Why school shooters only start apearing in the 60s?

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Why everything turned shit from the 60s?

Obesity skyrocketing the same way too

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Kennedy assassination marked the start of the takeover.

The start? You mean the final checkmate
The start would when the fed was instituted

hippies and leftists in general got gun safety courses taken out of school at that time.
as a result the children were no longer taught to respect firearms en masse like they used to.

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Jeez I wonder

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Project Monarch

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right around the time jews went full bore with social conditioning

start was in 1912

Public schools took over

this + civil rights movement, cia/zog knew they could get away with anything

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The 1950's were the last decade in America's history before the jews really went into overdrive with the subversion. Shit was fucked all the way back in 1913 with the federal reserve but the rot didn't set in quite yet. Getting involved in WW1 really helped nail the coffin shut

No nigger it was as a result of the battle of Waterloo. Britain falling to the Rothschild family. The fed reserve couldnt have even existed if not for that.

1965 immigration act
1960s-70s feminism and sexual revolution
1960s gun classes stopped
Funny how things went to shit once we got more liberal. Who could be behind it?

It's sad.

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This. It made it clear zog cannot be fucked with. Remember when Netanyahu threatened trump with the Kennedy thing?

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Didn't the first round of outsourcing begin in the late 1950's early 1960's? Or was that when the AR-15 was released?

The kikery in usa at least was contained in usa till the institution of the fed and the slow takeover during the next 50 years years

Nah it was when Martin Luther nailed his shallow and childish Protestant thesis to the door of a church

Been all downhill since

CIA and federal reserve

No. The founding fathers were freemasons. USA was never NOT kiked.

The foundimg fathers were nazis for mothern standards and knew very well where kikes belong IN HELL.
Its obvious when all decadence begin, you only need to look at the stats

MK ultra started targeting kids. 50s was primarily adult shooters like sirhan sirhan but they were so successful they went after kids starting in the 60s

>Sedative drugs first appeared in the late 1800s. They were followed by barbiturates and amphetamines in the early 1900s. But it was drugs such as chlorpromazine hydrochloride (Thorazine) and lithium, introduced in the 1950s, that dramatically affected psychiatric medicine.

But I don't get how meds would make shooters more prevalent, especially when suicide is a side effect. Maybe those on meds are potential killers from the start
1890 is a little weird

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It was a slow process but the FFslaid the foundation (((enlightenment values))) for the degeneracy to come.

>the kikery was contained in the usa
Who was Winston Churchill?

Eat a circumsized dick, christcuck.

>The catholic church wasnt completely infiltrated by (((them)))
Spanish empire got subverted due to the church
Then they spread to england once (((cromwell))) fucked it up

They started in the 1860s and by the 1960s television was reporting it more so the idea started spreading and more people started shooting. It’s not Jews or anything you degenerate cucks.

immigrants and homegrown niggers influencing white america with their foreign shitskin proclivities
consumerism starts to become rampant
excesive outsourcing and immigration severely affect the job market for whites
racemixing became more prominent than ever leading the country into a brazil trajectory
media and music reflect an absurd cultural decline and people are fed filth from their screens for decades
the white spirit is progressively crushed year by year
architecture becomes bland and ugly
bullshit modern art destroyed beauty standards
increasingly popular feminism shifted societal roles and norms and created gender tension, men willingly started withdrawing their control of society
majority of women entering the job force decimated the practicality of the economy, work force doubled, more competition for jobs, single income households mostly impossible, further political and economic divide created between men and women
several pointless wars to turn a profit for jews
black and latino gang activity account for huge chunk of crime and violence
women are dumber than ever and men are useless pussies now

imagine building the most powerful economic and militarial force this world has ever seen and then letting it get this fucked.

Spaniard btfo kikes to oblivion and even the fake cristisn were expulsed
Blackpilling kike expotted

Stop talking.

Because everything the kikes touch turn into shit and in the 60s is when they took complete power

every ideology they spread or country they funded end up being a total failure.
Proto jews carthaginians a malevolent empire whose primary gods function( baal) was to sacrifice their own children to god was righfully destroyed to the ground by romans.

Israel conquered by every ancient empire in existance hittites, persians, greeks, romans....

Cristianity only brought 1000 years of stagnation to europe that only was supered when we embraced our graeco roman roots in the reinassance.

Comunism end up failing in every country that was implemented.

And now that the jews have take total control of the west since the 60s is self imploding under the incapable control of jews while china and the rest of the world grow stronger every day.

Jews must be exterminated they poison everything they touch while we make a rose flourish in the desert.

>Spaniard btfo kikes to oblivion and even the fake cristisn were expulsed
No, deals were made to let them escape to the new world and they ran the churches over there
Havnt you ever noticed all the dirty sanchezs with hook noses

school shooters are a symptom of a broken mismedicated society. you can expect more social turbulences in the future.


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Jewish takeover of the schools began in the late 40s and 50s. They didn't start reaching school shooting age until the 60s.


Shootings start appearing in the US because the Kennedy assassination made it clear that things can change based off of killing someone in this county. Once that move was used, others started using it too because it was successful. So based on the MSM Narrative of the Kennedy assassination, every big shooting event having to do with politics is just a copycat of Lee Har(oy-)vey Oswald. The official story is the real problem with shootings.

