You make me laugh more than anything else save maybe the best southpark episodes. I just wanted you all to keep your chin up and be proud of being part of this place. Keep memeing to embarrass the tools on the left who cant meme for shit. You guys rock. Dont ever change.
I fucking love you guys
Love you too
I love you too bro.
You can borrow my emotional-support beastiality pony-on-a-plane anytime.
Back atcha OP. Now stop making faggoty slide threads.
>I love you guys
>spells Jow Forums right
You know Jow Forums is gonna celebrate while Iran, Syria and Hezbollah kill you and all your friends rright? Stupid Israeli fuck.
>doesn't spell Jow Forums right*
Feels good bro
Fuck off, faggot.
Happy now?
Do you want to take our relationship to the next level? Beautiful expressions of physical love?
Same feeling. Love this place.
Also, go give your parents a hug for me. They raised you right for you to be here and they are proud of you like they should be.
>tfw an internet stranger is the first person to ever say "I love you" to me since September 11th, 2001.
'scus me
why mutts rarted
it said free taquitos for immigrants
but love you too bruv, keep the good times rollin
T-thanks, fren.
Y-you t-too
You are a faggot, comrade.
(i love you too tho)
I love you to BUT you better not be a nigger, kike, LGBT, Liberal or I'm taking my love right back!
Thanks bro. I needed to hear that.