Pedowood - Part 1

I'd like to make a part one of a 3 thread series on Pedowood. People forget, even though they might even know already. I might watch a Woody Allen film or X-men and forget the director is a kid fucker beyond the shadow of a doubt. I'd like to do enough research and get enough memes and infographics together in one thread (or at least have someone point me to the archive where this exists already), to remind normies and even myself, subconciously if necessary that a cabal of fucking scumbags exists within Hollywood. Furthermore, I want to call out the cast of whores and enablers that continue to make this a world where these people can make movies. What do you think Jow Forums?

link related

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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

Checked and have a bump, fren
this shit all dovetails with pizzagate quite a lot. the same power players run the whole shebang.

holy shit...2 hours ago I rolled quints and now this...kek has my back on this shit.

Checked if only for posterity

heres a start

Bob Villard - convicted
Martin “Marty” Weiss - convicted
Brian Peck - convicted
Marc Collins-Rector - convicted

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fuck im on a roll

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checked and bumped for interest

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I can dump a list of names, confirmed/convicted
Some aren't top tier names but still Hollywood


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Jeffrey Jones

In 2002, Jones was arrested for possession of child pornography and accused by a 17-year-old boy of solicitation to pose for nude photographs.[38] He pleaded no contest to a felony charge of soliciting a minor, as the accuser was 14 when the offense first occurred.[39] At the same time, the misdemeanor charge of possession of child pornography was dropped. His attorney emphasized that there was no allegation of improper physical contact. His punishment was five years' probation, counseling, and the requirement to register as a sex offender.[40]

Jones was arrested twice for failing to update his sex offender status, first in Florida in 2004,[41] and then six years later in California.[42] In 2006, Jones's record became the subject of community complaint during production of Who's Your Caddy? in Aiken, South Carolina. Upon learning of his involvement, locals insisted that the public should have been alerted, considering that families were being invited to visit the set.[43] Surrounding the release of Deadwood: The Movie, Jones's crime was noted in the press.[44][45]

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Stephen Collins

In October 2014, the New York City Police Department began investigating Collins after an audio tape leaked to the media revealed a male voice—purported to be that of Collins—admitting to past sexual abuse of a minor.[15] A Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson stated that Collins had been investigated by the department in 2012 after receiving a claim from 40 years earlier regarding sexual abuse. The LAPD further stated that its investigation did not allow it to "substantiate the allegation" against Collins.[21][22]

In a December 2014 interview with People magazine, Collins admitted he committed "inappropriate sexual conduct with three female minors" in 1973, 1982, and 1994.[23][24] A profile by The Washington Post reported that he apologized directly to one of the girls.[1] He has stated that his inappropriate conduct was motivated by arrogance and youth, not pedophilia. To explain his motivation, he spoke about an older woman who repeatedly exposed herself to him when he was between the ages of 10 and 15.[15]

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Mark Salling

On December 29, 2015, Salling was arrested at his Los Angeles home on suspicion of possessing several thousand photos and videos depicting child pornography, following a tip-off to police from one of his ex-girlfriends.[7][25][26][27] He was released later on a $20,000 bailout, but a search warrant found more than 50,000 images of child pornography, downloaded between April and December 2015, on his computer and USB flash drives.[7] On May 27, 2016, he was charged with receiving and possessing child pornography.[28] As a result of the charges, Salling was removed from the cast of Adi Shankar's film, Gods and Secrets.[29] On September 30, 2017, he pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography, expected to result in Salling serving four to seven years in jail, registering as a sex offender, and entering a treatment program, among other conditions. The guilty plea was formalized on December 18, 2017,[30] and Salling's sentencing date was set for March 2018.[31]

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Kevin Clash

In November 2012, 23-year-old Sheldon Stephens alleged that he had been in a sexual relationship with Clash which began when Stephens was 16. Sesame Workshop had initially been presented with the allegation in June, and its investigation found the allegation to be unsubstantiated.

Clash acknowledged that he had been in a relationship with the accuser; however, he characterized the relationship as being between consenting adults.[44] Stephens later recanted his accusation, but two weeks later, another accuser, Cecil Singleton, made similar accusations, and lawsuits were filed by attorney Jeffrey Herman against Clash.

