Anti-abortion faggotry

Anti-abortion fags are the biggest virtue signallers on this board. Do you really think we believe you when you say how much you care about the unborn children? This is Jow Forums for fuck's sake. You'd kill every unborn nigger in the lower 48 if you could. It would solve crime forever. The only reason you hate abortion is because only sexhavers have them, and they are your eternal nemesis.

Have sex, incel.

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>killing animals is the same as killing humans

>only my in-group is fully human

This is the lowest form of morality reserved for Stone Age savages.

Get your abortions. Don't ask me to pay for them, you flaming idiots.

I mostly just resent the bald faced lie that unborn children aren't children. Abortion on demand may or may not be good policy,, but at least admit what it is: Killing inconvenient people.

If you think that not paying for an abortion is more expensive than paying for a medicaid birth, K-12, and a lifetime of correctional coon corraling, I have a mother fucking bridge to sell you, you dense cunt. You are a virtue signaller. Get the fuck out of my thread, adults with triple digit IQs are talking!

moralfag. No one cares what you think. People only say that to you because they know you can't handle the truth, you obese sack of incel shit.

Obviously a troll thread.
The central notion for the abortionist is that they should be able to deny objective fact in order to craft a version of the world that is more pleasing to them and their immediate aims.. it is extremely childish to think that reality should alter itself to suit what we might want to be the case.

It is anti-enlightenment, anti-science, anti-intellectual and anti-reality. Its also anti-human but the abortionist doesn't see this last as an issue.

It is also very dangerous to say arbitrarily that some humans arent human. Which is literally the most common argument put forward now...worryingly this was too extreme a viewpoint even a generation ago for the heads of planned parenthood, so it suggests ideological creep is happening quite rapidly. Where will we be in 15 years if this keeps going?

I don't care if colored sub-humans want abortions, in fact I think it should be required by law seeing how coloreds don't even pay for their own goblin kids.

>Have sex, incel.
All you have to do is approach 10 women and at least one will likely say yes. I dunno why you base you own worth on the sex lives of other men so much. You projection fools no one. But that sort of behavior is that of a henpecked, effeminate male just so you know. Obsessing about sex non-stop is a very effeminate trait. Obsessing about the sex lives of other men is a homosexual trait.

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What a bunch of hot air. We just don't want sluts pumping out useless eaters on our overcrowded planet. Remember, no women outside of China are forced to have abortions. They have them willingly, because they know the man they fucked was trash, just a stunt cock they had to tolerate because they couldn't put a ring on Chad.

women dont want to be pressured into abortion by nigger tier men. why do you hate women?

I made you so mad, you made a fucking meme and didn't even remove the cancer mark. So tell us user, when was the last time you had sex?

Either address the notion that abortionists are denying that some humans are human ...or don't reply... I don't mind which.

But don't say that im not saying anything and then ignore really blatantly the precise thing that I am saying.. which I have just repeated for you.

It's just your pet straw man argument. Why do you think I care if some abortionists "really think" that "some humans aren't human."

Like I said, this is fucking Jow Forums. If you post here. there's a good chance that you believe that only some humans are human, like this asshole right here.

Justifiable homicide doesn't require denying the humanity of the murder victim, you Papist Peter polisher.

But, the NWO pushing for abortions will first and foremost be heeded by first world white populations, while the third world spics and niggers continue to reproduce like cockroaches. It's just like the UN telling us we need to eat insects while they continue to eat expensive steaks.

What we need to do is spend more tax dollars to improve life for white children while pushing the abortion clinics and contraceptives in the ghettos.

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The premise of abortion is that the unborn dont have rights of their own.. ie, they dont have the right to life and so can be killed for non essential reasons.
Since admitting that this stance reflects a belief that universal human rights don't apply universally when it is convenient to deny them, the abortionist, who usually figures themself to be a kind and caring progressive person who fights for justice, has to construct a way to propose that the unborn arent human.

The most common views I have encountered are

"my body my choice"
"The unborn are part of the womans body"
"Our consciousness is what makes us human, no consciousness, no humanity"
"the unborn are just a clump of cells"
"the unborn are just parasite"
"the unborn arent alive as the cant feel pain"
"life doesnt begin until first breath"
etc etc etc..

Lett me guess you don't accept that these are common "justifications"?

What I find truly fascinating is that these views are in many instances contradictory, but the abortionists never fight over these contradictions, they only ever fight with the people saying that if you "are alive and human biologically speaking then you are a human life and have human rights"

That is the only stance that provokes anger because it is the only stance that prevents abortion. Which as I have been explaining, that is the end goal and Abortion's "justifications" start at the end goal and work backward from there, this is why they are all illogical and wrong. Its all just a facile clump of horseshit to justify rejecting reality in favor of personal convenience.

And this is just a troll thread.


At first glance of the thumbnail while scrolling I thought this was an image of hank hill.

This is Jow Forums. We don't believe in human rights. Might makes right, you fucking normie.

Your mother should have aborted you worthless faggot

chan culture is of no consequence to me.

Then go back to Facebook.

Same difference. All meaningless.

ok cuck

for more on the link between abortion and crime, see Freakanomics.

I love how absolutely arrogant leftists like seth mcfarlain are. He the very confidential in the idea that he knows for sure how the universe began

Op is is a homosexual, and a baby killer.

Say the one who aborted half of my generation

canadians are bunch of vendigo satanists

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>Jow Forumstards are more triggers by seeing cats and dogs get flayed alive than they are seeing a white guy get beaten to death by a black man.

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My stances:
It does kill a good amount of niggers.
Female sexuality should be controlled. That being said, outlaw abortion and outlaw alimony, outlaw gobbernment handouts for single mums as well. Stop being single.

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Show tits

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Big meh to you my France fagget loving friend people's minds are swayed over already, and they will go through every move in the book to their favor they don't care if it's true as long as it may sway the non believers, jewery 101 don't practice what you preach