

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72°00' 36.00'' S , 168° 34' 40.00'' E
Coordinates so you can check yourself, but there's also a discrepancy with a russian base stationed there, any info on this?

Dead giant from the book of Genesis. The Nephilim that we’re wiped out in the floods.

That's a big guy

Its just a Rock Formation goys. Nothing to see here.

Nature does funny things and I WANT TO BELIEVE

روى الإمام أحمد في مسنده عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه، أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: (كَانَ طُولُ آدَمَ سِتِّينَ ذِرَاعًا فِي سَبْعَةِ أَذْرُعٍ عَرْضًا). وفي رواية: (خَلَقَ اللَّهُ آدَمَ وَطُولُهُ سِتُّونَ ذِرَاعًا ، فَلَمْ يَزَلْ الْخَلْقُ يَنْقُصُ حَتَّى الآنَ)، رواه البخاري (3326) ومسلم (2841). قال الحافظ ابن حجر رحمه الله في فتح الباري: (فَلَمْ يَزَلْ الْخَلْقُ يَنْقُص حَتَّى الآن) أَيْ أَنَّ كُلّ قَرْن يَكُون نَشَأْته فِي الطُّول أَقْصَر مِنْ الْقَرْن الَّذِي قَبْله، فَانْتَهَى تَنَاقُص الطُّول إِلَى هَذِهِ الأُمَّة وَاسْتَقَرَّ الأَمْر عَلَى ذَلِكَ.
we wuz giants

I just want to touch upon the term "Nefillim".
This word (if it is a Hebrew word, it is in the plural form) appears only 3 times in the Torah, and based on the context of it's use, it is difficult to determine if this was a name of a tribe, a description of a people, or something else.
Genesis 6:4 tells us that
>"The Nefillim, they were in the land,

and proceeds to talk about the sons of Elohim who were mating with human women.
A few chapters later, a similar expression is used in Genesis 12:6 -
"...and the Canaanites were then in the land"
So it is very possible that the Genesis authors used "Nefillim" to indicate the name of a people who no longer dwelled in Canaan during the time of the writing of the story, but there was a cultural memory of them.
The only other place is in Numbers 13:33 where the spies reported what they saw to Moses. Interestingly enough, when the narrator is talking about what they saw, "Nefillim" is never mentioned, nor again, in Deuteronomy, when Moses is talking about the report of the spies.

"And there we saw Nefillim, the sons of the giant from Nefillim, and we were in our own sight like grasshoppers..."
In Biblical Hebrew, the prefix "heh" (ה) may or may not be translated as "the", and it's inclusion or exclusion isn't significant. For example "ha-Elohim" and "Elohim" are normally translated, simply, as "God" (when it refers to Yahweh).
So was Nefillim a town, a people, the name of that unnamed giant?
The text doesn't say, and the word never appears again.
You have fans of giants who want Nefillim to be giants, and some want them to be giant angels.
But that's just ideological bias, and it is not in the actual text.

I found this weird cracking in the snow over the hill. posted about it in the original thread a week ago

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bump le thead

it's nothing you faggots
your brain is wired up to see faces
and that's what it does
even when there's no face there

If interested
all I have on Antarctica, Hollow Earth and the Nazis residing there

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It's more likely to walk freely in North Korea than Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty System is bonkers.

For you.


The truth hurts mods


here comes the leaf

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pic related cant tell anything about the supposed white people shopping, but the luz mala story is real
google translate:
>The bad light is one of the most famous myths of the folklores of Argentina and Uruguay. Some told him the legend of good light, also known as the ghost within the lantern. It consists of the nocturnal appearance of a bright light that floats at low ground level. This can remain motionless, move, or in some stories, pursue at high speed to the terrified observer. Many times it appears at a distance close to the horizon. which fits
Talks about flying saucers in Argentina and Antarctica
and also explains the interest on the falkland islands. want to keep a close tap on those nazis in antarctica

In the middle of Antarctica huge areas with liquid water and without ice or snow

Something radioactive is melting ice

particle detected in antarctica that seems to not have interacted with the earth

heated caverns in with up to 25°C

some intelligent killer octopus found in lake vostok and is turned into some weapon, possibly propaganda but who knows?

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Wait, this can't be real


I would recomend that you look into ancient Sumer. much of the bible actually comes from there, and for example the tale of Noah is originally writen in the epic of gilgamesh. basically Noah was an original "aryan" (a noble). unfortunatelly I dont have an specific answer to give you about the giants.

if you want to go into a really deep "trip" about giants (and dragons):

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OH FUCK THIS DEFINITELY PROVES [fill in flavor of the week conspiracy theory]

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fuck off nigger

It’s nothing you fucking idiots!

based af

jesus christ muzzie ff youre bumping at least post a pic

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Noah's ark?


where is this ? i'd like to see some evidence

This isn't satire? Guys off his rocker.

