prove me wrong
All muslims are subhumans
what is this a picture of?
Most muslims are based af. the agnostic pakis that come to the west are not though because they have forgotten their morals
Is this a bomb belt?
It is Ice Poseidon
What do you mean by degenerate?
Fokin mobile
Ice poseidon?
Why would I change your mind? Can't turn people away from the truth. All muslims are evil, because islam is evil. Islam is incompatible with humanity, and must be eradicated. Utterly and completely wiped out.
How is Islam and muslims evil?
They never explain why, do they?
Arab nations - Syria Libya Lebanon Turkey Iraq Kuwait Morocco Afghanistan Arabia.
Rape genocide murder and beheadings you dumb sand nigger.
Oh other religions/races don't do those things? Didn't know...
They're wonderful people. Kisses and hugs for everyone, as long as they stay in their countries. When they inhabit western countries, it is an invasion, wouldn't you agree?
Hmmm I dunno, could it be the widely accepted child fucking? Or perhaps it’s the suicide bombings... maybe it’s the beheadings? Shit I don’t know, maybe, just maybe it’s the hundreds of people your mohamedan friends have mowed down with rental vans over the years. There’s no way to know for sure... just can’t put my finger on why any one would hate the peace loving head loppers....
What they dont tell you goyim is that a holocaust is literally a Jewish sacrificial offering to God. Those people werent murdered by Nazis, they sacrifised thier own people. Thats why the cover up is so big.
Kek, if i was ice Id be tired of the swatting and kill myself
How’d he get Snapchat on his GoPro?
''muslim'' is not ''race''
>Widely accepted child fucking
Oh didn't know that I accept fucking kids now, as do all muslims, ofc.
>suicide bombings
>rental vans
Oh yea. Well ofc they have no reason to do that except that they are muslims. I mean it isn't like (((your))) country shited in their geographical shithole already. I mean muslims have done those things in the west since 40+ years, right. Those disgusting beasts
That goblin Ice says he's an atheist. He's also 27% Jewish.
poor confused Boshnjak. you're too Slavic and only Muslim in name. when Muslims are mentioned, most posters imply MENAP cavemen
If Muslims could stop killing each other over petty squabbles then we wouldn’t be there in the first place. Saddam started all this shit by invading Kuwait and forcing us to intervene to keep the worlds oil supply safe. It’s been going downhill ever since then.
Who said it was?those that are Muslim are still subhuman sand niggers that should be shot repeatedly on sight...
go back Mahmoud
Yeah I am muslim only in name, it isn't like I pray 5 times a day and live life guided by the Quran.
>oh they imply........
"all muslims are subhumans"
>who said it was
>yes relgion is a race
t. brainlett
(((worlds oil))) = american oil supply
GTFO mutt
Just accept your a victim of rape and stop arguing on a Christian forum.
nah, it really means West Asian/North African. the resentment is from a Eurocentric view. Boshnjaci are white, European and secular. the Middle East is trash and Middle Easterners behave like trash in European countries
t. muslim subhuman
They got the women question right and they know how to dominate other cultures. Each man is a capable killer who is not afraid to fight and die for his god. They get 4 wives to out breed everyone, to spread their cultural and racial identity far and wide. That is why they will grow and whitey will die because (((western culture))) is a complete 180. The west needs to learn their brutal ways. Hardline Christianity/white Sharia is the only thing that can save your race.
Muslims have to ask for Allah’s forgiveness before the take a dump.
arent you a ottoman rape baby ahmed?
you are a literal arab rapebaby ahmed
Everytime you post this and Utrecht is still in it, you are making a complete ass out of yourself. And that Indonesia category is retarded as fuck as well.
you sound mad mohammad
are u ok?
Well giving up pork and alcohol to listen to the teachings of a dead paedophile is dumb, so they must be.
You are a subhuman, prove me wrong
Utrecht is not in the top 3, you ultimate retard.
and you are ancient Greek descendant, right?