Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.
White People General
Whenever I see a blond haired blue eye woman I immediately think she likes BBC
Don't worry she is safe.
Honestly, you cucks fell for the indoctrination so hard. I know half or more of it is just kike shilling, but it's astonishing how they brainwashed you to be so disgusting, to actually associate those two things in a world where people statistically think black people are some of the least attractive.
Get off porn sites, get off porn boards. You can still be saved.
How do I find a waifu who isn't a degenerate and has been blacked and fucked by miles of dick?
Stop being a degenerate reject for starters.
Whites aren't people but albino apes
There is none.
I don't know user, I don't know..
>get off porn sites
>get off porn boards
>see coalburners walking with their nigglets daily
user, quick question. What's the best skaven clan?
based me too. Gonna marry an asian women
if I'm 80% white can i have a white child?
Thank god I'm not white.
I'm not even close to being white. Can I have a white family? I would even raise white kids that aren't my own.
Fuck off cuck
Daily reminder that given the propensity for the white race to vote for its own destruction, I no longer care. Enjoy the future you've created.
Id add if you are white and you are paying taxes you are subsidizing your own demise.
Giving kikes money to promote degeneracy and import evil
Daily reminder that whites compare to ashkenazi jews are literally niggers.
The porn industry did this to you
Daily reminder OP doesn't understand kin selection and altruistic sacrifice.
How to save white race:
1. Make white kids
2. Make kids
Oh lol why nazis are such retards
They don't all fuck and crave bbc but one things for sure, they are all sluts and feel insecure and imcomplete without a cunt full of sperm
Thanks for posting Shlomo
all jews compared to all whites, whites would have higher IQ. only the jews who went to europe have high IQs. QED
not all whites are the same either. and there's more to life than money...
jews are darker, curly hair. compared to whites you are the niggers, actually
White woman are materialistic and superficial.
Just take the black pill op
for that matter, the richest men in the world are white, not jewish.
whites tend to stratify vertically more sharply than other races. like men stratify more sharply than women - more male retards but also more male geniuses. "average" is not decisive. asians have a higher average iq than whites, but who invented and built the modern world?
Daily reminder that wh*Teoids are the most violent and murderous group to have ever existed in the history of humanity, and that cumskins and pisslamists should be goaded to fight each other so that they may weaken themselves and allow the true Aryans to return back to power and slaughter the remaining infestation of these subhuman cockroaches that have been allowed to run rampant in this world of ours with utmost prejudice
>Fuck wh*Teoids
>Fuck pisslamists
>Fuck chinkoid chinamen
>Fucklow caste Shudra Hindus/Dalits?Muslim convert trash
>Fuck bulb headed African proto apeoid neanderthals
And most of all, fuck the Jannies, Hindustan Jindabad
having white kids is antisemitic and bad for the climate goy
>white people general
>posts a crypto jewess
>1 post by this id
Going to college, I have learned white women are the most likely of all races to be virgins despite being objectively pretty. I too was surprised.
Have two, wife and I are shooting for a minimum of 4, hoping for 6
I'm white and the love of my life is black.
>crypto jewess
Lol her sister is even more Aryan.
>she's not blonde
>she's ugly
Good atleast i'm doing something, fuck white people
She is a cryptomongol, not a jew
A 7 point difference vs a 15 point difference.
there is no single 'white race'
What is wrong with you
Cryptoaryan* since this board doesn't realize it about us.
Every teenage white girl listens to hiphop and black musicians.
They watch and cheer for sports primarily composed of blacks.
They are made out to be gods of sex and porn.
Face it the NWO has won, the average man will be a mulatto cattle slave in 100 years.
>whites dont exist
>white need to punished for colonialism and slavery and pay compensation
You maybe...
Damn just when I thought you guys were a warrior race you cuck out
>You maybe...
t. 56% "white" "person"
Hey I dont know if you're still in this thread friend, but thank you for all the white pills in this thread. They made my day a little bit brighter.