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This suggestion is actually not that bad.
Olive Oil particularly isn’t the correct choice, however any kind of extremely slippery liquid would work. It would be especially best if that same liquid had corrosive properties in relation to metals, to possibly damage the shooter’s firearms or equipment.

Ban assault non-slip shoes

Why not just knockout gas. The students will be knocked out but so sill the shooter so everyone is safe

So shooters wear French bread shoes and get to leave the scene with a nice Mediterranean snack to eat. Brilliant.

>corrosive oil

Other than dangers of storage, this is way more complicated than it needs to be.

There is literally no such thing as knockout gas. Anaesthesia has to be tailored to the body of the person receiving it.

You're about to mention the Moscow theatre siege, it's not known exactly what it was but is suspected to be (among other things), fentanyl gas which severely fucked up a lot of people beyond simply knocking them out. In flat out killed a number of them.

Can't control concentration in a building that isn't (expensively) equipped for controlled atmosphere
Russians tried it once and killed 200 people

yea then they install it and there is a school shooting anyways. then you get some article with headline
>newly installed anti gunman olive oil sprinkler security system was accidentally turned off minutes before the shooting by the new Israeli janitor.

build the schools in underground bunkers. include a bar where i can drink and fuck whores until class is over.

literal retard

then sprinklers would be useless to stop fires.

Why not add marbles too and banana peels while at it

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Why not assign some teachers to pack guns?
Mass shooters only go for soft (unarmed) targets like schools, churches and McDonalds. When was the last time you heard of of a mass shooting at a bank or some other place with armed security. Even the shooting spree at the Army base was chosen because everybody on base was unarmed.

Why olive oil? Why not cheaper sunflower oil?

just put the schools in special areas, or zones, where one is not allowed to have a firearm.
>honestly if we could just work together...

We should just paint a doorway on the wall and the shooter will smack into it.

I sure do love turning school shootings that traumatize kids and make them realize nowhere in America are they truly safe into a Three Stooges pratfall event. I demand Yakety Sax blares on the speakers as well though, this fucking stupid country needs to really lean in on how dumb it is.

every school should just be a confusing maze with fake doors, hallways that lead nowhere, hallways that shrink to the size of a mouse hole, stairs that down, but you swear you were going up

>knockout gas
Great realistic idea that totally isn't just a fictional media plot device

Why not banana peels?

Yeah, great suggestion user

Or you can do what every other civilized country has done/is doing and BAN GUNS. Fucking morons, I swear. Literally the most effective solution.


imagine being in the same room as the shooter and trying to run away while he just sits on a table and shoots you all as you slide around

checked and keked

just fill them with gasoline

A janitor's going to have to clean up all of that olive oil, you dumbass

Or better yet.... BAN SCHOOLSHOOTINGS!


Oh sweet summer child


This happened yesterday in a gun free society.

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Why not just spray KY jelly all over the cheerleaders so they can ged dah BBC without tearing?

Do you know how long the gun would have to sit in the corrosive material to corrode?

Also, spraying corrosive material into the air is not a smart decision at all.

So just Klondike B then?

Knock out gas is poison gas.

shut up leaf

pew pew

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>spray acid

mexico here asking the important questions

Liquid laundry detergent is slippery as fuck. Oil would be a horrible choice seeing how it is highly flammable. The school shooter could just start a fire. If the whole school was soaked in a cooking oil the entire building would be in flames in like 1 minute. Grease fires are intense and water sucks at putting them out.

Packing 1000 hormonally stressed kids in one building was a mistake

Why not just hire retired cops collecting a fat pension to guard part-time? Perhaps maybe hiring a person competent to handle a firearm as principal?

This literally makes no sense. When most shooters attack they are going to be standing still shooting into a crowd. the ones running away will end up slipping and falling and get shot by the shooter. Nice one

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We're not looking for effective solutions here nazi.

I bet the catholics IRA did this!

Because as we saw in parkland, a lazy worthless cop does nothing to stop a shooting. Most cops are worse with guns than the average hobby shooter. Cops only need to qualify with their pistol once a year. Many cops only practice maybe the day or 2 before their qualifying test, then don't worry again until next year. The test is easy. Meanwhile millions of americans shoot several times a month. Only retards think the average cop is a good shot. Watching police videos proves just how shockingly horrible many cops are with guns.

