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Age of Consent should be 21. Prove me wrong
Samuel Ward
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Easton Wright
Age of consent should be 12. Debate me.
Asher Price
Age of consent should be 1000 years old.
Debate me.
Owen Long
trips of truth
Jace Lewis
but muh dikk
Juan Reyes
Should be as soon as you grow pubes. Pube inspections to confirm you're eligible.
Brandon Moore
It should be 30, so that those fucking teenagers have enough time to get some education and start a job.
Christian Myers
>Prove me wrong
AoC laws of any kind are 100% not enforceable as long as there's consent. You can make whatever law you want, 16 yo girls will still have sex with their (optimally) boyfriends.
Nicholas Wilson
>100% not enforceable as long as there's consent
Okay here's a case for you Esquire. 30 year old man meets a 15 year old. He's well off and respected in the community. He's a known bachelor has had several girlfriends all of which speak highly of him. However he dates this 15 year old. One day they are driving and the cops stop the couple. They suspect that they are having sex and arrest him. They detain her and subsequently release her to the custody of her parents; that's all if she's lucky.
You mean to tell me that an Attorney could have the Defendant released and have all the charges dropped?
Bullshit. Maybe if he's somebody chosen by, I dunno God. But I doubt it.
Stop lying.
Nathaniel Smith
"Suspicion of having sex" is nothing without an admission. As long as the cops don't pressure it out of the teen everything should be fine. The point is that breaking AoC laws is more often than not a mutual romantic choice and not based on coercion. It is not enforceable as long as the couple is aware of the danger you've described.
Although you are correct that if they aren't too smart about it, the authorities can abuse them.
James Baker
And also, my argument is mainly that AoC laws do nothing to prevent teens from having sex - and not that the authorities are indifferent and not that such couples aren't sometimes abused by the authorities. What can prevent teen sex or direct it in a positive way is culture, education and so on and not dry law.
Benjamin Garcia
>As long as the cops don't pressure it out of the teen everything should be fine.
Cops are literally made into gods among men in the US. Give a person a badge and a gun and they essentially become a god.
Unless the Judge and the DA both agree that there should be no case pursued than the client will have to fight a case. Any competent cop could conduct an investigation. Hmm Girls name and address are different on her ID, maybe she's high from that grass or maybe a little tipsy. Maybe they ask you for proof of guardianship?
See the problem.
Cameron Richardson
When I was 15 I fucked two 19 year old women. Technically it was statutory rape but I initiated it both times, should those women go to prison?
Jason Ward
Jace Robinson
So youre ok with what according to the law is rape?
Aiden Morales
In that circumstance, yes.
I don't give a shit about that.
Are you a bitch or some shit?
Caleb Green
Yes, I see the problem, and of course I think it's negative. Yet I still think that AoC laws are not enforceable enough to be effective on a societal scale (that is in preventing teen sex) beyond, as you said, a cop in a bad mood abusing his power here and there. (Similar to how weed laws are barely enforceable no matter how many stoners will fill the jail cells.) The solution simply lies elsewhere.
Isaiah Wilson
No Im a white male. I was also under the influence of alcohol and pot both times.
Tyler Wood
Two people have sex drunk and the women later regrets this decision. Should the man be jailed for rape?
The definitions of the law are so flexible that they are meaningless. Rape is a matter of violent coercion and abuse, and not a technical term mandated by the law as they see fit. What you described wasn't rape, and no amount of lawyering will change this fact.
Gavin Flores
age of consent should not exist, women belong under the protection of the father
Grayson Parker
>No Im a white male. I was also under the influence of alcohol and pot both times.
Sounds like a good time tell me what they did? Did it stop being a good time?
I think you live in the Israeli echo-chamber. Where your voice bounces off the walls and back into your ears.
But at least you're idealistic. I've met a few secular-Israeli's they're always idealistic until shit gets ugly. You guys can't take hard ass mean shit. You can throw a punch but can't take one.
Caleb Brooks
Thats what I was getting at, If my case were the same but flipped genders it would be rape and the male would be prosecuted.
Blake Lopez
Is 33 too young for a 10,000+ year old quasi-angelic creature?
Christopher Miller
>prove me wrong
Go fuck yourself, that’s not how this works. You stated that the age of consent should be 21. State why.
Joshua Taylor
16 is perfect.
