Why are Yang memes so much better than every other candidate's?

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>thinking Yang Gang memes are good

honey, no

trolls trolling trolls, just yang it out already

Because Yang is saying something different the the rest of the Democrats, something fairly unique and memorable. They're all focusing on SJW crap, which is stale and meme'd out at this point.

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They are filled with hope and optimism. Much like trump memes of the 2016 election cycle now all trump memes are simply
>I mean who else are you gonna vote for?
I just wish there was a way to protect yang from the DNC criminal conglomerate and Swamp Monsters But short of blowing their executives heads off Yang is at risk to be made to play ball ie nothing genuinely beneficial for anericans.

because all his minions are either paid shills or neets with too much time on their hands and mom paying the photojew $60 dollars a month for programs and clipart

Forcing Yang memes :/

Asians are 15% funnier to mock


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>teh lulz
Good one user, my lips twitched slightly and I blew a small amount of air out of my nose.

Because there are still unironic drumpfies who would sacrifice their family (already sacrificed their families foreskin) for Israel.

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yes i wan thousan dorra

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mommy is the best meme


“I blew all of it,” Gray recalled. “It only took a weekend.” Most of the women said the same thing. In a month, nearly all of the money had vanished.

“Then, they asked if we were going to hand them the next check,” Johnson said.


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Momma milky

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i like the mommy memes tbqhwyfam

this is boomer tier.

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Thats because you think youre jewish

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im not voting for trump tho

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That article reads like it was written by a high schooler. Embarrassing. Referring to UBI as "a geeky gimmick" just shows the guy has no clue what he's talking about, especially when he seems to think is some kind of poverty elimination scheme. Regardless of how you feel about the viability of UBI, it is a serious attempt at solving a real problem that will inevitably require some manner of solution if society is going to avoid collapse.

His name rhymes, that's it. Also, Yang followers are stupid enough to believe that a politician will follow through with their promises THIS TIME.

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He didn't say they were good just better than all the other dem memes

Because he's asian

There not, because yang gang was spammed on here which made it feel forced. Pro trump memes where only good in 2016 and part of 2017, but now miga trump memes are where it at for him since he is a major sellout. I miss Ron Paul memes.

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He went for the neet vote

I like these ones

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Of course you aren't

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Lefty meme's suck to begin with. All of them. Yang memes are even worse.

because he already is a joke