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Ian Watkins

On 19 December 2012, Watkins was charged with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a one-year-old girl, and with possession and/or distribution of indecent images of children and "extreme animal pornography", charges that were heard at Cardiff magistrates court.

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Don Henley

Henley called paramedics to his home on November 21, 1980, where a 16-year-old girl was found naked and claiming she had overdosed on quaaludes and cocaine. She was arrested for prostitution, while a 15-year-old girl found in the house was arrested for being under the influence of drugs. He was subsequently charged for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, fined and put on probation.[75][76][77] Henley was arrested and pleaded no contest. He was fined $2,500 and put on two years' probation.[78] Chiles, who was no longer in a relationship with Henley at the time of the incident, later said, "I was shocked to hear about it. He didn't have drugs around the house. It was an accident, I'm sure." The media attention from this incident was primary among the inspirations for the solo hit, "Dirty Laundry."[74]

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Daaaamn numbers

Do it...looking for highly suspcious alleged pedos as well, a la Woody Allen.

Sterling Van Wagenen, co-founder Sundance Film Festival

On January 4, 2019, The Truth & Transparency Foundation, a nonprofit group formerly known as "MormonLeaks", posted audio in which Sterling Van Wagenen holds a conversation with a man identified by the alias "David."[13] In the recording, Van Wagenen confesses to molesting the 13-year-old "David" in 1993 during a sleepover.[14] At the time, Van Wagenen confessed the incident to his Stake President and a detective. According to a police report, no charges were filed in the case because the victim's parents declined to pursue them. Van Wagenen was disfellowshipped for 2 years by the LDS Church.[15]

On April 2, 2019, Van Wagenen was charged with the felony aggravated sexual abuse, in Salt Lake City, where he was released on a $75,000 bond.[16] Van Wagenen is alleged to have molested a young girl somewhere between 2013 and 2015.

Cameron Thor, actor, Hook, Jurassic Park

The Los Angeles District Attorney's office filed 14 counts against Thor, including kidnapping and sexual assault against a minor, specifically a 13-year-old girl who sought acting lessons. The District Attorney alleges that Thor gave the girl "a controlled substance ... marijuana" and sexually assaulted her. Thor pleaded not guilty to all 14 counts.

Jason James Murphy, casting assistant, Super 8, Bad News Bears

Murphy served five years in prison for the 1996 crime of kidnapping and molesting an 8-year-old boy in suburban Seattle and underwent sex-offender counseling.

Murphy was already out on bail and awaiting arraignment on charges of molesting the boy when, as a 19-year-old, he dressed up as a woman to abduct the little boy from his elementary school and flew with him to New York City.

Doug Hutchison, actor, The Green Mile, The X-Files, Lost

Their relationship drew controversy and criticism, as Stodden was 16 years old when the couple married; Hutchison is 34 years her senior.[3][11] According to Hutchison, his agent quit, his family disowned him, he received death threats, and he was labelled a "pedophile", as a result of the marriage.[12][13] Hutchison had some defenders, however: Stodden's mother, Krista Keller, who praised him for the kindness and love with which he treated Stodden; and Dr. Jenn Berman, a therapist who worked with the couple during their appearance on Couples Therapy.

Paul Reubens, actor, PeeWee Herman, Blow

The actor, 51, had faced charges stemming from a 2001 search of his Los Angeles house, during which police said they found materials that appeared to depict children engaged in sexual activity. In a press release, Reubens’s Los Angeles-based rep, Kelly Bush, said the alleged improper images were from his “extensive historical art photography collection.”

Paula Poundstone, comedian

In October 2001, Poundstone was charged with felony child endangerment in connection with driving while intoxicated with children in the car. She was also charged with three counts of lewd acts upon a girl younger than 14.[11] She changed her earlier plea of not guilty, and, in exchange, prosecutors dropped three counts of committing lewd acts against a child and added a misdemeanor count of inflicting injury upon a child.[11][12] Poundstone also pleaded no contest to one count of felony child endangerment.

Andy Dick, actor, general asshole

"Based upon statements of two victims and independent witness accounts alleging that he had engaged in unwanted and uninvited groping of the two victims' genital areas, Andrew R. Dick (AKA Andy Dick) of South Pasadena, Calif., was arrested and charged with two counts of Sex Abuse in the First Degree," read a statement from the Huntington Police Department.