Cue Benny Hill.

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Knives are banned too yet this happens.

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>There is literally no such thing as knockout gas.
I'll go further, there's no such thing as knocking someone out safely. It's just not a feature of the body to power down on demand, so you're going to risk damaging it any way you try to make someone lose consciousness.

no it should be crazy purple knockout gas

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fucking hell the cost of the clean would be millions just let them shoot a few kids

>I know what I'd do for a Klondike B

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>no one needs non-slip workboots!
>the founding fathers could not have conceived such advances in material science

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This is very true. That is why anesthesiologists make so much money. Knocking people out for surgery is a science. Too much and you put them to sleep forever.
I broke my arm and had to have surgery when I was a kid. They got the dose wrong and my pulse got dangerously low and I stayed under like 2 hours longer than they planned. I remember waking up to my mother in tears beside my bed so glad I was finally awake. My dad just about beat the shit out of the doctors.

How many retirees are going to put their life on the line against a school shooter though? Retirement should be the time where you actually get to enjoy the fruits of your decades of labor. Same with arming teachers, most of them are there to teach, not murder some psychotic kid before he murders them. Most teachers only make like 60k a year as well, you'd have to pay my ass at bare minimum double that if I'm going to be laying down goddamn suppressive fire in the middle of a lecture on the Pythagorean theorem.

>mutt thinks it's funny that his country regularly has school shootings
200% clown world

This is how lawmakers think when they want ban bulletproof vests.

Might work with E85 style fuel injectors

small nitpick. Killing an armed shooter is not legally considered murder.

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Full auto guns were legal in the 1930s with no background check. You could mail order them. Why were there no mass shootings? Guns aren't the problem.

300% this.

Damn, its getting harder and harder for us man

Blocks your path

Why not just ban the automated guns you stupid fucking brainlets . GOSH . You deserve everything

damn how badly did he injure the doctors?

this pesky thing called the second amendment


Decent post user, keep it up

>ban guns
>most effective solution
There's a shooting by niggers in Toronto almost every week using illegal and prohibited firearms. Gun bans and restrictions do jack shit.

olive oil sourced from pissrael right?

>Shooter sets off oil sprinklers on purpose
>Uses blowtorch on oil to set it on fire

Here's a fucking revolutionary idea.
Are you ready?
There it goes:

A sprinkler system that sprays armed facculty with significant weapon expertise guarding the facilities at all times while the school is open

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Sophisticated robotic real dolls will legitimately be a massive deterrence to violence. Whiny babies won't be so sad when they can lay some pipe, even if it's not a real woman.

ideally we'd like to avoid having our schools look like military bases

whose to say that he even has to go through the classroom to shoot up people. he can just spray shots through the window.

Do you niggers know how expensive olive oil is???

Typical leaf logic

...................This sounds like a episode of fucking scooby doo................

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bring back segregation, ban niggers, deport all illegals, build a wall, bring jobs back and suddenly violence will vanish.

Why not? I would bet it would help reinvigorate US gun culture for children to see firearms used to keep them safe every day.

every gov't building/facility is protected by armed personnel, including airports. Why wouldn't you want to protect your children by having armed security on site?

Problems are niggers and spiks! get rid of those and everything will fix itself

Having a firearm and having the will to use it. One is easy to get, the other not so much.

Now imagine a grease fire.

>shooter just wears cleats/spiked shoes
>students slipping all over place
>lubricates shooters gun so his fire rate increases


I suppose that's easier than confronting any bullies terrorizing some poor bastard until he cracks, huh?

The kids would fall too and not be able to escape. The attacker can shoot from a prone position or just not move his feet, or hell they can walk around wearing cotton socks.

i learned in holocaust class that nazis would grease the halls into the gas chamber so they could shove in more jews faster

Arm the school with gallium squirt guns


>knockout gas
>1 attacker
>357 students
>358 body bags

Just filter the anti-social kids from the overtly social kids. Problem solved.

No need to take their guns even


>Olive Oil
>Italian Jewish owned
>Israeli Jewish owned
>Greek Jewish owned
>expensive by middle class standards
Gee I wonder (((who))) could have possibly suggested something like that.

just hire Macaulay Culkin to design a universal school defense system, problem solved

>its my school
>I have to defend it

>Let's coat the kids with olive oil
This pedo propaganda gets worse every day.