
Memes aside, Jow Forums - what are your honest views on his positions?

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>Believe a Chinaman
let alone
>Elect a Chinaman
He's a meme and that's it

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I like him. My boomer parents don't like him, even though he's offering them 1k a month.

I worry people will buy dumb foreign shit with their $1000 and our wealth will pour out of our country.

I mean, 1k is pretty much just a top slogan to attract normies, but he has much more points on his agenda.

As a fiscal conservative, I personally disagree with lot of them, but at the same time I like his technocratic approach.

I disagree with most of his positions other than UBI. The idea that people know how to spend money better than the government does is actually a very libertarian idea and UBI is one of the main strategies remaining to combat the a runaway welfare state.

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Giving people free money for just being alive is the stupidest shit you can do as a government. Instant dealbreaker if he gets a nomination.

>even though he's offering them 1k a month.
His latest plan says no one over 65 will get the UBI "dividend".


This guy gets it

Giving people free anything just for being alive is ridiculous DESU. It bothers me that people just get to enjoy public goods like schooling, roads, parks, protection from the police and military etc with out ever having to contribute a thing. Citizens should either live in 3rd world like conditions and do hard labor till age 18 or consign themselves to a few years in the military before they get to enjoy the privileges our founding fathers fought and died for. Most people in this country are a bunch of ungrateful hand out loving hippies who bitch and wine about "muh rights" but have never done a thing to actually earn those rights.

isn't this the moron that cried one national television over gun violence? What a little bitch, he will never ever be elected

UBI is genocide

Not electing someone who want to take advantage of automation so in the near future everything is made by robots and humans are liberated from being a wagecucks, is stupid

Unrealistic until we prioritize our nation(blacks and jew included) over others.

I want my $1000 yang bucks. Granted it won't be worth $5 american dollars, but at least I will think I am rich.

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>memes aside
Positions are for boomers. Yang against Trump would be the biggest meme in the world and I want to see it

You don't need to earn rights if you are born in this country they are your birthright.

I don't like UBI. $1000/mo will lead to inflation. Inb4 "only caused by increasing the money supply". The reason college got insanely expensive is because the government gave millions of kids (short-term) free money to spend on it. Extra discretionary income leads to extra spending, which on the business' side is extra demand, which leads to higher prices. Suppose yangbucks make average prices go up by 50%. If you make over $24K a year, then even after UBI, you have less purchasing power than before.
I'm also concerned that the government could use UBI as a form of social control, by withholding it as a way of punishing not-quite-crimes.

The kikes fear the chinks

i want $1000 a month

Show your flag you kike.

>Anti-2nd amendment
What's there to like?

I've given up on political solutions to america and since the only actual solution is violence ie violent overthrow and noone seems wanting to do that not antifa lefties or 2a dont tread on me I'm just left to vote for my own economic interests. Fuck your shells game.

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tax the tech, get the check, anyone who doesn't like that is borderline retarded.

>Voting for a non white

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I don’t support him. He brings lightness to the fact that every message, text, image, we upload for free is a profit for the googayoutubfakeboon

too bad our public schools, roads, parks and police protection are shit. OP is onto something.

I'm voting for him the primary.

Bribery isn't enough to make me vote for someone.

>elects another jew

siding with gooks will bring painful lessons. use
them for what they're meant for, slave labor.

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He's a gun grabber who wants open borders, tranny kids and abortions. The only good thing about him is that if he wins, he won't get neet bux passed,but might get the other shit done, thus accelerating the collapse
This image is confusing

Agreed. He's the best of the D's, but Trump is still lightyears ahead of him. I'm voting for Trump a second time next fall.

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He's the best chance we have at making the general population calm and distracted while we build Cylons and the neo pantheon

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you missed the meaning of it then. it's a joke so
dark you just might not get it.

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this. the election night meltdown will be glorious


Couldn’t agree with your views more

>what are your honest views on his positions?


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>what are your honest views on his positions?

None of my 'honest views' are worth more than $1,000/month to me, so it's irrelevant.

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fuck off you spamming kikes

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he a Chinese deep agent.

screenshit this

Election night 2016 was one of the craziest experiences of my life. I was on Jow Forums, and major social media until sunrise watching it unfold. It broke all of the shills, bots, bugmen... you could tell there was no contingency plan in place for this happening, and for 8-10 hours, there was virtually no disruption/censorship on any social media whatsoever. It was nothing but celebrations, and posts receiving tens/hundreds of thousands of responses.


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This. People don't think long-term.

with $1000 a month I would invest it all in bitcoin and buy a Bugatti in 6 months.

first candidate in my 30 year old boomer existence that actually introduces a societal problem and offers specific/detailed policy to address said problem. honestly i was impressed by him and depressed by the overall state of affairs of our political system where his analytical approach is virtually unheard of. he earned my vote.

i honestly believe he needs to go back

I'm really glad Dan Carlin doesn't do his common sense show anymore. He'd get reamed for being a fucking omega boomer if he did.
If you go back and listen to even the more recent ones its just the most milquetoast liberal hot-takes and the poor dude thinks hes being this edgy outsider for saying them.