Fernando Rivas, Sesame Street composer
Rivas had initially pleaded not guilty and was set for a bench trial on charges of making child pornography and sending images to other people.

Agents searched Rivas' Ladson home in April 2011 after someone arrested in New Jersey led them to him. On his computer, officers said they found numerous pictures of child pornography, some of which had been sent to the person arrested in New Jersey.^tfw

James Gunn

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Jason Byrd Dickens - Degrassi High, Total Recall, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

The arrests followed a search of a Toronto home and workplace in April in which police say they found evidence a couple was sexually abusing children and animals, and were making images and videos of the child abuse and distributing them online.

As a result, police charged Dickens, 45, and McEwen, 31, both of Toronto, with several child pornography and sexual assault counts, along with bestiality offences related to unspecified animals. Both remained in custody Thursday.

All pedos must hang

Jason "Jace" Alexander - Law & Order, Rescue Me

Alexander was arrested on July 29, 2015, for the downloading and file sharing of child pornography.[6] The files were found on computers in Alexander’s New York home.[7] The Westchester County D.A. released a statement detailing the nature of the pornography, revealing that examination of his home computers turned up digital files of minors engaged in sexual acts.[8] He was charged with one count of promoting a sexual performance by a child and one count of possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child, facing a maximum of seven years in state prison.[6] The arrest of Alexander came after an investigation in which police downloaded child pornography from an IP address belonging to the director on July 24.[9] In January 2016, Alexander pleaded guilty to promoting a sexual performance by a child and possessing an obscene performance by a child.[7][10] In June 2016, he was sentenced to 10 years' probation; he must also register as a sex offender in New York.[11][12]

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Holy fuck that story got buried...

(technically Hollywood)

Guido Germano

A director for a division at Cedars-Sinai hospital has been accused of distributing and possessing child pornography, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said Wednesday.

Guido Germano, 59, was charged with one felony count of distribution of obscene matter and possession of child pornography, according to a DA’s news release.

Germano was arrested on June 19 after allegedly distributing child porn videos through peer-to-peer software and downloading them to his personal computer at his home in Santa Monica, prosecutors said.

Stoney Westmoreland

Salt Lake City, UT — A 48-year-old Disney Channel actor has been arrested in Utah after he was allegedly caught trying to lure a 13-year-old boy for sex. Stoney Westmoreland starred as the grandfather, Henry “Ham” Mack on the Disney children’s series “Andy Mack”—a story about a young girl who is coming to age.

Westmoreland was arrested Friday after he was caught attempting to lure a child to a motel for sex. Westmoreland used an internet app to lure who he thought was a 13-year-old boy.

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Michael Skupin, software publisher, Survivor contestant

On February 5, 2016, Skupin was arrested for his alleged role with Pay It Forward, being charged with five counts of larceny by conversion and one count of racketeering. Unrelated to these accusations, he was also charged with six counts of possession of child pornography, as such images, allegedly belonging to him, were discovered on his laptop while police were searching it during the Ponzi scheme investigation. Skupin's bond was set at $350,000 USD.

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Robert Waddy Wachtel

Robert Wachtel, 52, better known as Waddy Wachtel, veteran session guitarist, was arrested Thursday at his Los Angeles home for possession of kiddie cyberporn, according to the Associated Press. Wachtel most recently played on the Rolling Stones' Bridges To Babylon album. His other credits include session work for Linda Ronstadt, Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. Wachtel was part of Keith Richards' side band, the X-Pensive Winos, and toured with Nicks numerous times. He also co-produced Richards' 1988 Talk Is Cheap album.

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Mike Gordon

Phish bassist Mike Gordon, 38, was arrested Monday, August 11th, on charges of child endangerment after he was found with a nine-year-old girl in a secluded boathouse during a show by the Dead in Jones Beach, New York.

According to New York’s WNBC television, Gordon told police that he was taking “art photos” of the girl.

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Jon Heely

Disney Music Group executive Jon Heely has been charged with three felony counts of child sexual abuse.

The 58-year-old Santa Clarita resident and director of music publishing at Disney has been accused of sexually abusing two underage girls nearly a decade ago.