>Antarctica anomaly
>Where is this?
>coordinates in the fucking OP bottom right
>Where is this?
Truly your finest retard moment.

its THE most bizarre but interesting thing I have ever seen, heres another one about devil's tower:

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It's clearly a Kaiju. This is a call to general quarters!

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>Truly your finest retard moment.
yes, sorry, I expected a link from the OP.
But holy shit, it's there :
pic related

Attached: antartica.jpg (2541x1313, 309K)

Great place to test accuracy of an energy weapon without showing off.
but just as possibly thermal undercurrent from volcanism, perhaps like Iceland.

Gib actual jeewgleearth link or gtfo

Dhul Qarnayn's iron wall is in Antarctica. Read the identifiers "Land of setting of the sun (sun sets for 4 months straight, and takes 3-4 days to set)."

and "Land without protection from the sun" ie no Ozone layer and the magnetosphere is at its weakest

also possible the island of the Dajjal is Antarctica or satellite islands.

I am muslim and I agree with you. In our tradition all mankind were giants originally, Adam was a giant and current humans are a smaller subset of them. No angel hybridization necessary.

Also, angels don't mate at all and certainyl don't disobey God. Only the devils/spirits do, and they certainly seem to have mechanisms to interact sexually with humans.

With you on that..

Giants are still around bud

Appearntly there's a few in Montana as well as Alaska and the northern territories of Canada



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part 2

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Muh dick is a genetic remnant of Titanism

>Grrrrr don’t make fun of me! I’m a fairyologist and I’m close to discovering real life dragons!

i wouldnt kayak with that lardass in antartica

I wonder if the stars line-up with pic-related will cause something horrifying to wake?

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because there's literally no point to these threads so people weren't replying

I read this one before awhile back
Basically I boils down to
>rich chad is friends with nerd virgin growing up
>nerd virgin stays in the same town his whole life
>rich chad is rich and does rich things
>comes back to town where virgin is
>tells him a bunch of crazy shit happens in Antarctica because apparently every rich person knows this but they only tell nerd virgins from their hometowns
>nerd virgin believes everything because he’s gullible, all word of mouth shit
>nerd virgin is scared of being gang stalked even though he’s lived in the same town his whole life and is too stupid to realize that’s why he keeps seeing the same people over and over
>nerd virgin is a leaf no less

There i saved you the trouble

Uh what does this mean?

a poorly done shoop that’s supposed to be a joke

listen to WISE UP instead he's less retarded

and listen to this guy
I don't think this video covers it but his theory involves the devil's tower

makes more sense than mud fossil

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Is this the Mountains of Madness discussion thread?

sure thing faggot

Noah was quite literally an Albino Black man...

>He doesn't read based Lovecraft

It's a tree. Giants are real and big creatures back in the day when the ozone was thick as fuck. When there is more ozone later, living things are massive

Can they pick up white leftovers and mutts for early space colonization? I want to get out of this Jewish world so bad,

Aren’t humanoid giants physically impossible because of the square cube law? Anything of that size would naturally collapse into a 4 leg position.

Have you seen fossils? Everything is possible

Everything would be thicker and bigger on a giant. A giant isn't going to have the same thickness of skin and bones as a human

Killed it!

AAAA OP, what the fuck is that? I'm scared.

Our ozone is a lot thinner before the Giants and massive creatures. That's why we are all small.

Scientists made their own ozone environment breeding bugs. And the thicker the ozone got, the bigger the bugs started getting. We are going to get smaller like alien grays. That's probably what happened to their planet that's why they are small.

Checked what happens this Sept 23rd?

Is its just me or does that look like a fucking frog with red lips...

adam was something like this

good theory

because this is fucking stupid. It needs to be pruned. Fuck this retardation. Take it to /x/


Fake AND gay
take your meds

Stop posting

The four fucktards who ruined a thread

I don't know. But if it's related or connected somehow. We are all in big trouble.

fuck this gay skitzoid shit off to /x/

its real. we were giants and shit

same structure
just saying


why is there s Saudi shitposting on a Bahamian water treading forum?

Yeah so what? Illegal alien research station based on this planet, and when their authorities got wind, they froze the entire thing shut and fucked off. Amazing. Let the past die.

The magma inside a volcano cooled and is a tougher material than the volcano its self. After millions of years of erosion the rock around the cooled volcano crumbled and eroded. Thats why there are so many rocks around the base of the formation


One of the only places where free speech still exist

ok, reasonable answer.

This has got to be one of the stupidest fucking posts i've ever read on here. You are everything that is wrong with this place. I would bet my life you're a npc with no capability of visualizing anything with his minds eye.

No matter if it's all bullshit to consider the possibility is fascinating. You are a pathetic worthless sack of shit that has no business ever posting here again.

Thank you for green texting for no reason, using pol words and providing nothing of value in your post whatsoever. fucking loser

What about its use in the book on enoch?

Are you based German bro who knows everything about hollow earth and Nazi ufos? I havent seen you in a long time. I was worried you got v&