The Red Elephants

Why doesn't he get a real job?

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>working a real job

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He went straight from Skid Row to whining about
Youtube every day....on Youtube

Balding makes you a jew now? I'm curious if he has a connection to Canada though.

You can't be an e-celeb and work a 9-5.

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>Didn’t even address Leo dying in a burning semi, the one time Portland Police went and asked Antifa questions

his job is bringing truth to the people and he does it well.

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hes a prepper

Then why does he stay in California?

Why dont you?

He does two things:
>collates news, providing entertainment
>sells non perishable food
Those are both real jobs.

"But OMG youtube is gonna squash my livelihood"

>Why doesn't he get a real job?
Because he is doing the Lord's work

They already did all they can. His channel is demonetized.

Red Elephants literally names them all the time, fuck off you niggers Vincent is based. Non-cucked and non-mutt Tim Pool.

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YouTube is literally starving his children.

They're going to mass flag his channel and delete it while he's sleeling like what happened to James Allsup and Metokur. Google and Alphabet is cracking hard preparing for the 2020 election.

They not only demonetized good channel, they manipulate their algorithm to rarely recommend videos by right wing channels.

With Youtube recently making "Hate Speech" deplatforming thing on their "platform" does this mean they are a Publisher now because Hate Speech is protected in the Constitution and not illegal? Should call up your local congressman and ask them why are they allowing a tech giant built from fovernment subsidies to partake in doublespeak.

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What if that is their plan?

To get sued to oblivion by Warner Brothers, Disney and every Fake News station? I'd say let the Courts brand them as a publisher and revoke their platform protection, Google and Jewtube deserve to die.