Prison Planet

You wanna know what the jews are really working towards? They're globalists but its a little more specific than that.

The endgame of the jews is not only white genocide but its also the enslavement of every goyim on planet earth. The thing they want to bring about is basically the matrix. People slaving away for table scraps while jews at the top get all the profits.

Communism was their original idea of how to bring about prison planet. However there were too many people that just wouldn't accept open communism. So the jews started subverting capitalism until it crashes and then people are willing to go under pseudo communism.

You won't necessarily be saluting a hammer and sickle but all the practices are still there. You'll be making just enough to support yourself but not enough to enjoy yourself or do anything significant. The government still spies on you and your neighbors still have the power to call the stasi to whisk you away to a gulag except this time its called a FEMA camp.

Muh democracy will be praised even though its a verifiable fact that democracy in america is a racial headcount for one of the two kosher candidates. You won't be able to vote your way out of prison planet

If people don't wise up to the world around them then the entire world will solidify as this never ending nightmare where nobody is allowed to do anything unless you lick the boot of the state to get 5 minutes on the merry go round when you could be speeding down the street in a Ferrari.

We would never leave planet earth. We would be working slave labor on planet earth to make jews richer so they could rule over us with increasing ease. Our destiny was supposed to be in the stars. If it doesn't burn all the way we will never be able to fix anything. We're on the precipice of whether or not the world will be our tomb

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>"Become Other Than White”
Ireland and Radical Jewish Activism

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and if they don't get to rule the world, they will go for the extinction of the human race in its entirety. this isn't just a "I want to be free" fight; this is also a war determining whether or not humanity, as a species, gets to exist

well yeah they want open slavery just like they had in the days of babylon

I guess you are fucked. When your enemy rubs his evil masterplan and identity in your face for centuries and still progresses, it's a sign you are a bunch of idiots.

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>The endgame of the jews is not only white genocide but its also the enslavement of every goyim on planet earth.
Hey new friend.
Check out American Korgan on the JQ.

just tell us at least one thing about his perspective to see if its something new or worth checking out


You guys should check out know more news. Adam green seems like American patriot also Nicolas Fuentes

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This world will NOT have peace UNLESS we eradicate the (((parasites)))! This is the ONLY solution. They cannot be reasoned with. They are genetically distinct and it is in their nature to be subversive, lying, manipulative, evil children of Satan.

Jews are the enemies of humanity. They are an invasive species that is not native to this planet's ecosystem. They're the equivalent of King Ghidorah, a space parasite.

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This is unironically true

One of the problems with telling the truth about our enemies plan is that by doing so you affirm it.

We need to start affirming our destiny.

We need to start affirming the overthrowing of these financial tyrants.

Words are magic.

There is a reason they control language first.

We will be rid forever of these parasites.

We will explore the stars.

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So what i hear you saying, and stop me if i get this wrong but what i think you are saying is that we need to gas the kikes and start a race war

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hey hey hey how we going to fuck jewish pussy if you gas them retard gtfo


>Planet Earth will rid itself of the parasites known as Jews.

>Humanity will remain free and prosper.

>Once the planet is cleansed of the parasites we will find ourselves on the precipice of a new age that will define the next 2000 years.

>Our destiny is to explore and expand.

>Justice will always prevail.

I like the way you think, you're right our only hope is to abandon the system they have constructed and build our own without them. Starve them of attention and resources while we build a new better world without them.

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Hitler mistakenly considered it to be the final solution. In actuality it is the ONLY solution. We must completely eradicate them from this planet

I've got such a hard-on for exploring space. It is truly our destiny to breathe the air of other worlds and build beautiful things no one has ever thought of.

We would have colonies on the moon by now if it wernt for the fucking kikes ruining the space program with their jealousy and arrogance.

The jews stole the STARS THEMSELVES FROM HUMANITY there can be no greater crime

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>how we going to fuck jewish pussy

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>The endgame of the jews is not only white genocide but its also the enslavement of every goyim on planet earth
No shit Sherlock

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>prison planet
>destiny in the stars
fuck off scientologist
we don't want your dualistic government religion
go back and listen to more alex jones
unity starts with yourself user

Aren’t Jewish numbers declining worldwide? I’m with you on the elites turning us to slaves but not sure how jewish it’ll be in 100 years

I can't stress this enough. The "samson option" is not exactly literal nor an option for Jews. It's not self-defense. If they cant rule everyone, they WILL try and kill everyone, not by nuke neccesarily but any means neccesary.

...((())): A Critique of Jewish Privilege

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So they are spawns of the demiurge and they want to demiurge us all.