The first girl was allegedly victimized by Heely when she was 15-years-old. It’s unclear how long this alleged abuse went on. The second girl was allegedly victimized beginning at the age of 11 and this is said to have continued until she was 15.

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"Vito" Margera

Margera had been accused of groping three young girls — one 14-year-old and two 12-year-olds — at an autograph signing at a Colorado mall in August 2006 during which they lined up to have their photos taken with the former car painter. Three teen witnesses testified last week, saying they had seen Margera touching the girls inappropriately, but the defense maintained that Margera had been in character at the event. On Friday, April Margera — Bam's mother — testified for the defense, portraying her brother-in-law as a harmless, bumbling man.

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Steven Tyler

In 1975, Tyler persuaded the parents of 16-year-old[91] groupie Julia Holcomb to sign over guardianship to him so that she could live with him in Boston. They dated and took drugs together for three years.[92] Holcomb was referred to as "Diana Hall" by the editor of the Aerosmith autobiography Walk This Way in an attempt to conceal her identity, but other sources have confirmed her identity.

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Kelsey Grammer

In 1995, a 15-year-old babysitter who babysat Grammer's daughter accused the actor of statutory rape. A grand jury chose not to indict Kelsey Grammer "on sexual assault charges based on a teenager's complaint that he had sex with her at a local hotel in 1993." "The young woman's delay of more than a year in pressing charges against Mr. Grammer made it difficult to support her claim"

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Pete Townshend

Townshend was cautioned by British police as part of Operation Ore, a major investigation on child pornography conducted in 2002–2003. Townshend was placed on the sex offenders register for five years in 2003 after admitting he had used his credit card to access a child pornography website.[137][138] Townshend initially claimed that he accessed the images as research in a campaign against child sexual abuse;[139] in 2012, he wrote in his autobiography, Who I Am, that he had accessed the illegal images to prove that British banks were complicit in channelling the profits from pedophile rings.[140]

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Will Hayden - Sons of Guns

On August 11, 2014, Hayden was arrested and charged with molestation of a juvenile and aggravated crimes against nature. Hayden claimed that the allegations were false and made in retaliation by a vengeful ex-girlfriend, the 12-year-old girl's mother.[8][9] He was subsequently charged with rape of a child based on the statements of the victim.

The charges led to the cancellation of Sons of Guns.[5] Hayden was additionally accused of aggravated rape by his oldest daughter. She told police that she was raped 22 years before when she was 12 by her father, Hayden. She came forward after the allegations were made against Hayden.

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Tripp Eisen, guitarist for Static-X

While a member of Static-X, Eisen was arrested on February 10, 2005 on a felony charge in Orange County, California for having sexual intercourse with an underage girl. He was released on bail after only a few hours in custody. Just two weeks later, on February 24, 2005, Eisen was arrested again in California by New Jersey detectives for the alleged kidnapping and sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl from Sayreville, New Jersey.

Don't put these ingredients together! IT MAKES NERVE GAS

Roy Estrada, bassist for Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention

Estrada served six years in prison after he was convicted of committing lewd acts with a child in Orange County, California, in December 1994.[3] In January 2012, he pleaded guilty to a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a female family member younger than 14 which happened in March 2008. In the plea bargain agreement, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison and is not eligible for parole.

Edward Kramer, co-founder and part owner, DragonCon

Kramer was arrested on August 25, 2000 following an investigation spurred by an anonymous tip, and charged with molesting three teenage boys. The investigation revealed that he had previously been accused of molestation in 1997 before the alleged victim recanted.[11] Before Kramer was arrested, he had a reputation for inappropriate relationships. According to Atlanta Magazine, he "was constantly surrounded by young boys".[12]

Kramer's first attempt to serve his pre-trial detention in house arrest lasted only a week due to a reported visit by a teenage boy. After he suffered a spinal injury in jail, Judge Debra Turner allowed him to go back to house arrest in January 2001.[11] This lasted until 2008 when his travel ban was lifted.[13]

In September 2011, Kramer was arrested after Connecticut police found him in a motel room, unsupervised, with a 14-year-old boy despite being banned from contacting anyone under 18.[14] The felony "risk of injury to a child" was added to the list of charges for which he was to stand trial.