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>a very libertarian idea
>combat the a runaway welfare state
Do you know what words mean and how to use them?

He want's to give my money to someone else. He can go fuck himself.

only faggot shills support him

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That's exactly what would happen, the founding fathers realized this and spoke against it that's why they were against a central bank and fiat currency

I don't really agree with all of what he says, he's more lefty than I'd hope for but he seems like a no-bullshit kinda guy and one of the only reasonable candidates.

Also I agree with you on UBI but to think that it'll replace welfare entirely is super misguided imo.If you could get around the shitstorm that would ensue from replacing the welfare state than it'd be great, but i doubt it can realisticly happen democratically.
People love their gibmedats and are going to hold onto them for dear life.
That and Yang is probably a Chinese spy anyway so whatever.

gibs me dat

I don't know much of any of the democrat runners who have 0% chance of doing anything but waste everyones time.
Leftists are getting exactly who the super delegates vote for and thats all there is to it. Extremely democratic of the democrat party I know but how else do you expect them to be career long politicians?

He's a fake crybaby.

>give people 1k a month UBI
>every business and corporation knows you have at least 1k a month extra coming in
>every business and corporation puts prices and affordability up to get a slice of that 1k a month
>Back to square 1 except if UBI is ever removed, the raised prices will stay

prob a nice guy but also retarded

Love the guy. I don't agree with pro choice on abortions, LGBT pandering(love how he doesn't say anything every time he's asked, he just pivots into UBI), and shaky foreign policy(fuck Israel), but the rest is just great.
Compared to the meek first debate Yang, he looks much more confident right now: twitter.com/CBSThisMorning/status/1169236084938674178

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I support him, because fuck the jewSA.

He understands that AI will replace jobs, that and UBI are his running platform. I'm not convinced the latter is the answer to the former.

hes an idiot who doesnt understand foreign policy, our monetary system, economics, immigration, incentive structures, or human nature. he believes the media and the intelligence community, and none of his shit comes even close to solving for the root cause and going for the core. some of his ideas are legitimately terrible, and hes a danger to us, but a dream candidate for a corrupt, runaway system..

the yang economy would be a fun but brief transition period for some people to get some of their shit together before the collapse (which would be guaranteed)

overall, a very amusing blend of communism with some lolbertarian characteristics, and possibly the best accelerationist pick in the race, although id still argue for harris

he'll give me free money so he's based in my book

Wrong. This was the old version of his plan, which has now been updated to include a dividend til death.


>meme flag

you have to go back fuckface

That he's a CCP plant

>what are your honest views on his positions?
That he was crying.

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Did you see the thread on YangforPresident that got 6k upvotes? Even the Yang Gangers know he has no chance. If you're polling this low at this point then you're already out of the game.

Aw snap.

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The reason college is expensive is because the government guarantees student loans, which means that colleges can charge whatever they want and your tax dollars pay for it. Thus colleges were taken out of the free market via government involvement.

I think he genuinely wants to help people and knows the system is crumbling.

same problem exists with medical cost

He wants universal healthcare and ubi but part of his plan is taking away benefits and giving money so I'm confused

i'm only voting for outsiders. never voting for a politician.

>I will give everyone 1k for free
>other programms... ehhmm uhh
>gun control, stop gun crime! Free stuff!

Every single G7 country will implode without something like basic income by 2030. You can't have a first world country full of wage slaves.nelp.org/wp-content/uploads/Growing-Movement-for-15-Dollars.pdf

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No memes allowed in this thread

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Puerto Rico gets state hood...

there are no whites running. If you think there are, you've been bamboozled

> Voting for a jewish puppet because opponent is lefty
oy vey

>have to go right when Switzerland arrives
It's up to you to bust sad Asian man's balls now.

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This Swiss guy has been 24/7 shilling against Yang for the past two weeks.

Why do you care so much about a fringe American presidential candidate who's polling so low? Why waste your time on such a pointless endeavor? You've spent at least 5 hours on creating and spamming your shitty memes.

There's not much more to crush user. Ping Pong Yang is out of the game I guess. Presume Biden or Warren will be the nominee
Why you're so focused on me. I just support Trump cause he's a good guy. And Dems are socialists, like "1000 dorrar" Yang. Nothing worse than fucking socialists. And Yang just delivered the meme-material. It's fucking funny to meme him.

Best god damn hope for the Aryan people.
God bless chairman Yang!
2020 yanggang fo life.
Sucki sucki thousan dolla.

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Yang will win


He's against firearm ownership. His regulations are insane. He's a cuck. It's insane because he's the only one discussing serious issues such as automation, but on every other topic he's legitimately retarded. I don't think he's as intelligent as people think. He is on point with automation, but don't forget his business failed.

naive at best, agent of the CCP at worst. Automation is the future. The business elite won't have a good reason to lobby for mass immigration if they have an army of robots to make their cheap shit. the result of his policies, if he could even get them passed, is a less economically competitive America. And he wants to implement the chinese surveillance state here with the whole social credit system. I'd vote for just about anyone over this clown.

I endorse him, seemed the most solid on the topic of Climate change out of all candidates

All his policies are valid, he will lose because it's far beyond average mutts IQ level.