Syria General /sg/ - Biography Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Syria Sep 4
>Idlib Sep 2
>Yemen Sep 4
>Afghanistan Sep 4
>Libya Sep 3

Devs Sep 4
>Kurdish-led SDC ready to return to Damascus to negotiate with gov’t
>Iranian oil tanker ADRIAN DARYA 1(Grace 1) turns off GPS as it approaches Syrian coast
>SAA troops attempt to advance in northeast Latakia
>Roadside bomb injures 4 SAA personnel in Daraa
>TFSA say 9+ Russian Special Forces personnel killed in their east Idlib ambush. RU MoD did not comment
>US coal announces it carried out 24 strikes against IS in Iraq and 2 strikes in Syria
>Fox News:Iran allegedly building massive military base in Syria
>Report: mighty israeli army abandoned military facility after hezbollah atgm strike
>report:SAA to launch operation to secure Aleppo city
>Turkish military resupplied its besieged observation post south of the Syrian town of Murak in the northern Hama countryside
>US fired cruise missiles at jihadist group near Idlib city, dozens killed


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first for fuck EU, US, KSA.
ty for bread.

incel98 disappeared after i proved his stupidity

Extremely based and redpilled.
Also fuck every other western nation, hong kong, south korea and ukraine
#Iran president #Rouhani: We're taking a very big step [by 3rd step & removing the limitations on R&D]. People need to know that the major amount of our negotiations with P5+1 was on the timing of the research and development (R&D)...3rd step will be under supervision of #IAEA.

nuclear iran SOON

its commonly known shia are the good guys

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>page 10
is /sg/ really this dead at this time now?

i wonder what sa kike is doing in these times

Yeah /sg/ is ded

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im amused not to be under your radar.

it's not dead
it just smells that way

what jolani status

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Nobody wants to spend their time with the schizo kikebootlicker

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women aren't cattle

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Shias, thoughts on nikah al mut'ah?

Shias only know to suck Ali's immaculated cock.

Based post

So Houthis achieved a kill/death ratio of 1:1000?

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>US fired cruise missiles at jihadist group near Idlib city, dozens killed

for... what reasons? Rebels in Idlib serve US interests well by stymying Russo-Syrian progress in the province?

Houties are KDA top notch now. The real antiimperialist MVP.

no if they surrender.

>page 9

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>page 10
rip /sg/

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>incels have to post ugly whores pics to try to bump their shit general

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Where's Amy and Blaze

/sg/ died with isis, they were the only brave warriors in this conflict, the only ones willing to get total victory or achieve shahada trying, may Allah accept them in their sacrifice. thousands of vbied operations for nothing.. sad

They probably lost quite a few but nobody knows a good number

3rd uae airstrike on hadi jihadist forces in marib

>Another air strike this time targeting the leadership of the third military zone in Marib. The source of the raid was also uncertain, but Emirates was questioned

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