Victor Salva, director, Jeepers Creepers, Powder

In 1988, Salva was convicted of sexual misconduct with one of Clownhouse's underage stars – Nathan Forrest Winters, who was, at the time, 12 years old – including videotaping one of the encounters.[4] Commercial videotapes and magazines containing child pornography were also found in his home.[4] Salva pleaded guilty to lewd and lascivious conduct, oral sex with a person under 14, and procuring a child for pornography.[4][5] He was sentenced to three years in state prison, of which he served 15 months.[2] He completed his parole in 1992.

Albert Insinnia, actor, Law & Order SVU, MASH

TRENTON, N.J. - An actor who once played a lieutenant on NBC's "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" has been charged with possession of child pornography, authorities said Tuesday.

Albert Insinnia, 57, of Bloomfield, turned himself into the Passaic County Sheriff's Department in Wayne on Monday and was released on bail Tuesday morning, said sheriff's spokesman Bill Maer.

Insinnia was charged with two counts of possession of child pornography after authorities allegedly discovered 180 images of child porn on the hard drive of the actor's laptop computer.

Paul Jude Lestersky, actor, The Americans, Wolf of Wall Street

"On January 04, 2017, at approximately 5:00a.m., the Westport Police Detective Bureau executed a search warrant on Letersky's home, 175 Riverside Avenue," wrote Lt. David Farrell in a statement. "Over 50 digital images of Child Pornography were discovered during the search. Based on this evidence, Letersky was arrested on scene for Child Pornography, 1st Degree."

Corey Seth Sligh, actor, The Young and the Restless

According to the sheriff's office, the victim was younger than 10 years old at the time of the incident and was "known" to Sligh. The agency also said the child's parents reported the incident to officials.

A little more than a month later, Sligh was booked into the Walton County, Florida, jail on one count of lewd and lascivious molestation on a juvenile younger than 12 years old.

Chris Langham, actor, The Thick of It

Kent police confirmed that he had been arrested and questioned on November 29 before being released on bail. The 56-year-old, who beat big names including Ricky Gervais to the best television comedy actor award on Wednesday, said in a statement issued through his lawyer that he had been arrested "as a result of an inquiry into offences relating to computer use".

The statement continued: "I was interviewed and bailed to return to the police station on a date in February. I have not been charged with any offence and have made no admissions to any criminal acts.

Harold "House" Moore

The actor, who’s also been on “Single Ladies,” “CSI” and Tyler Perry’s “House of Payne,” was convicted Friday of violating a 15-year-old girl in Gwinnett County.

Moore, who had reportedly been playing Dr. Dre in a forthcoming Tupac Shakur biopic, is facing five to 20 years in prison. The jury returned its verdict after more than nine hours of deliberation, finding him guilty of sneaking into the girl’s bedroom and touching her early in the morning on Nov. 25, 2012, according to a news release from the Gwinnett district attorney’s office.

Martin Weiss, Hollywood manager for child actors

Martin Weiss is accused of forcing the boy to have sex with him as many as 40 times over a three-year period dating from when he was 11 or 12 years old.

The male victim, now aged 18, told police Weiss told him "what they were doing was common practice in the entertainment industry," according to an affidavit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Bumping blessed bread
>He is here

Rich Fretterd

One of the stars of The Weather Channel's "Prospectors" and Woodland Park resident Rich Fretterd was booked into the Teller County Detention Center early Thursday morning for multiple crimes against children.

According to Colorado court records, Fretterd is charged with two counts of sexual assault of a child under 15, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and one count of sexual contact-coerce of a child.

fuck user...maybe you should take over the Part 2 and 3...I thought I knew all the convictions and accusations already...mind blown. Pete Townsend? Fuck...

Jennifer Lien, actress, Star Trek Voyager

“Star Trek: Voyager” actress Jennifer Lien was arrested and has been in custody for two weeks after allegedly exposing herself in front of several children, Roane County police confirm.

Lien has been charged with two misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure in an incident that happened on Aug. 31 in Harriman, Tenn.

A neighbor of Lien’s made a complaint to police after Lien began a tirade due to a crying child, and during her tirade, exposed her breasts and buttocks. The neighbor stated that she had three children in the yard while this was happening.

not Hollywood but

Anthony Marano

Anthony Marano, who works for MONOC and Six Flags, retrieved a loaded gun when authorities came to search his home, an official said.

