Women very unhappy

I don't know if its just my area, (Cincinnati) but all the women i meet seem angry, and they are always making unpleasant faces like they are constantly mad, mostly scowling like pic related it's hard to start a conversation let alone a dating opportunity when they make this face all the time, is it birth control?

What could be causing women to become to standoffish and angry?

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inb4 greenman

You're ugly.

Clown world

So? He didn't say he was hitting on them retard.

It's because they want to be housewives, but that is no longer socially acceptable. I'm not even kidding, some of the happiest people, statistically speaking, are women who went to college, held a job for a couple of years, and became I stay at home mom in their late 20s.

What did he mean by this

maybe you're ugly

atrazine in the water is turning the frogs gay

not getting dick

here is a meme i dont get.

I hope you're right. Women being content with the way things are is half of what's crippling us, I hope they're coming around to reality.

jews convicing them to abandon their primal natural role in the world.

Swamp gas.

They still hate you if you're ugly and think of you as a monster.

maybe cause you live in a lower middle class area with bad weather?

It's not just you.

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"The reason they make this face all the time is because they are all thinking how much of a monster you am."

Somehow i find this hard to believe lol.

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They’re starting to realize that they can’t have it all and they have no way out. There are a lot of toasty roasties out there, OP.

Imagine you're on the train. You're trying to listen to music. You have headphones visibly in your ears. All of a sudden, an ugly autist taps you on your shoulder to start babbling about legos or white genocide or some autistic shit. The bitch face is just another preventative measure to avoid this scenario.

Huh. Who would have ever guessed that working all your life for the jews leaves you feeling a bit hollowed out.
Seriously though fuck women.

Forgot muh pic

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might be this, desu. women make angry faces (resting bitch face) at men they both dont know and are not attracted to physically

Its more of a defense mechanism to keep from getting hit on than an active thought about being you being a a monster. Also, feminism makes them pissy and entitled and porn makes dudes creepy which amplifies their likeleyhood of doing this

This. I don't have much of a presence on social media, but when I checked up on highschool friends, the girls are all either married or still partying. The married ones all seem really happy, the party girls seem unhappy but refusing to admit it to themselves. They post all this idiotic desperate poetry about being confident and free. It's so obvious they are depressed. Of course they will deny it to the end because of their pride.


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Reality doesn't give a fuck about what you believe

I would honestly love to see a study done to see how many 'incels' actually approach a typical woman. In my experience, awkward guys do not approach any women at all. Is it really that big of a problem?

On public transit it happens to be more drug addicts than anything else.


no, it isnt a big problem, desu. Cant say i havent done it, though. It isnt so much the real autists as the guys who are 80th percentile chads. Women smile for men that they see as the best they can get their hands on

>What could be causing women to become to standoffish and angry?

The media/entertainment industry/political state of society. They're told they have to be pretty...but at the same time if you're too pretty you're microagressing all other women and if you're fat, you're given completely conflicting social attitudes from forced acceptance with disregard for health related consequences to complete public shaming.

Women are told that they're strong, yet there's a war on their gender. They're told that abortion is a 'right'. They're told that being attracted to certain males is 'wrong'. Women are encouraged to have single lives and spurn the natural draw to being a partner (never even mind being a full-time mother).

Women are all fucked up right now thanks to leftist social engineering.

Part and parcel.

>All of a sudden, an ugly autist taps you on your shoulder to start babbling about legos or white genocide or some autistic shit.

Does this actually happen in your life?

probably because they subconsciously realize they got kiked
>Take on lots of debt goyim
>Can't pay your debt? then take your clothes off for cash
>Don't want to take your clothes off? Then work some slave job
>At least you get to have as much casual sex as you want without social shaming
>Get a tattoo
>Obesity is the new normal
>The world is over populated, don't reproduce and work instead
>Black people are cool
>Other brown people need to be supportive by welfare just because
>The Holocaust is real and you should feel sorry for jews and horrified by white men
I could go on but this is the typical brainwashing the average white women is exposed to everyday.

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Really because they hate what they are, they hate this life, they hate having to work, they hate NOT being WOMEN. But more than ANYTHING they HATE not being TREATED like women by THEIR men.
Stop treating these women like feminists, act like a fucking man. If she won't have anything to do with you - YOU DON'T WANT HER. Trust me.

I honestly don't know how to right the ship without Shariah Law. I just don't see us being able to take women's rights away and help them find happiness without a radical change such as Islam.

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Look even more angry, imagine they killed your dog that your dead wife gave you. You'll get your dick sucked in no time

This women know they are getting kiked over but, still think its "men" and not jews.

maybe your crotch is unzipped ?

Women hate each other and social media has made them too close and hyper jealous of the fakery other wimmins present as their every day. Had a bitch working for me a hike back. On the way to a client's she met an old flatmate who gave her a completely fictional exciting description of her job. She was complaining afterwards that her job was so boring. I knew the other cunt had lied as I used to work in the company the girl did and laughed and pointed out that she had made up a lot of shit about her job and it was boring as fuck. Usual wimmins like I get accused of lying because, why would she lie. I laughed. God I fucking hate wimmins and their stupidity.

