Just eat the bugs and everything will be fine

Just eat the bugs and everything will be fine.

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Stop polluting. Just eat the cricket flour.

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But user, are you not an atheist? Why do Jow Forumsfags believe in sky daddies instead of eating human meat?

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Eat the cricket salad. We have 9 billion Africans to feed.

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The bugs will eat you.

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This thread is scaring me, please stop.

Or we CAN JUST FUCKING NOT act like this shit is okay

>but we gotta help them and raise them up and make them become christian durr

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I already eat lots of potatoes.

Stop eating meat. Just eat processed snoybean proteins instead.

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Eat the fucking bugs, goy. Don't make it harder than it has to be.

Why do you keep eating meat goyim?

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Why don't they ever mention the most effective, and cost effective, and feasible solution which causes the least amount of problems, Nuclear?

Nuclear bad. Also all normies watched that doc about Chernobyl.

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Isn't this a photo of DR/Haiti border
Are the authors implying the solution is to remove all Haitians (dindus)?

Ok, you still want meat? Just eat the lab grown meat. I'm being real nice to you goyim this time

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No. I will become indoors chicken farmer FUCK THE JEWS

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you do not need 5lbs of meat a day u burger. this insect thing is bs anyways. we can grow meat in cell reactors for cheap. its just jews are stoping it as always.

Dude LMAO Eat Bugs real food is for rich people peasant

Dude lmao eat vat grown meat Africans need more people

eat the maggots bigot

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I swear to god, the worlds fastes uprising will happen if these pigfuckers try and force us to eat bugs.
>we need a 90% red meat tax..for the invironment
>we are all going to die if we dont raise your taxes by 30%
>how dare you try and drive! thats bad for the invironment.

man, I can barely afford to smoke. If they take away my tasty meat and try force me to eat maggots to survive Ill start the uprising. Id super glue myself to the doors of parlement or something, it worked well for thoes crazys in england.

They will have to kill me first before they force me to eat bugs.
And that wont be a simple task, silly kikes.

>most people
Most people i know you never eat bugs. What the fuck is this kike shit the revolution is coming u worthless disgusting kikes we will

not for cheap, the special hornone that they need to make the meat grow faster is taken from cow fetuses. Sorta defeats the point of growing meat if you have to impregnate a cow, kill it and drain its fetus.

Its been a year since I looked into it, do yourself a favor and check it out. Scientists are trying to work out a synthetic way to pump out petri-meat.

The pointy finger
The suvliminals
This is a spell
I wonder how many jews are behind her

WHO EXACTLY WILL FEAR HER? NOT JEWS THATS FOR SURE HAHAHAHA "you will fear dumb goy *makessnakes sounds in auschwitsch*

Nuclear power and exterminating the entire third-world.

I glad they figured out fear is the only angle they can approach marketing-wise, with a face like that.


i feel bad for this 10yo being used


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Its a fucking occult spell!
Pay no attention to that stupid fucking kid being used. Her parents sold her to jews. The uprising needs to start soon

You can actually sing this song I think KIdd Chris did it?? You can check it..

>baskethall AND tennis court

Boojie niggers, lmao

I mean technically isn't it pretty much the same proteins? Not like bugs.

>trusting labmeat

Get a load of this idiot

What's the problem if it's molecularly the same?

>If I don't eat at least 10 burgers a day, I'll die! Not letting me eat 10 burgers a day violates my constitutional rights!

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Is the average consumer going to check at a molecular level? Are you?

Plus it's probably got immigrant cum in it or some monsanto bullshit. I know I wouldn't trust it.

It wouldn't be that hard to. PCR analysis is pretty accessible these days. I get your point about not trusting it but, doesn't that apply to any food you purchase like meat that didn't come from your own livestock?

Correct, I only eat wild homeless people I've slaughtered myself.


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Be careful not to overdose on smack.

Is this really considered normal, acceptable BBQ attire? I've seen pornos where women at BBQs are more modestly dressed (before the actual porn starts, of course)

I go for the boozy ones.

better idea
to slow global warming, nuke China and India

This is some good propaganda. It took my 10 seconds to realize that these were cows and not some form of maggots coalescing around floor tiles.

Imagine actually listening to the UN

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ive seen this plot before


I wish there was a civil war in the US just so we stop this bullshit mass export of food to africa. we are feeding our own demise.

Ah. That way you don't have to bother with a wine reduction or beer boil. Smart.

Based. Jews fear the indoor chicken farmer.

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Holy hell you guys are morons. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Totally fine for poolside BBQ. Recommended, actually.

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this is probably more accurate though


Weren’t they complaining that insects were going extinct a couple months ago?
Why is it also all synchronized between news agencies everywhere?

Some of the Tim Horton's around here started serving that "meat" shit they grow and it's been a colossal failure as they're calling it an "ultra processed food"
This is a conspiracy. Meat, particularly red meat, is vital for men's health; the fat and protein help us produce higher levels of testosterone. They want us eating bugs and fake vegan food so our children will be basedfags.