At Marano's home authorities found numerous images of child pornography, Della Fave said.

Marano has been charged with aggravated assault, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography, he said.

Also not Hollywood but Disney

...and then again

Close enough to Hwood I guess

Jay Lockett Sears

A prominent Hamptons architect who was busted for kiddie porn in 2013 has been rearrested for making more pornographic images of kids, officials said.

Jay Lockett Sears who designed homes for celebs such as Michael J. Fox, Susan Lucci and Bob Fosse, allegedly made images in which he placed the heads of kids—whom he secretly photographed at elite yacht and beach clubs– on photos of naked bodies of adults engaging in lewd acts, according to the Eastern District of New York US Attorney’s Office.

Matthew Tivy

Celebrity chef Matthew Tivy has been arrested and charged with sexual exploitation and enticement of a minor and receipt and distribution of child pornography, federal prosecutors say.

The 54-year-old man, who had appeared on episodes of the Food Network show Chef Du Jour and owns the New York City restaurant Cafe du Soleil, was taken into police custody on Thursday. His attorney, Glenn Hardy, says his client is innocent, NBC New York and AM New York reported.

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Ben Sprecher - Broadway

“For nine years, he was not even able to say ‘hello,’ and suddenly he was quite friendly. … He needed to have his Internet,’’ a female resident said of accused kiddie-perv neighbor Ben Sprecher, 65, of Manhattan — who famously had his Broadhurst Theatre play “Rebecca: The Musical’’ torpedoed by a con man.

Sprecher — who has produced everything from Broadway’s “Brighton Beach Memoirs’’ to “American Buffalo,’’ as well as a national tour of “Little House on the Prairie’’ — is accused of downloading more than 100 videos and photos containing child pornography, according to court documents.

The sick stash included a nearly 46-minute video of a girl, described as between 10 and 12 years old, “engaging in various sex acts with an adult male,” the papers allege.

Jeremy Kewley

AUSTRALIAN actor Jeremy Kewley, who has appeared in TV shows including Underbelly, Blue Heelers and Stingers, has today been arrested for more than 100 child sex offences.

Victoria Police have confirmed to that a 54-year-old Brighton man was arrested this morning and faces charges of “103 counts of indecent acts with a child under 16 and two counts of possessing child pornography,” with the offences allegedly occurring in 2011.

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This one just for fun

Raymond Liddy

SAN DIEGO – A state prosecutor and son of an infamous figure in the Watergate scandal was arrested on a child pornography charge at his home in Coronado, reports CBS affiliate KFMB.

California Deputy Attorney General Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, was reportedly taken into custody and booked into federal jail Tuesday. He is the son of G. Gordon Liddy.

Raymond Liddy was accused of possessing pornographic images.

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I fucking hate Don Henley. Always have.

Rob Lowe

In 1988, Lowe was involved in a sex scandal over a videotape of him having sex with a 16-year-old girl he met in a nightclub. They were videotaped the night before the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. As the age of consent in Georgia was 14 at the time (until 1995 when it was raised to 16), both were of legal age to engage in sexual activity, although 18 was the legal age to be involved in such a recording.[48] At the time, Lowe was campaigning for Michael Dukakis.[49]

Another part of the same tape was leaked at the time, showing Lowe and friend Justin Moritt both having vaginal and oral sex with a young American model named Jennifer, who was never identified, in a hotel room in Paris. This part of the original tape was sold as one of the first commercially available celebrity sex tapes, damaging Lowe's public image.

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Pedowood is distraction from pedocongress. Nice quads tho.

James Franco

In 2014, a 17-year-old girl posted screenshots of alleged messages between her and Franco on Instagram.[148][149] The messages showed that Franco, who was 35 at the time, tried to meet her in a hotel room after she told him she was 17. Franco sent multiple pictures of himself to prove his real identity. Franco admitted on Live! With Kelly and Michael that he had written the messages.[150][151] His actions were legal (the age of consent in New York is seventeen) but he was criticized by the media because of the wide age gap. He initially responded to the scandal with the tweet, "I HOPE PARENTS KEEP THEIR TEENS AWAY FROM ME. Thank you." He later stated he was "embarrassed" and "I learned my lesson."