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Sharia law is natural law decreed by Allah. It is meant to keep order in society not just by keeping women in line, but by keeping economic forces in check by prohibiting usury, among other things.

Fuck off shitskin

because quality men are holding out on them past few years. keep it up.

The real question is who cares.
Women need to be told what to do.

That's probably why Uncle Adolf liked Islam; order in society and no usury.

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i dont blame them, ive had the misfortune of driving through the cornfield laden/lazy ass state troopers trying to meet their speeding ticket quotas infested shithole that is ohio, to get to chicago and id have to say, if i lived in that flat and boring af state id be pissed and scowling at random, gawking neckbeards too.

i mean you fucks have so many tollroads, and it could be argued whether or not you guys are even important enough to have tollroads.

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she will feel a lot better after tonguing my anus.

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oklahomas a lot like that too

it's useful to pay attention to what women lie and front about. it reveals what they value in others - men specifically. women care about having a "cool friend group" and a job that sounds fun, exciting, and like a late 90's/early 2000's movie with a high-powered female lead. They do this because those are the things they value in MEN.

Women are stupid, care about status, and are herd animals. This means they don't know you're lying, they're willing to pretend/fake to look good in, and basically do what the people around them say to do.

They can't judge a man easily on their own so they see if he hangs out with a group of other men they deem to appear "successful." They want to be able to brag to their men about their man's status, because it gives THEM status by extension, so they need his job/career/hobby to be something admirable in the media culture of the day.

That is all projection. Women do those things to appeal to men and it doesn't work at all because they understand men far worse than you can ever imagine. The solution is to just be a strong and capable individual. Never meet her with your friends, if you even bother to have any around. Don't tell her details of your job. Call her out for lying to her other cunt friends about what SHE does. Make sure she knows you value her feminine qualities - do this with your dick by fucking her like you're a man and she's a woman.

Once she's on the hook, she'll ensure her behavior is to your liking so you'll stick around. Women need a leader it's as simple as that. If you don't do it, their peer group will be that leader, shudder.

Isn't it called "resting bitch face"?
As someone who moved here from the DC area I can tell you as bitchy as you think cinc women are they got nothing on the cuntiness of DC cunts.

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It’s just that Cincinnati is a shithole with about 50% of the demographic being black

Yeah but if you drive outside the city limits that changes drastically.

Imagine being a slave owner, like all north American women are, and thinking someone talking to you is the biggest tragedy in this world.

Where do you live, Indian Hill?

i drove route 66 through oklahoma, and can vouch for the amount of state troopers lying in wait, i literally got pulled over by this dude. i did some sweettalking and got talking with him about his son in college, got lucky and drove away with just a warning.

id have to say though once you transition into arkansas driving through some of nice forests littered with deer stands are a nice breath of fresh air compared to the miles and miles of shitty depressing desert and farmlands of the american southwest.

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The suburbs in the Cincy GMA are great, it's just downtown and the surrounding areas like Avondale and Price Hill that are shitty.

They want to be submissive, but they cant. They dont even know what they want. So today that means nigger and arabs cock, because 80% of white males are cucked.

Cincy has had the reputation of being full of assholes for like 200 years.


women are subhumans

They are unhappy because they aren't told what to do anymore.

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Try making her laugh.

How many women have you hit?


use this one on her: "hey BABY ! were you raised on a chicken farm ? cause you sure now how to raise COCKS ! if that doesnt get em, would you really want to be around someone that dull ?

Women have been smiling at me lately. They didn't used to do this. I'm not sure what to make of it but I also haven't tried too hard to figure it out because women are gay.

Who cares.

they totally whore themselves out from about 10-25 and then try and pass themselves off as people like you and me. this is your average female. hundreds of cocks in every hole, more semen than anyone can remember. these were her 'fun' years.


Women are unhappy and depressed just like men are because greedy, rich Anglos and Jews decided to control humanity a couple centuries ago, and it's been downhill ever since.

Remember, evolution is everything. When you live in harmony with your biological imperatives, in harmony with evolution, with Nature, you cannot help but be a happy human being.

They took away our extended families. They took away our nuclear families. They took away fatherhood. Now they've taken away motherhood. Our children are raised by the state and their peers and social media now.

Misery and anti-evolutionary lives are profitable for rich, greedy humans.

This. They do it as a self defense mechanism because most guys are spergs. Guys that get laid see through this and know you just have to break through it. Most of the time just talking to them breaks this. Unless they're in a real bitch mood then it's not just for show but that's a chance you take.

Talking to them while they look like this is enough of a social use to them, letting them know you are man enough to go after what you want, that they will drop the act immediately.


that's the key right there user

the reason they are so pissed off is they are not getting wined and dined by rich guys in NYC or LA , but by established guys who in their opinion are losers cause they will probably live and die in Ohio just like them .

they will never live their sex in the city dreams fren and they know it .