Great last line. One year after the moon landing (69), kikes crashed the market to try and erase all national pride and prosperity. If we are the only intelligent life in the universe, we must look at the kikes as a threat to EVERYTHING EVER.

>One of the problems with telling the truth about our enemies plan is that by doing so you affirm it.

From the creators of
> If you kill your enemies they win
Then comes
> If you name the jew and expose it they win

Come on user, I like your post but this make it really hard for me to don't think that you are some sort of mossad psycho agent just being subtle.

every man, women and child comes and goes. gentile or jew. you live, you die

Nihilistic fuck the jews run a zero sum game gambit on life go KYS shill faggot

Time to get to work.

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We will detach the parasites
God wills it

Then millions of you will have to stop using TVs. Cellphones, all the money they print and will also have to stop sending your kids into their indoctrination centers - the schools.

Can you do that? I'm not talking about a few loners i mean as a society.

Get some astronomers to start a rumour that they found an asteroid made of mostly gold, we’ll have Star Trek level of technology within a decade.

Why do you think because they have names on pieces of paer they own that technology? Whites invented it. You think because shlomo has a legal document he RIGHTFULLY owns ANYTHING? My guess is, people will TAKE what the want from jews inevitably. Patents, women, money, property, lives. You truly don't understand human nature do you

They won't do anything if they can't even stop believing all the lies the jews tell em.

>The nazis are the enemies!
>We need more refugees!
>Goyim you need to install this microchip into your body! Why? because it will prevent racist thoughts!

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Didnt read your .Png cause ur a demoralization memefag. How long do you think you can pull this shit off? If you dealt in reality you'd be begging for forgiveness, but since you live in a fantasy I'll break it for you clearly: Whites ALLOWED jews power and we're TAKING IT AWAY now that we've realized your fucking evil demons.

You're smarter than that obviously. So watch the video.

You can't go around an enemy like a jew, at least not anymore, which you probably are. They need to be discovered, named, and MUCH MUCH more.

poo poo pee pee poo pee poo

It’s actually real..

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>How long do you think you can pull this shit off

White people have been raped, killed, played and made fun of by the jews for 2 whole millenia!
So, forever!

Actually the Samson option is probably mostly based upon bombing its regional neighbors with Jericho missiles. So think Cairo, Istanbul, Mecca, Tehran, and Dubai. While it’s more advanced rockets can reach all of Europe and India. All major population centers wiped out. Then with German dolphin class subs they would likely hit key cities in Asia and finally any and all Jews would be evacuated to America where it would become essentially a Jewish enclave of the very last people left.

The Samson option is basically the nation of Israel killing every single person who doesn’t live in America because America has the largest Jewish population on earth. Basically the idea is to holocaust the world instead of letting them be wiped out for nothing. It’s Armageddon brought to reality. I also think it’s something that really could happen. If Iran or any military threat actually pushes Israel to the brink and they’re in a position where their territory is compromised and key cities like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are over run. They will choose to destroy the world before they allow themselves to be destroyed.

We know they have nuclear weapons. It’s why Iran is so desperate to acquire ones of their own. We know that Israel and it’s people will never accept a defeat and a loss of their new homeland. These people are basically still all collectively living in a death cult since the end of 1945. They have bound themselves to the same concept of kill the world if they try to kill us all again. And I think that for 70 years now there backup plan has been Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the American continents as enclaves to live in when the eventual death of the state of Israel happens.

Don’t you fucking guys get it?

The plan isn’t to enslave you.

It’s to blow it all up and rebuild the third temple and control the NEW WORLD order.

They want it to be new. So they’re going to blow up the old one.

Wherever in space we go, Chabad will infect.

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Look at Trump's kids. The Jews interred into English aristocracy. Money buys blood.

The Jews believe that the prophets point to them as ruling the world.

The Jews however are Edom. They were promised to live off the fat of the land. The fat is the excess. Usury, copyright laws where they own the rights to what others have created etc...

The promise in the end is to Jacob however. Where other nations come to purchase what Jacob manufactures, science, technology, arts...

It is simple to see who is who. God hates Edom and loves Jacob.

What is pic?

>The government still spies on you and your neighbors still have the power to call the stasi to whisk you away to a gulag except this time its called a FEMA camp.

The FEMA camp meme needs to die. If you're political target of this system, they'll just put you in regular prison and swamp you in legal bullshit to keep you there.

They have DEW Satellites. They dont need missles.

They are basically Satan. If you bow before them they can give you the fleeting pleasures of this world. If you stick with God you become detestable to them because they will not have God before them.

EVERYONE SHOULD PUT 3 HOURS ASIDE and read this book. turn it into a mp3, put it in your phone and go for a long walk