At the 2018 Golden Globes, Franco wore a Time's Up pin in solidarity with the #MeToo movement, to protest harassment against women.[154] Franco's pin drew criticism on social media from actress Ally Sheedy, who hinted she had quit acting after working with Franco in a play. A former girlfriend, Violet Paley, also alleged that Franco once forced her to give him oral sex in a car while they were dating. On January 9, 2018, The New York Times canceled a planned event with James Franco, citing the allegations.[155] On January 10, Franco said on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that the accusations were "not accurate."[154]

On January 11, the Los Angeles Times reported five additional women were accusing James Franco of inappropriate or sexually exploitative behavior while serving as their acting teacher. One former student stated that Franco "would always make everybody think there were possible roles on the table if we were to perform sexual acts or take off our shirts" in his projects. Another alleged that Franco held a sex scenes class and removed students' vaginal guards while simulating oral sex with them. Franco's attorney, Michael Plonsker, disputed these women's allegations.[156]

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check out the Dutroux affair, franklin scandal, and finders cult.

good work, OP

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Roman Polanski also, obviously

Also not Hollywood but this seems to have been forgotten

Russell Taylor is the executive director of the Jared Foundation, which was started by Jared Fogle, the Subway spokesperson, to prevent childhood obesity.

Inside, investigators said they found child pornography and arrested Taylor on the spot.

Buck Wylde Murphy

A former son-in-law of screen legends John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands has been arrested in California, accused of kidnapping and raping a 16-year-old New York City girl, authorities say.

Buck Wylde Murphy, the 49-year-old ex-husband of actress Xan Cassavetes, was arrested in a San Bernardino trailer last week after allegedly forcing the girl to fly across the country, then keeping her captive for five days, from Feb. 22 through Feb. 26, according to a criminal complaint and the private investigator who worked on the case.

I bet Franco and Sam would get along well

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Im gonna puke in my do we get this into the normie unconcious

Sam Hyde mass shooter and pedohile


Jimmy Saville and that aussie guy.

Gerard Jomes who wrote comics.

A lady death artist too.

Wow that's quite list lads
btw we are go on hollywood taffiers go goahead and knock on everything you can.

trump's first lady siad she was a victuim of a human traficing ring
I say that is nod to go ahead and investigate the human trafficing rings
we take them down now.

thanks for the names the world wide glowniggers could use all the names they can.
well done so far.

Jones i meant.

not exactly pedo- but next step in the sicko-wood- connected to when need to get rid of evidence...

In a shocking (and hopefully not serious) video admission to online entertainment news outlet TMZ, former Scorpions bassist Ralph Rieckermann says he has attended snuff parties in the past. For those not in the know, snuff parties are attended by folks who, according to Rieckermann, pay upwards of $100,000 to witness someone get murdered.

In the video posted on the TMZ website, Rieckermann is approached by one of the TMZ cameramen and was jokingly asked if he was going to be attending any German fetish parties later that evening. While Rieckermann initially laughs off the comment, the interview takes a surprisingly dark turn.

Here is an old Pedowood thread with a LARGE LIST of names. Part 1.

Attached: Pedophilelist1.png (1312x5664, 772K)

lol based tranny poster samhead

Part 2 of pedo list names. End.

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based defender of pedos

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>common practice in the entertainment industry

Either Dylan Farrow is telling the truth about Woody Allen raping her at age 7 or she is the best actress Ive ever seen. It cant be both.

Not sure if this counts

Former Silicon Knights director of content and Precursor Games founding member Kenneth McCulloch has been arrested by police on charges related to child pornography, according to a media release from the Niagara Regional Police Service.

McCulloch, 42, of St. Catharines, Ont., was arrested and charged with one count each of possession of child pornography, making child pornography available and accessing child pornography, according to police. McCulloch was arrested on June 27, when detectives executed a search warrant at his St. Catharines residence.

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Holy shit sam is such a troll

ddg has no pictures of this dude? Also general bump, op posts too frequently to bump himself

weird huh
his imdb page has a shitload of titles
all those potential connections

I dont watch movies anymore
Its all the same pedo occult elite
Oh and they are jewish too most of the time

thick as thieves one could say. proven that both scarlet and woody are... jews that is

I do not approve of this. Shut it down.

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Looka like a man

r u indian by any chance

Bump, why did you stop OP?