They're not getting dicked down, and the few ones that do have boyfriends have basically little puppy dog toys, not real men like they want.

We have Graeter's, UDF, and Montgomery Inn.

I find myself unable to trust about 90% of the white, American women of my generation (millennial) - liars, backstabbers, and fornicators. Am I the only one?

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I just turned 30 all the girls I grew up with are all starting to hit the wall hard , I feel like too much of a creep if I were to start hitting on 19 year old's who are at least are still attractive and have the possibility of not being a total slut yet .

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It's just white women

They are despicable for the most part, only care about your bank account, disgusting, narcissistic, and retarded.
My dad got divorce raped twice before he learned their true nature. Don't fall for their facade, if you decide to have kids, let her live in or whatever. DO NOT MARRY, NO JOINT BANK ACCOUNTS

and when she does take the kids and ruin both your well being and the kid's well being for life due to being a single mother, AT THE VERY LEAST you'll have your property left.

Have you ever noticed how men walk around? Same thing.

>I feel like too much of a creep
Sounds like feminist propaganda. Women can go rich, men should go young if they want.
Non-white women as potential romantic partners are irrelevant to me.
They've been corrupted by media and enabled by the legal system.

Reading this makes me happy that the genetics of like 75% of you 4chans will never live on.
Praise women’s rights. Hallelujah!!!!

500 for shit that never happened

>only care about your bank account
Welcome to life kiddo.
This is the way it's always been.

The fucked up part is that it's in mans nature to compete with each other so we don't pass this sort of info down.

>I honestly don't know how to right the ship without Shariah Law. I just don't see us being able to take women's rights away and help them find happiness without a radical change such as Islam.
you're a fucking idiot, lift, become someone and show them the way
you fucking faggot, Islam is for lazy sub human.

>Non-white women as potential romantic partners are irrelevant to me.
The point is they're all whores.
Some just smell worse then others.

Based boomer

She cute

>I don't know if its just my area, (Cincinnati) but all the women i meet seem angry, and they are always making unpleasant faces like they are constantly mad, mostly scowling like pic related it's hard to start a conversation let alone a dating opportunity when they make this face all the time, is it birth control?

It's their diet. Not enough meat. Too many grains and other carbs. Effects their brain in a bad way.

>white women
>having a baby as opposed to aborting it
Future generations will probably get made in a laboratory the way things are going.


Or we could take women’s rights away. But that would involve us getting off our asses.

Nigger, I'm fit and have plenty of assets. I've been married three times. These women are fucking broken because of our laws "empowering" them to fuck up their lives.

Very adroit point, my friend. "Men prove by doing; women prove by saying".

It's important to remember, however, that this doesn't make women evil, per se. It is still natural and normal to be sexually attracted to them. We shouldn't blame them that they got kiked, because in all honesty it is the duty of the men of the society to protect against such subversion. I actually have a remarkably somber point to touch on this- I was at a fancy club last night with some acquaintances, and was talking to a girl from (very liberal) Colorado whom I had just met.

We were talking about aspirations for life, and she said, quote, "I want to have a family some day... I know it's a bit archaic..." I stopped the conversation and told her to the effect of, "That's not archaic, that's a beautiful thing to want", but the trepidation and anxiety with which she said it haunts me a day later. Women have been effectively socially engineered by THE ENEMY to go against their own natural desires and natural law, and in fact apologize when they do so.

I don't know if I'll ever see her again, but the solution, obviously, is to be a strong man in whom the woman can take shelter. Be a wealthy; sexy man with a strong friend group, be a leader- and then "grant" her the gifts she really craves. What God does for us, we must do for women, and it is for this philosophical reason (and statistical fact) that I believe women are only in exception cases the intellectual superiors of men.

They were lied to when they were younger. Now they're past their prime and it's too late to catch up on getting a man having kids and a nuclear family.

If Arnold S (Austrian name I can’t fucking say) can get divorce raped, so can anyone.

That’s the thing, women just care about money, it was a terrible idea to give them rights.

that will probably result in a bunch of jews being killed when these so called 'incels' go down in flames.
Do you really want that? It will be mutually exclusive. I guess you could put all your hope in the zog surveillance state to protect you

Yet, as someone from a very similar city in Wisconsin, I can attest that "suburban sprawl" (the moniker by which I'd name Cincinatti or Milwaukee) is a disgusting black hole culturally which spawns naught but anger; degeneracy; dissociation; and lack of significant attachment to friends and goals. I've always felt white men have two homes, only: the heart of the forest, or the heart of the city. To live in the suburbs is a great in-between: a perversion of the two goals of man, which are to become one with God, and to become one with civilization. Suburbs are where dreams go to die.

Do you really need to hear a story about how bad coco butter smells.
It doesn't smell white at all.
It smells foreign.

like smelling a man when you're fucking a girl.