Why the fuck does he do this kind of shit

Somebody fucking drew on that picture with a sharpie.
For no reason, there was no reason to say stupid shit about Alabama and no reason to keep insisting on it.
I get most of the lying as just basic real politik, but this kind of nonsense just seems crazy.
I don't really go in for narratives but this kind of thing really does make me wonder if he's a liberal saboteur acting in service of a longer game.
This picture, and probably a lot more just like it are going to be in a history book one day while highlighting Trumps over-the top lying, and I bet that the emphasis will be on his party, and constantly referred to as a conservative.
That's the only explanation I can think of that makes any sense to me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It’s an actual concern to refineries there. Why’s it strange to think most places near the gulf have to be worried to varying degrees?

bud, trump was never on our side. it's an act. does just enough to convince his supporters, just enough to give the media +keep people hating him

fuck trump and fuck white "people"

hahaha it looks like a pointy benis

And this


Go watch chunk yogurt somewhere else

>why the fuck does he do this kind of shit

I'm convinced that sometimes he does goofy stuff purely to tweak the lefties and get them wrapped around the axle over nothing, yet again! And it's pretty dang funny.

And sometimes it pays to remember how many times he has said something that seems at first to be odd or out of left field, and then days or weeks later some story starts bubbling up that makes things fall into place.

So you just never know, except that jumping to snap judgments rarely pans out.

It's like a black cock is a bit bigger then the white cock but the white cock lacks in length it makes up for in girth and it symbolizes how niggers are fucking Alabama.

Bait d

He was never seeking votes in Canada IIRC.

The Katrina narrative is one of noggs and pozz whites being BTFO'd by ebbil FEMA. No one recalls how hard Alabama was hit. You guys will never understand because you were born in the suburbs and flocked to the cities. He isn't on your side because you don't have a side. You're hamsters in a cage complex trying to get people to like a slightly different brand of nutri-mix.

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If the storm really DOES hit Alabama, watch how quick everyone stops talking about this.

>Donald Trump, Real-estate billionaire and president elected on the premise of ending globalization isn't a meteorologist

Welp, looks like I'm a /CruzMissile/ now

>Somebody fucking drew on that picture with a sharpie.
yep. with a single sharpie and a second and a half of work to draw the line Trump successfully derailed the entire media apparatus for the day because they can't help but take the bait. and on the night of the dem's big climate debate too, oh well...

Former trump voter here Jeb is slow and steady running his campaign right through 2020 and beyond.

He has a phone and a sharpie.

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Several biographies have discussed this.
As a child, he was stubborn to the point of ridiculous defense.
Once, he told his friends he had seen a wrestler on tv that he totally made up, and when they called him on it, he showed up at school with a homemade poster of the wrestler to prove he was right. His friends just laughed in his face.
He still does the same shit.

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>tues 8am
it's already wednesday and he's still clinging to that shit, blumpf btfo.

thats hurricane barbara you retard

Maybe he's trying to get some disaster relief money for Alabama, it's not like it couldn't use some, the place is a fucking sty.

Mother fucker 1 off quads

he's the anti christ

trumps a retard. so what? hes got no power

Better safe than sorry. If he did nothing and Katrina happened people would have his head, this is a stupid thread and you should die a slow and painful death.

bud i don't give a fuck about whatever trump is talking about. i didn't look at it. what i care about is trump putting israel first and giving america a trail of crumbs

Hurricane Barbara was updated on August 30 2019?

Crying like a bitch isn't going to change anything.

He is a retarded game show host and he is doing what he is told. He and (((they))) think you are a fucking idiot because you think pro-wrestling is real.

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>August 30

But it’s not because there’s no evidence that it will. Even if it somehow did there was no evidence at the time to suggest that it would go inland towards Alabama and therefore not worthy of “praise.” It would be like making a guess on an exam, getting it right, and then acting like you’re a genius afterwards.

“I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know.”

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You don't even live here retard. He's not the best president ever, but he has done some decent things. The media covers up all of the good shit he does and sprays shit over it and even tells some lies.

Hurricanes are very unpredictable that far out.
The computer models can only do so much.

next time don't run a literal evil cunt as your candidate if your so upset about trump

Attached: 160420_abc_archive_hrc_gma_1988_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 41K)

Usefull idiot. Just like the smart tier redditors have been saying all along, while Jow Forumstards are tasting turds in the sandbox.

stupid shit? at that point, there was 100% a threat to florida panhandle and alabama

question is, how are you this retarded you keep falling for petty phony outrages?

best press conference ever check it out on the ole jewtube is you want to see a real boss/president at work. unlike the other guys.


It's no even in alabama.

I'm not your buddy fwiend

That's the calm before the storm.

>can't show us the top-secret DARPA forecast using dark AI
>shows us the NOAA forecast with his own addition
>genuinely wants to save lives in Alabama

Trump really.put Israel first by taking out Assad when he had the opportunity to. Medianwoild.have praised him then. Trump was working for Israel when he could have bombed Iran even when the Democrats had his back for.the first time but he backed out. With good reason. Trump is so cucked.on Israel he is taking out all their enemies. Oh muh Golan heights. Or muh embassy in Jerusalem. Bug deal. Some of y'all think like simpletons.

The kikes arranged this hurricane to wipe out Epstein evidence, and you all know it

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Trump was putting Israel first when he took out Assad when he had the opportunity. Media would have praised him then. Just like when the media and Democrats got all wet when they thought Trump was going to missile strike Iran. He backed out with good reason because he put Israrl first. Trump is so cucked on Israel he is taking out all their enemies. Oh muh Golan heights or muh embassy in Jerusalem. Big deal. Yall some simpleton thinking faggots

don't worry just trust the 4d chess

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He was trying to draw a Q.

The only thing keeping me going in politics now is the memory of bullet we dodged in 2016.

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Trump never admits to error or apologizes - and it isn't a character strength, either, it's a flaw.

Because he will take it to painful-to-watch extremes for no good reason.
He could have simply waved off any questions about his Alabama tweet until "the heat" died off, as it were - but, no, he had to bust The Sharpie out.

>mfw liberal arts majors think they are smarter than Trump

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He's a literal retard who can't admit he was wrong

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Trump talks a good talk but inflammatory language isn't enough

342D Uno

He wished the weather machine worked and wished it go up Mobile Bay and wash away that shithole

hows that first female president of canada working out

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Because he can ,

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>h-he's only pretending to be retarded it's all ninth dimension backgammon

he's sundowning only slightly less than biden at this point

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what has he done that isn't getting attention?

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>He's not the best president ever, but he has done some decent things.
>but he has done some decent things.
>he has done some decent things.
Imagine being this retarded.

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>American President

shut the fuck up