This, unironically.

Things that became commonplace in the sixties:

Recreational drug use (see: Hippies)
Civil Rights protests
Anti-war protests (see: Hippies)
Communist infiltration of academia (student protests)
Second Wave Feminism

Basically there was a cultural revolution in the 60s caused by the Baby Boomers reaching adulthood, it's not altogether dissimilar to what's happening now with Gen Z reaching adulthood and Millennials finally getting into high office.

They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Gee... I wonder.

A generation of Hippies like a nut in cog wheel.

Lol no kike you arent the protagonist as much as you would like , your paper for more thsn 2000 years has been being slaved to every coutry thst has ever existed

SSRI's and attention disorder drugs/treatments began proliferating.
That's it.
Get our kids off these fucking drugs and the problem evaporates.
It's literally all drugs.

Because nobody started tracking most shit until the 1960s.

Plus, up until that period school was more of a perk than a prison due to it offering a good alternative to doing manual labor on farms.

Let's get them on moar drugs! Fuck u. I prefer crazies either sedated or shooting up a place.


Destroying the family unit and the social cohesion of the country with mass inmigration while sll the industry that support the working class is deslocalizated to china has consecuences .

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Feminism and endocrine disrupters.

Also one of the biggest was social engineering, communities were upheaved and changed by moving in large amounts of niggers to cities. Major cities fell (Detroit being a big one, once considered the Paris of America, now the 3rd world, all within a 10-20ish year period) along with the ending of standards in immigration, the start of the shitskin 3rd world invasion.

A country under invasion and major top down social engineering is going to react badly. Baby boomers were in elementary school and HS, they had no power in the 60s, (does no one on this site know the actual age range of this generation they constantly talk about?? fuck)

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SSRI use has been ramping up since the 90's and a full third of the country are now on anti-depressants.

These have been shown to reduce both inhibitions and empathy.

And who were the leaders of the revolution ?

Hollywood and the kikepress

Wach the review of the film that brawhased boomers to accept this self destructing ways


The prototype for the first home video game system was created in 1966. The violence of Pong wrought havoc uponst the American school system.

Im of German decent and was raised Lutheran retard
Jesus, Luther and Hitler are my heros
Catholic church can suck a dick for ruining the world and making ignorant fucks like you
Jesus would have smited most popes and they surely burn in hell

Wharever .....


its when government began lying about space which defies the heavens by which the foundation for religion and social control has been laid down in the law of the forefathers these cold war kikes betrayed with their nasa deception that got JFK assassinated to bury the truth. Apollo and all those missions are just coded roman mythology propogated by the institutions which profit off the enslaved student population as the debt cycle regenerates income off the dead 666 celebrity royalties.

Because communist don't want to invade a country with a gun behind every blade of grass.

They started including homicides and injuries anywhere in a school zone in the statistics. If 4 people are injured by a gun within the vicinity of a school it's counted as a shooting.


This. Propaganda from all angles. Always laid out in front of your eyes.

It's either clownworld or hell, I want vengeance.

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Radicalization and Saul Alinksy

When one wants to die, as if they have nothing to truly live for, why not make a statement in mine craft?

what book

Both of these are explainable as the shift from neighborhood school houses to large public school buildings. Why does that matter? Way less recess time, much larger class sizes.

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"Behoild a Pale Horse" by Milton William Cooper

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that's when the commies took over the schools

that's when they murdered the leader of the country and got away with it

desegregation and the death of close knit white American communities.

now kikes larping as boomers to conver in another breitbart tier chan

Kiss nigger

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I'm pretty sure the contraceptive pill had something to do with this, as it drastically lowered the costs of sleeping outside of marriage.

That was part of it. Practical application of what was learned during that experiment.

The result of the industrial revolution. Everybody is stressed and cannot have a meaningful life. Those who have won the rat race will eventually become lazy, obese, hedonistic faggots. And those who cannot play the rat race game become extremely bitter, anger and depressed. Then televisions, then social media.

The unabomber was always right.

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fucking meme flag nigger the schools were extensions of the town until the 1950s when the Jews that took over the US military started applying federal pressure on education throughout the entire United States.

The true cause of the collapse of the US was the WW2 war effort where the majority of men found work in government financed manufacturing, infrastructure, and the new branching off departments designed to assist the citizens.

Those same structures define success today and specifically where white men are being replaced with more compliant workers.

might be something to that

This is a legit art/design movement even if the lefty art establishment ignores it

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Anybody have the 2019 mass shooters collage?

user delivers.

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the towns lost their purpose when this happened. men became completely separated from the family and women turned on the men in only a decade and a half.

civil rights act
beginning of school bussing

certainly there was no big legal or social movement(s) in the 1960s

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Weird OP, almost as if the 1960s cultural revolution was just a jewish psyop to take over the entire culture of the U.S. or something.

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I wonder what the difference was back in the day compared to today...

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Cultural and societal degradation. You're no longer a person, merely an economical unit.

Shooters are the product of a broken system. The first cracks in a glass castle.

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1965 immigration act. Turned America from a homogenous high-trust society to a disfunctional low-trust (((melting pot)))