
This pretty much sums up the last 70 years of history.

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fake and gay.
Hitler fled to south america and probably had kids there.

Hitler's last living relative (some nephew of someone or something related to Hitler) hates Hitler and refuses to have kids because he doesn't want to carry on Hitler's bloodline. So yes, this is extremely accurate. Nazis hate pedos and many anti-Nazis are pedos.


>Hitlers last living relative

My what a big nose you have...

He couldn't have kids.
His penis was deformed, he was probably gay, and he could only get it up for when his niece, Geli Raubal, would shit and piss on his face.

Adolf Hitler was a big degenerate, like all Jews are.

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In what universe is that Jewish nose. Jewish/Semitic noses are hook shaped, not just long

He's got some stuff on his head.

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Unironically based.
>RON (((ROSENBAUM))) reports


You sure seem salty over a guy who literally did nothing wrong.
Did your rabbi brainwash you?

Does not mean that it is not true. Jewe can be pretty based

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I literally just called your daddy A JEW.
Are you fucking stupid?

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Wow a jew deflecting by calling someone else a jew to divide and conquer, this is a brand new tactic!

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

There are probably still a few relatives. In the States, they live as "Hillers"

>Hitler fled to south america

oh no, someone let the retard out of his pen again.

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I can't tell what's worse, the tattoo are the pathetic mangy looking scraps of hair he's trying to hang onto

It’s hilarious how many lies jews have created about this one guy, they create a new one every day. I guess Goebbels was right.

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Hitler is a pseudonym

>"I had put a garage up for sale and Hitler answered the advert. But when he turned up he didn't seem to have much interest in the garage, only in Ania. He lured her to his flat with sweets, brought her clothes and plastic flowers and even offered to marry her."


he had two daughters
they live or lived in Argentina
not sure if they are still alive or not

You're gross

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Have fun worshipping a faggot degenerate meth head with a weird incestuous obsession with his own niece as if he were your own daddy

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Who Einstein? We already know he’s a raging faggot shlomo

fake and gay

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it is the faggot known as (((Adolf Hitler)))

Nah I’m pretty sure it was (((((((((Albert Einstein)))))) that left his wife to fuck his cousin and then later left his cousin to fuck her daughter. Alabama ain’t got shit on der juden when it comes to incest

But i though Hitler was Gay.
Which is it?

>Nazis hate pedos and many anti-Nazis are pedos.

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