Why are the English so cucked?

Attached: drstrangelove_40ae_02.jpg (350x236, 16K)

We're not. The population is the most redpilled of any western european nation and the only one to consistently vote against the globohomo agenda.

The problem is we have a hugely authoritarian government, a small heavily monitored nation and no guns or speech to properly resist as it stands.

>America isnt

Attached: Bank of England.png (333x485, 118K)

If the U.K. is cucked then what the hell are the other euro countries?!

Med countries like greece and italy or further afield like hungary aren't cucked but the blackpill is that their nationalism and quickness to fight isn't some based rational european response, its because of substantial arab gene mixture. North Italy for example is just as nigged and fucked as anywhere in europe.

Cause their women are the biggest black cock sucking skanks on Earth along with the Irish. The reason it's so common in the US is cause we are full of Anglos and Irish.

the english people are the most craven and spineless on earth
- when push comes to shove they will all line up, stand in a neat row and sing
"god save the queen" and "there will always be an england"
- except the queen DGAF about you and
and whenever things are getting rowdy, it looks like they MIGHT "do something"
- the elite throw them some scraps from the table and they are satisfied
- "ooh arr thankee gaffer kind sir"
tug the forelock and bend over
the englishman is an invertebrate

British women have one of the lowest sexual partner counts amongst europeans. I don't know specifically for racemixing. Bluepilled nonces get tricked by the manner of dressing but in general girls who are really getting it try and conceal that fact, they are afraid the truth will come out and they certainly don't need sexual validation from looks. The most promiscuous girls I've known looked like sunday school girl next door.

Whereas girls who aren't validated by being dicked twice a week instead get it by male gaze. So often dress more risqué.

Then what the hell is the US too for that matter. For fucks sake

Reveal you nation shitskin.

The peacefulness and trust in authority is why we were the foremost nation in the world for most of history and still are when you consider the nations of British people we seeded. The traits have only become deleterious when the governments have been co-opted. The british people vote in a wise and good manner, we have never voted for immigration or free speech restrictions. All those things are bought in contrary to consistent votes by jewish controlled politicians. We have century old institutions, older than anywhere on earth and a great respect for them. It accordingly takes a long time for people to accept they have been corrupted.

"For most of history" is a major stretch but aside from that you make a reasonable point

We aren't, really. The Scots and Irish are much more culturally cucked than we are.

Being in close proximity to niggers and Muslims for so long has redpilled a hell of a lot of English people

The problem is here

Lmao what?

Well for most of modern history. Like it or not britain enacted the most noble empire building seen, with a naive desire to raise up the dark continents to the standard of Britain. We're the only nation who then spread European people resulting in the great nations of the US, Australia and Canada, which form a major portion of the modern global white population.

>never had an empire
>gets demographically cucked anyway

Pipe down buddy, at least we have an excuse for our mess.

Having had an Empire is excuse for being cucked? Your country is the most cucked there is. Maybe your people aren't the most cucked, but to say that you are the least cucked is a stretch. Danes are much less cucked.

"consistently vote against the globohomo agenda."
This is delusion

> vote conservative for 10 years
> vote to leave EU
> vote for anti-eu parties in EU elections
> polling always shows majority support for things like the death penalty and free speech

That british people are bluepilled is a bluepilled take.

>against the globohomo agenda
Just because it says "Conservative" in the name, it doesn't mean anything. Angela Merkel have ruled Germany since 2005.

Because that will mean less replacement migration?

>majority for free speech
But that is true in every Western Country I believe? Yet, you are the western country with the least free speech.

The conservative party traditionally were so and in election time run on conservative platforns. The reality is they are controlled opposition but i already stated how the british history of institutions and the respectful, peaceful mentality is susceptible to being exploited.

I think from an outside perspective we see people voting for one thing and then the politicians they elect doing the exact opposite of what the voting public wants. Do your politicians just get cucked that hard when they get to parliament? Are district lines unfairly drawn? Do you just have shitty choices in candidates when voting?

We can all see the people there voting how and doing as you say but the results always seem to be the opposite.

uk is fucked and most of its people are stupid

>The conservative party traditionally were so
When? 1930s? Enoch Powell was the last one.

>and in election time run on conservative platforms
And what are these platforms?