Adam Anderson
It was great both times. First one was a mexican girl that would squeeze my dick with her pussy somehow and the other one was a white girl with a great ass that fucking rode me like a horse. Seen the mexican girl with her white cuck boyfriend a few years later at my sisters which was weird.
Aaron Edwards
Are you kidding? You should be married with at least one kid on the way at 21.
Anthony Baker
consent should be unilateral. prove me wrong.
Hunter Cruz
What if her father is deceased or abandoned the family? Does it then go to the mother or to her oldest male family member?
Ryan Roberts
Maybe I am unaware of police abuse in America. But I still highly doubt that AoC laws did anything except criminalize some couples. I'm certain it didn't make a dent in teen sex.
Don't worry, my idealism thrives come hell or high water. I'll march into a gas chamber with the roman salute if I need to.
What do you think should be done with AoC laws? Point out my mistakes instead of shit flinging, I'm genuinely curious.
Carter Davis
Age of consent doesn't even mean shit anymore, if the woman can just change her mind any day she wants and say she never consented or felt forced.
Eli Harris
>Is 33 too young for a 10,000+ year old quasi-angelic creature?
Depends how decrepit the quasi-angelic creature is and it's current form.
>It was great both times. First one was a mexican girl that would squeeze my dick with her pussy somehow and the other one was a white girl with a great ass that fucking rode me like a horse. Seen the mexican girl with her white cuck boyfriend a few years later at my sisters which was weird.
Then why you cryin?
Blake Evans
Im not read
Liam Perez
I see. You presented a leading question a bit as if you think this definition of rape was legitimate, so I got a little confused.
David Ortiz
Age of consent should be a license you earn after completing a sex-ed course. If you can do that at 13, okay. And if you're too stupid to do it at 25+, then you can't have sex.
Isaiah Ramirez
>Maybe I am unaware of police abuse in America.
Israeli's maybe better than American Jews who don't bother to serve in the IDF. Maybe.
>I'll march into a gas chamber with the roman salute if I need to.
Ehh march into Mecca with a Galil.
Eh probably not.
>What do you think should be done with AoC laws?
I don't really know. I'd like to see something appropriate. I'm getting older and I'm not trying to see 35 year olds with 15 year olds. I'm not trying to see 20 years olds banging 12 year olds. So I really don't know. It depends on the circumstances.
Logan Price
Sex is for marriage between one man and one woman, for life. Everything else is aberrant. AOC resolves itself once marriage is blood in blood out. Also, we just had this thread.
>tl;dr Not saying 22 is almost a spinster. Not saying that.
Ethan Scott
I still think you should be able to buy cigarettes at 12.
Samuel Barnes
>I still think you should be able to buy cigarettes at 12.
Such Nihilism.
Wyatt Bell
Until the circumstances of your country make it so whites aren't allowed to procreate and nonwhites are encouraged to. Dumbass idea if not ironic.
I'm not really in the Israeli echo chamber or even culture, I'm very disconnected from it and have a passionate disdain for non-european culture. I think that you are mischaracterizing my cultural group a little. Which is understandable considering my flag.
The case you presented, with the respectable 30 years old dating a 15 years old, with the intention of having a long term serious relationship. Is this a legitimate situation, or is it beyond the pale? Would you have a problem if this would become the norm? Is such a norm preferable to today's norm of perhaps legal but ultra casual sex?
Cameron Brooks
Colton Johnson
Mamon worship is a step beyond Nihilism even.
Evan Mitchell
satan nigger
Grayson Anderson
Puberty starts much sooner than that.
If you're trying to argue that 21 is the age of mental maturity, also wrong
Levi Lee
The current AoC is both beneficial and a problem
Raising the AoC would mean my 30 year old self would have to settle for women who are way past their prime, already hit the wall, had multiple partners in the past, and with 90% of their eggs disintegrated.
Lowering, however would also be an issue. Sure, that means more of a chance to find a girl who hasn't taken 20 dicks, but it also means more men would look for more girls, and Jews would try to corrupt girls even earlier, meaning some scumbag with dreadlocks and MDMA would technically be allowed to go up to a young teen girl, coerce her, discard her, and turn her into a trainwreck years before the current AoC.
The current AoC is like a band-aid barely holding a gaping wound together. You'd have to get rid of Jewry in the media before lowering it. Raising it would just be plain retarded.
Evan Young
>Mamon worship is a step beyond Nihilism even.
