Is this true user?

Had a debate with someone today. Here's the quick version of their argument:

Karl Marx - Argued everything was a class-based struggle.
Wrong... Are there "good" poor people? Yes. "Bad" poor people? Yes. Same with the rich. "Good" and '"bad" on all sides precludes Marx from having a viable philosophy due to the inherent moral inconsistencies of "good" and "bad" being on all sides.

Adolf Hitler - Argued everything was a race-based struggle.
Wrong... Are there "good" white people? Yes. "Bad" white people? Yes. Same with black people and so on. "Good" and "bad" on all sides precludes Hitler from having a viable philosophy due to the inherent moral inconsistencies of "good" and "bad" being on all sides.

Class and Race are both red-herrings. It has always been, since the dawn of time, a war between Liberty and Oppression.

Is he right?

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Hitler was objectively correct. Not all men were created equal, which spits in the face of our founding fathers; all slave owners btw. Marx was a power hungry Jew that knew "Marxism" would be beneficial to the tribe at the expense of the goyim. Hitler was and will always be right. He was a good man and history has not been kind.

its battle between good and evil. i choose jesus.

I don't think hitler ever denied that there were good blacks, or asians, or whatever...

It's just a strawman

jesus isnt real though...cringe.

This user gets it

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Everytime trump gets called a racist i chop up anigger and barbecue his flesh on my grill in the backyard. My friends say to use acoal grill for irony sake but im lazy and my propane grill works fine. So there you have it, trump cant be claimed a
Racist if i eat all the niggers and
Shitskins. So by all means cnn, keep calling trump a racist. Do it while you still can!

wow you legitimately got btfo in an argument and came here to post about it
fuck off

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God damn it jews, can't you stop eating flesh for two seconds!?

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Hitler unironically did nothing wrong. If the axis won WW2 we wouldn't be enslaved by the current jewish banking cartel that also subverts our entire societies away. White people wouldn't go extinct and neither would the asians. Most likely we would have extracted all the resources africa had so we could colonize the stars. Instead we're stuck here on prison planet until a new Fuhrer arrives again

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Hitler was good looking in my opinion. He had very unique features about him. If i was eva i would fuck his brains out. And id laugh when he dutch ovened me in bed.

regression to the mean
eliminate the problem demographics and the resulting nation-state will be better as a whole

imagine trying to enact total liberty while having somali niggers roaming your streets who are predisposed to tribal warlordism
or muslim cunts who are fucking groupthink authoritarianism at its finest

white people are the only group that is willing to put individual liberties above that of the group

>Wrong... Are there "good" white people? Yes. "Bad" white people? Yes. Same with black people and so on. "Good" and "bad" on all sides precludes Hitler from having a viable philosophy due to the inherent moral inconsistencies of "good" and "bad" being on all sides.

No, not wrong. You just made a logical leap. Just because some white people are bad doesn't make the premise that we are in a racial struggle false. Firstly, you've got to account for statistical averages. Are whites more intelligent than blacks on average? Most definitely yes. Secondly, even if you discount the importance of racial differences due to genetic factors, this still doesn't answer the question of whether white people and white nations have a right to exist. Even if whites were less intelligent than non-whites, it wouldn't justify breeding whites out of existence or replacing us with other ethnic groups.

So no, race is not a red herring. All history is racial history. All human history determines the ascendance and decline of distinct racial groups.“Race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity.


There are two races we should fear - the Stupids and the Cunts.

These species cross all gender and colour boundaries.

Worse still is when they crossbreed, and you get Stupid Cunts. They need to be exterminated.

Now I'm not just talking ill-informed or uneducated people here. I'm talking about the full-on sub-90-and-diving-IQ can't learn won't learn boneheads here. Take pride in their own ignorance, and resent and fear intelligence in others to the point of violence. They used to burn witches.

Cunts is fairly self-explanatory. They'll fuck you over, not because they need to survive, but for the fun of it. Cunts are responsible for all the actual capital-E Evil in the world. Stupids can fuck up, but they're not clever enough to be really bad.

Normal, decent people will sometimes do terrible things to survive. Doesn't make them bad people. Stupids will do these things because they're too thick to know any better, and Cunts will do them to prove they can. And Cunts can make Stupids do practically anything, because they're stupid.

Marx was a parasite. Hitler identified the wrong set of enemies.

>And id laugh when he dutch ovened me in bed.

This. Race is real, class is not. I have more in common with a middle class white guy than a poor black guy

So basically:

Dumb argument, the existence of some good jews does not change the fact that jews [in the collective sense] are bad for us.

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>(black) slaves

Anyone who follows marx or hitler is retarded
Marx believed in historical materialism or that history was a class struggle
Hitler was a military retard who was a nationalist but wasn’t the leader of his own nation.
That’s like following a Muslim prime ministers when your brisith

Both were wrong

Cool pasta now fuck off bud

I already answered this retarded copy paste thread you fucking retard. Get a life