
Are free masons jews or are there just jews in the free masons? There are Christian free masons. Does that mean there are good ones? I actually know little on masonry. Jews usually are a much more bigger boogie man than then.

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Just listen and fact check this.

Nah, freemasons are slaves to jews
they're the next rung down from them
still powerful
still deserve exactly what the jew elites deserve

Freemasonry is Talmudic Judaism for goys. Theodor Herzl made that clear

Was Mozart a freemason?

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I don't know, but masons gold Mozart and Beethoven very dear. Especially Beethoves 9th synfony has a special Esoteric meaning to them. Why do you think it's the anthem of Europe?

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Is Mozart evil then?
It's rape that they use this wonderful symphony as their anthem. Beethoven was freedom loving. I guess what you mean by esoteric is just the influence which Kant and "das Erhabene" had on the 9th.

is james mason (siege) a freemason?

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Freemasons are not always Jews but many Jews might be Freemasons. Mind you, Freemasons are the cause of all evil in our world.

wtf is this Illuminati shit? sauce ??

Jews can't be masons. Templar Knights were killed for it.

What do they do?

We aren't. The same way Pol is demonized is the same with freemasonry. but with a few years and more powerful organizations shitting on it.

a thread from last year where the op claimed to be a freemason, and then delivered with the pics. Freemasonry is kikery 100%
heres a based documentary that proves it

Jews are innocent. You guys should instead focus your attention on the Vatican or Freemasons or Jesuits or something else.

>Freemasons are the cause of all evil in our world.
Not quite, they're just puppets of the Jews and intelligence agencies on top. They serve their purpose in the globohomo hierarchy.

Nobody buys it retard. You're a kikeslave, and i hope hell exists, so that you rot and burn in it, masonic subhuman.

reverse google search to see it comes from an open facebook group, it just seems like a bunch of larping Portuguese to me. Any anons who speak the language understand what they are saying?

Bill Cooper Mystery Babylon Playlist

Towards a Theory on the Origins of the Illuminati and the Modern New World Order

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behind every revolution

Were they behind the American revolution?

The founders were masons so it’s very likely.

Seriously tho, can anyone name the bad things the masons do? I feel like I know nothing about them, and assume they're some old-farts-lodge.

Jews, Jesuits, and freemasons all work together. They only pretend to fight each other

I believe that to a certain extent but it’s very suspicious that the wealthy and powerful would still take part if it was some lame old farts club.

Why are freemasons so obsessed with globes?
>Timaeus makes conjectures on the composition of the four elements which some ancient Greeks thought constituted the physical universe: earth, water, air, and fire. Timaeus links each of these elements to a certain Platonic solid: the element of earth would be a cube, of air an octahedron, of water an icosahedron, and of fire a tetrahedron.[6] Each of these perfect polyhedra would be in turn composed of triangular faces the 30-60-90 and the 45-45-90 triangles. The faces of each element could be broken down into its component right-angled triangles, either isosceles or scalene, which could then be put together to form all of physical matter. Particular characteristics of matter, such as water's capacity to extinguish fire, was then related to shape and size of the constituent triangles. The fifth element (i.e. Platonic solid) was the dodecahedron, whose faces are not triangular, and which was taken to represent the shape of the Universe as a whole, possibly because of all the elements it most approximates a sphere, which Timaeus has already noted was the shape into which God had formed the Universe

Any faggot can go to a blue lodge and see for themselves. Its a lark fraternity.

Freemasons were responsible for ____.

They were banned once upon a time, but alas no more. Some appendent bodies have very few though, such as the knights templar because you need to pledge allegiance to Christ.

The American revolution.
The French revolution.
Italian, Balkan, etc. revolutions, etc., etc.
The implementation of liberalism is all attributed to the freemasons.

I have a hard time being mad at them for that stuff.
>The implementation of liberalism is all attributed to the freemasons.
Sorry to say it, but do you have a source?

Were all just living in math shiz. These organizations have understanding of math shiz that organizes the universe. The idea of resistance is sorta silly. Cant stop the maths and golden triangles and fibinochi sequence type shiz anons. I learned it from that donald duck cartoon

no freemason's are not christians, not one of them, they're taught to claim they are and at about 32nd degree they tell their own masons they wrote the bible (they didn't write the bible). they're low IQ NPC pawns no different from joining the military, lied to and trained to act like a clown.

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Jews are 2% of US population. They are 6% of Congress, 33% of Supreme Court, 35% of Billionaires, 25% of NFL team owners, and 50% of NBA team owners. The top 5 real real estate owners in NY city are all Jewish. Jews created the privately-owned Federal Reserve. They own 98% of mainstream media and 100% of hollywood. Israel (size of New Jersey) gets the most foreign aid, including a recent $38 billion military grant. Freemasons are low-level tools of the ruling Jewish financial elite.

>Is Mozart evil then?
All things that are anathema to masons. Dastardly.

>be me
>young guy in his 20s completely shit faced drunk stumbling around my small home town alone
>walk down a side street its probably 330 am. No po eople in sight.
>go past the towns Masonic lodge.
>all lights off outside see door open slowly makes creaking noises
>there is eerie silence. I feel a ominous presence.
>feel compelled to walk inside the lodge.
>too scared I walk past it.
>get a little further
>door slams shut violently followed by powerful gust of wind everywhere
>never saw any persons by it.
>walk away from it faster.

>Sorry to say it, but do you have a source?
Probably because the American/French/19th century revolutions (except Germany) all implemented liberalism in their said nations, and they were all instigated by freemasons.