Mamon? I can't stand those greedy disgusting monsters that feed that beast.
Luis Kelly
"I still think you should be able to buy cigarettes at 12" is an argument based on wealth worship first and foremost. The abstract markets have a higher priority than the (medical, emotional and indeed financial) welfare of actual people. But I guess that is what makes up most of the ultra-capitalist rhetoric we hear.
Levi Roberts
I agree actually, very based. Sexual education is really important though. Even someone in their 20s could be sexually abused and taken advantage of if they were completely sheltered from anything at all sexual their whole life.
Daniel Robinson
Are you a Marxist from the Kibbutz?
Thomas Barnes
Why not just leave it as it is faggot?
You're obviously just making some nigger thread about it being 21 to open the door to kikes to start suggesting it be lower.
Luke Ward
Age of concent: 14
Age of voting and hold public office: 32.
Jose Rodriguez
I'd put a maximum age of 50. I'd let an idealistic 14 year old run for Congress. The US Government is full of children.
Austin Adams
There's really no way to tell a proper age of consent nowadays, especially in the first world where women do not properly mentally mature til, their actual mid 20's and where they're having sex well before 18 despite our laws.
I honestly and truly believe consent should wholey be put on the parents. THEY should take responsibility for their own kids, because there is no one age that works. I've had younger cousins that were far more mentally mature at 12 than any college age bar crawling waste ever will be.
It's all on parents imo.
Josiah Bennett
Not by a long shot, no. Communism has killed my motherland and I resent it. I apologize, you folks are always bugged by anticapitalist rhetoric but I'm closer to any third position than capitalism or socialism. I just find resource management systems to be lacking. It's not a legitimate political opinion if you only concern yourself with markets of means of production. It is an economic doctrine and should be treated as such - that is secondary to other more important cultural ideals. We can also obviously see how the Jewery does use the ideals of free production and distribution as a weapon to hurt Europeans - as seen in the pharma, porn and media-escapism industries most profoundly. Of course, it's a problem of democratic values as well.
Will you be answering my questions about the 30 years old and 15 years old couple? Still curious to hear your opinion.
Mason Ramirez
You're right, gassing jews is the best option.
Hudson Adams
>Communism has killed my motherland and I resent it
Ah you're one of the """Russians""""". Another group, another nuanced relationship.
Joseph Foster
Having sex at 16+ is natural and healthy. The west's religiously motivated prohibition of sex causes more mental health problems and sexual abuse than anything else.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Indeed. There can be no solution except for real self-determination in the west. And that is simply not possible, by definition, as long as foreign elements hold any significant influence in the west. I can only hope it can be done diplomatically to avoid another wave of atrocity propaganda. Although a total victory, so to speak, would also prevent this issue.
Nuanced is an interesting choice of words. I think that it is a historical fact that I live among my eternal enemies. Use as many quotes as you want, like I implied I'd rather die with the roman salute in a gas chamber than accept the determinism of the Jewish identity for any material gain.
Jason Sanchez
Oh, I know this jew.
Colton Fisher
Yeah I love how once you gain prejudice you actually can see the connections
Gavin Rivera
My legacy on this earth
Lucas Roberts
Age of consent should be 21..
And anyone caught having sex below that age should be punished, even if they are having sex with someone who is also below the age of consent. They should both be punished. The girl more so.
Parker Green
>eternal enemies
Everyone? Mohammad was a Jew read his biography. He was a Merchant and from a Merchant family. Christians? Jesus was a Jew and Josephus white washed your history after he betrayed your people.
Who are your enemies?
Robert Watson
every right as an adult, including voting, consent, contracts, joining the military, smoking, and drinking should all be equalized.
If the law holds that a person is not capable of making good decisions concerning any of these until a certain age, they should have none of them.
Brayden Thomas
Jews are. I live in a Jewish state, don't I? For anyone with a significant amount of European blood, there is no reason for me to be loyal to the Jewish religion, culture, state, nothing. What reason is there? In fact, that would be extremely counterproductive. I know what they think about my blood very well, and I return the favor.
(Muslims are most likely my enemies as well, to a less historically-relevant extant.)
Eli Rivera
Nah youre an amerinigger. Either youre aryan or youre not. White is codeword for amerimutt. All white meat patty is still not chicken breast.
Logan Nguyen
That's a false equivalency as the human body and mind not only mature at different rates, every person matures physically and mentally differently than others. The onus should entirely be on the parents, they should be made to raise their kids, flat out. Government has no place in the home.