Get your head on straight nigger.

'Global Warming' is just a parody at this stage.

Ayee, we Timone and Pumba now

Dawkins would tear down all laws to get God.

Why are they pushing this anti meat thing so much? The vast majority of calories people eat on average is already plant based, it's like the getting rid of plastic straws to reduce pollution all over again.

down syndrome

Seems like it.

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>disregard your disgust reflex goy
>now eat this bug soup and let me date your preteen daughter

80% of farmland is for food to feed livestock. Livestock farming is the 2nd biggest producer of greenhouse gases after fossil fuels. We literally do not need meat to survive.

So we're burning out trees that are keeping us alive to feed cows that are killing us.

More like the amazon and the farmland the hueapes made.

>We literally do not need meat to survive.
yes we don't need it but i refuse eating insects or living only on vegetables

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I remember some time ago local news tried to shill bugs and got shat on from literally every side. Sometimes it's a good thing to live in a country 10 years behind on the social justice timeline.

>locally sourced meat diet: low transportation and storage costs/time = far less emissions, small local farms supported plus proper human nutrition as our ancestors had
>Vegan diet: millions of exotic ingredients needed to make food palatable shipped in on huge emission container vessels, food grown in monocrop mosanto farms by globalist jews, need supplements to fight deficiencies

Even just switching to chicken would leave us a fuckton better off. Lord knows we're gonna be living without fish soon so that won't even be a choice.

>Second biggest producer of greenhouse gases
ALL agriculture combined is se second. And yet it still only accounts for 9% of greenhouse gases. You'll be lucky to get a 5% decrease by removing all farm animals.

>Do not need meat
All studies on the health effects non meat eaters days otherwise

>Burning out trees
Maybe in 3rd world shit holes. I don't know of any civilised country where this would be legal. Even here you can't do that.

I can't wait until they forget about her like that Arab chick who was attacked on a bus.

If you're worried about eating bugs, you should probably look up what % of the foods you eat is legally allowed to be ground up bugs.

Spoiler: It's a lot.

Oh and all those vitamin supplements shilled by right wing sites are onions.

Only buy from local butcher. Like I said, 10 years behind.

>Even just switching to chicken would leave us a fuckton better off.
not for me i like fat meat , it's good for me to be a hunter

>Only buy from local butcher
I wasn't talking about meat. Although I'm sure that happens too. Subway's chicken is like half onions additives. Wouldn't be surprised if some bugs got mixed in too.

Bugs get into everything.

If Africans are so hungry, why do they keep making so many babies? How do they have the energy to keep growing so many niglets when they only eat mud and yams?

Why would I go to a BBQ if all the chicks weren't in swim wear?

Don't be a dumb faggot and shoot down good ideas just because they come from the UN. Agriculture DOES need to change and we should be planting more trees and eating more beef.

Eco-friendly nat-soc is the path forward. Let Indians and Chinese destroy their habitats while we plant trees, reduce our dependence on grains(big source of mega agriculture) and eat more beef.

Isn't eating human meat bad for your health?

>keep pushing western countries to give up shot to ‘go green’
>never once mentions how India and China make up 3/4’s of poolution
When I noticed that, I knew it was all a scam.

Poland isn't a real country.

You want sky high iq like chinaman gweilo?

Attached: china live scorpions.webm (480x480, 1.18M)

>local butcher
>he thinks of subway
Not sure if butchers are still a thing in the "developed" world, but a butcher is one guy, most often a family business. Highly valued and reputable. When buying ground up meat, he grinds it before your eyes.

You don't have a choice I'm afraid. You will eat the bugs.

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There's an impressive amount of asspain and autism ITT

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Eat the fucking maggots goyim

that pic is not agriculture, that's niggers cutting firewood. the solution is ironically better access to fossil fuels.

Lab grown meat is fat free so they have to cut it with snoybean shortening. Gross.


Hey goyim, just eat the fucking roaches I got kids to feed here.

growing up in georgia i used to eat a lot of bugs to gross out my mom and other people and secondly because some bugs had an actual flavor to them that was appealing, after living in asia, i got to say it will NEVER replace a bratwurst or steak but damn whites have lost touch with nature. so have asians but thats not the point.
the best way i can ambassador a bug would be to get a cricket(not the black ones that live indoors in some areas of the south) get a brown cricket and grasshopper and fry that shit in a pan by the handful, and sprinkle garlic salt.

gather a bag full then put in freezer to kill.

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Eating bugs is an idiotic replacement to meat and will generate tons of additional problems. Just stick to a plant-based diet and some artificial shit time to time. This bug propaganda is non-sensical.

How long do you all think it'll be until a fast food place makes a insect burger?

That's a non-argument. You can be a vegan, buy local products and be against the globalist cliqué.
Cope more.

It's not. Raw natural meat has enzymes, minerals, vitamins in it - lab meat will likely have none of these, and be injected with chemicals that are bad for humans for profits / inducing health issues.

This looks an awful lot like the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

> Tons of additional problems

What problems?