Should Britain be nuked?


Attached: sepoy rebellion atrocities.png (1759x904, 368K)

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based and redcoatpilled

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Yeah, thats how you win.

Lol Chinamen are selling your people drugs - such as bath salts, spice, fentanyl, and mdma - as revenge for the opium war.

Many englishmen are dying in the north - especially in cities like manchester, because of based chinaman's revenge.

Remember that 90% of the drugs coming into Britain are coming from China. Lol, based chinamen killing ugly britcucks.

Reminder that Anglos are responsible for 90% of the world's problems.


Attached: drugsinusa.webm (640x360, 1.94M)

Despite killing millions of poos yes they should still be nuked

Lol, but how much of a pussy do you have to be to die from synthetic marijuana? Brits are such cucks, hahaha!

Literally, thousands of people in Britain have died from Chinese-made synthetic marijuana. It's ruining your northern cities. Manchester looks like a city full of "zombies".

Maybe, Brits should've thought about what the Chinamen would do to their children as revenge before starting the Opium Wars.

Attached: chinaman's revenge.png (1907x942, 1016K)

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed Americans sound a lot more retarded tonight?

Lol, not only are the Chinese killing the Brtiish population as an act of revenge for the Opium Wars, but South Asians make up ~7% of your country's population now.

The percentage of Africans, Asians, and Muslims is rising in UK by the second. While, the White British percentage is decreasing.

This is God's revenge against the crimes of the Anglos.

Attached: chinaman's revenge 2.png (1909x630, 672K)

I do love how the Chinese are taking revenge against you Brits.

But, I can't wait until India becomes more powerful, and the revenge of India will be a hundred times worse than what the Chinese are doing to you now.

Attached: brits are dying drugs.png (920x2276, 2.04M)

The Indian rebellion of 1857 is the reason why you see cuck porn today, Indian rebels used to enter British settlements, kill the European officers, and rape their wives. This eventually turned into some fucked up British propaganda posters which read stuff like "To save the noble British woman from the Indian savage", eventually the same attitude went to Africa with the African natives, and you had the same thing except with Africans and white women. As does with anything related to rape, it's bound to get fetishized, and you have BBC cuck porn based on dehumanisation of African men as savages taking the "noble" white woman.

Lol based. It does seem British women love to ake brown cocks, seeing as how easily Pakis are taking over the country - as well as their women.

Little-dicked British soldiers probably couldn't even penetrate the Indian women they tried to rape.

"The horrific image of 200 Englishwomen at Kanpur – whose bodies were found in a well ‘naked and dismembered’ – gave birth to many tales of sexual assault Anglo-Indian women suffered at the hands of allegedly Indian men during the 1857 revolt."

"The stories of rape served the purpose of propelling men into action against those who had insulted their women. The British men interpreted the assault of their women by the (racially inferior) Indian men as a challenge that shook the very foundations of its political, military and racial hierarchies. Thus, sexual assault was used to justify brutal retaliatory measures against the Indian rebels. However, such a confession proved to be a double-edged sword in the future. Giving legitimacy to the tales of violation of women meant acknowledging that the rebels were successful in dismantling traditional, racial and power hierarchies."

"The stark contrast between the accounts published during and after the rebellion brings to the limelight a peculiar characteristic of patriarchal societies – the connect between the honour of women and the prestige of a country (vis-a-vis the pride of its male members). The fates of the British women became tied to the fate of the British enterprise in India. Perhaps, the molestation of women – Hindu and Muslim – during the partition of 1947 can also be understood in this light. Events of rape and arson were considered an attack on the masculinity and prestige of the men of the respective religious societies."


Who cares about some fucking pajeets. Ireland is still partly under british occupation right now and nobody does fuck all about it

>detected the streetshitter
kill yourself poojeet, more of you shouldve died in that rebellion.

It should be careful to note that the rebellion was largely a North Indian/Pakistani ("Indo-Aryan") thing, the Southern ("Dravidian") states remained fiercely loyal to the Empire, as did Nepal and sent their own forces to fight the rebels.

you forgot about sikhs, Sikhs remained loyal during the rebellion. the story of my village in Haryana during the rebellion is that the village was fiercely defended by one of the Sepoy divisions in rebellion against the British forces for 84 days. On the 85th day, the British didn't send a European division, but a Sikh division. realising that we would have to shoot our own people, the Sepoy division surrendered to the Sikhs.

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Lol cope. The fact remains that the original Indians don't exist anymore.

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paki boy desperately trying to shill a meme
too much projection

>mauryas and guptas were foreign
cope. They were literally Gangetics, you know the slur paki boys call Indians -- "Gangu"

>muslims raped so many hindus
and they became Pakis after being raped LOL

there's no mention of Dravidians either, where did the Cholas go? Vijaynagara? Sounds like a typical pakipost who thinks all indians are north Indians.

Let's do a final showdown of Indian and Pakistani ethnicities and their respective histories, because India and Pakistan are too large to be called as one throughout history.

Tamils - Three Kings Era, Chola Empire, Madurai Nayaks
Kannadas - Rashtrakuta Empire, Vijayanagara Empire, Hoysala Empire
Indian Punjabis - Sikh Empire
Biharis, UPites (Gangetics) - Magadha, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire
Bengalis - Pala Empire
Rajasthanis - Gurjara Pratiharas, Rajputana
Odias: Eastern Ganga Empire
Marathis: Maratha Empire

Each of these ethnicities today exist as states of India, teach their own culture, language and history.

Punjabis - None (always ruled by foreign dynasties)
Sindhis - None (always ruled by foreign dynasties)
Balochis - None (ruled by Iranians)
Kashmiris - None (always ruled by foreign dynasties)
Pashtuns - Durrani Empire

Is it any surprise Pakis try to convince everybody they wuz Mughals, Arabs and Persians n shit. Fuck, they've been ruled by foreigners for almost all their history. Is it any surprise they come and cook up history to make up for their inferiority complex? And of course, they almost always try to have that Muslim identity to claim achievements of Turks, Persians and Arabs. Look how proudly that paki celebrates the rape of Hindu women at the hands of Turkish and Timurid invaders, not realising that she would likely have been his great great grandmother, the reason why he's Muslim in the first place.

Pathetic. Pakistan is indeed a bastard nation.

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>Unknown numbers of Indian women were raped by British, Gurkha, and Sikh soldiers during the Siege of Delhi

Man, Sikhs are despicable traitors.

This isn't the only time Sikhs betrayed their country.


Sikhs remained loyal, that's why they were allowed higher positions in the British forces, Hindus and Muslims were the rebels

As far as the assassination of Indira Gandhi, she literally ordered the army to assault the Golden temple at Amritsar, sort of like the Arab king ordering Saudi army to attack Mecca

And look how much the British rewarded the Sikhs for their "loyalty".


The sepoys were not the traitors - they were the heroes who saw the truth of British oppression.

Muslim Poo, Hindu Poo, no difference, just different shades of brown.

White germanics should be sided with white germanics. Stop it. We are being replaced. Our blood is their blood.

Fucking chink detected

Throughout history the British were just shitty rulers, only slightly better than their barbarian ancestors.. which is too bad, since they were the last hope of a somewhat united planet in the millennia.

But then again, if there were even slightly civilized they would not have committed these "atrocities" and therefore could not have had built the empire. It's a Machiavellian catch-22, really.

So of 90% of victories for Europeans?

Flags don't matter here, all shills use VPN's. Why are they even enabled, to do D&C in every discussion?

Scotland is under Irish occupation and nobody even cares