Mason Rogers
Based satan
Evan Brown
Samuel Baker
You're claiming the blood of the Empire?
A lot has happened since then.
Caleb Hall
nice topic
>prove me wrong
cant prove me wrong but you shut down my topic
everyone enjoying their government sanctioned gossip topic approved by the government for you to old lady babble back and forth to each other about?
do you like your tower of babylon they have set up for you for you to be slaves on
as they destroy the world by perverting nature to uphold their unnatural counterfieting?
Cooper Rodriguez
Yes, but only after you have gotten them both fired from their jobs, socially humiliated and ruined their careers. Rape is rape.
Alexander King
anybody can be a retarded pyschopath
Lincoln Rodriguez
Satanic trips of truth. All women are cattle to be bred by bulls.
Ian Roberts
No, I am claiming the blood of Europe, there's no need to go so far back. A part of the nuances of my group is often a lack of a Jewish identity. You asked me what I mean when I say I live among my enemies and I mean that although I am located here, and even was born here, always saw myself as European and as I learned more I developed a natural "antisemitism". You keep talking as if I am a Jew but this notion is alien to me.
Elijah Brooks
>Satanic trips of truth. All women are cattle to be bred by bulls.
666 is the beast the bottom, the animal which contains the divine.
Hudson Edwards
Ah! Yea olde wage slave argument.
Jack Flores
If you and girl are same age,i dont care aboit when you started fucking,12?nice parenting in both sides but i dont see criminal activity.Both 15?still early but ok.
But as soon one is of legal age and other is not there must be a halt on it till both are of legal age.
Kill pedos
Brandon Rogers
Sounds interesting.
Zachary Martinez
There should not be an age of consent. Women are not capable of consent. If you have sex with a woman who is not your wife, it is rape. It doesn't matter if she is 50, she is still just as incapable of informed consent as when she was 10.
Thomas Butler
This. Also I can't believe the number of retards that say 'gun control will lead to only criminals getting guns', only to turn around and scream 'pedo!' whenever someone calls out aoc.
Tyler Martinez
Seriously? I'm tired of you Muslims.
Nobody is more dysfunctional.
Even with the rigid laws of Islam.
You are still dysfunctional.
Carter Peterson
there is literally nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.
Dylan Rodriguez
Connor Gonzalez
>Muslims actually believe this
Dominic Lee
Dylan Gutierrez
i was 12 and my partner was 32
we're still together 15 years later
why not lower the age of consent?
Bentley Russell
You fuckers eat women.
Fuck you guys.
Cooper Cooper
Are you male or female?
There are only two sexes.
Christopher Walker
Your 27 and she is 48? How the fuck does that work
Gabriel Johnson
>oy vey you whites are just like the moslems!11
No sex outside marriage was the law in all white nations for centuries before islam was invented rabbis. You're not even trying.
Jackson Allen
is this because you're a 20+ year old virgin and want an excuse for not loosing it beta fag
Andrew Lopez
>Old days
NIGGER, women are human beings. They mature and grow in mental capacity. They have souls and are sentient. So yes there is a difference between a 10 year old and a 50 year old consenting to sex. That being said, women are physically weaker, far more emotional and naturally follow dominance. So don't think I'm being a feminist cuck. I'm just being realistic and calling out your pedo bullshit.
Blake Myers
The top level members of the Muslim Brotherhood eat women.
>No sex outside marriage was the law in all white nations for centuries before islam was invented rabbis
If you were a Patrician, a Noble in the subsequent realms of Europe, or a Conquistador. You could simply get together with your boys and kill the Clergyman waving his Bible in your face. Things were a lot more nuanced. Nuit de Seigneur is probably why all of us are descended from the Kings of Medieval Europe. In Arabia and the Islamic World the was Polygamy.
Matthew Ross
who said i biologically male?
Bentley Williams
Most people don't understand nuance.
Please keep migrants out of Japan.
For your own sanity.
Colton Hill
>who said i biologically male?
That, I knew that.
You incriminated your husband on Jow Forums.
Grow up white girl.
Jason Carter
not today satan
Robert Barnes
There's no need to start a family too early, goyim. You can freeze your sperm or ovaries and first work in my office for a few decades.
Ian Edwards
incriminated how?
my parents gave him permission
that's why he's currently not in jail.