How do we crash her campaign before it too late.
She strikes fear into my soul
Who the hell is that?
call her racial slurs
also tweet to all your friends that she strikes fear in your soul
She's 1/1024th presidential.
>OP is a phoneposter
First and foremost commit suicide
Commit double suicide
>Native American
She has already fucked herself up
Let her keep talking. She is her own worst enemy.
A huge shit talker who never does anything
Risky but it might just pay off
She is several hundred times whiter than me. I'm only 1/8 native.
Use fake accounts of ethnics and claim that she hipocritical about being non-White and therefore appropriate indegenious culture, cryptoracist.
1. Bring up her conservative voting record
2. Pocahontas
It's because she reminds you of every screeching bitch you've ever encountered in your life. She makes Hillary look like a fucking loving, warm hearted grandmother that makes gravy and biscuits on Saturday mornings for her little babies.
That's that. The goose is cooked and nobody will take her seriously after that. A few images highlighting the shitshow would be enough to make most everyone move on to another candidate.
we can't. she's just too powerful.
She's a women she'll self-destructive... No way is a women fit to be the president lol
just stop fighting already, just give in you know women are the future WARREN 2020 WOOOOO
That's it? The pocahontas Stuff? Guys, We are in Trumps age, news cycle turns every 6 hours and if Trump gets away with it she's in for a super easy ride on the gaffe dept.
register democrat, vote Yang, voila, win-win
It doesnt matter at this point. Trump wont win.
Another thread on Liz determined that her very bad breath could kill Ironman.
Her closest advisors must be mouth-breathers.
Nah, I want her to be the nominee. Trump vs her is gonna be some easy walk for Trump. Harris is a little harder because muh black, but I'm sure Trump has some plan of attack.
Bidden? Haha.
What really worries me is the Senate.