What's your opinion of homosexuals in the military?
What's your opinion of homosexuals in the military?
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As long as you are willing to assrape the enemy, then who cares.
No women or faggots in the military. It undermines esprit de corps.
Women shouldn't be allowed in the military because they just fuck their way to a position they want. Fags are just annoying.
Is America the only country that seeks to undermine its own military?
>Women shouldn't be allowed in the military because they just fuck their way to a position they want.
yesterday was an article in the newspaper about an oberstleutnat being a trans faggott and today again he thanked for all the positive feedback.
When you have to go to get drafted and you're a transsexual you're automatically considered "double unfit" which means psychological as well as physical but we have one in a high rank (don't know it in english, one above major) fucking stupid clown world
The Romans had them
Masons are a far bigger problem.
Get the masons out of the military.
Having lovers fight together is a good way to discourage them from routing, or acting dishonorably in front of their lover. It's also a good way to get rid of the fags.
Women are a bigger problem than gays in my experience. There's always exceptions though, solid female troops and abhorrent gays.
There are decent arguments against allowing gays in the military but this is probably the worst
better them than me
Wasn't allowed when I was in.
They don't belong.
They don't really fuck to a position they want. They just kind of land in whatever position/MOS they signed up for and then never have to do any real work because female.
US military is a fucking joke.
Don't ask don't tell, or before that when they were straight up banned by name?
They're a fucking plague in the Airborne.
T.former paratrooper
All military men are homosexuals and have been since the draft ended
they're gay
Women should not be in combat.
Homosexuality should not be a topic of discussion in the military, Don't Ask, Don't Tell needs to be re-instituted.
Plenty of homos in military history, they shouldn't be the focus.
I’m a Navy vet:
at first I wasn’t sure how to feel about the gays in my basic training division, but once I got to know them I realized not every single gay person is a flaming faggot. Similar to how there are black people and niggers, the word depends on behavior.
I never had an issue with them following orders or doing the same tasks as straight men/women.
I did however, have a problem with the lezbos who consistently tried to throw other sailors under the bus for miscellaneous things in order to make themselves look better.
My views on things are simple:
>are you fit for duty?
>are you mentally competent?
>can you meet and exceed the standard?
If they can do all the above I’m more than happy to work with them.
You’re half right.
For every 1 good female service member we have about 5 shithole ones
I think it's none of your fucking business.
>mentally competent
pick one
>oldfag detected
Bunch of fags. Should not be allowed in Man's army. Give them fem jobs, let the women complain.
Nice video but fuck you for mass replying.
Nah man, I said GAY not faggot. We all
Know fags aren’t mentally competent.
Gay people are just normals who fuck the same sex. The rest of them is normal.
Only if they rape our captured enemies and we broadcast it. It will scare young men in our enemys countries from joining the military.
Forgot about meme flag
Sorry! Sorry everyone
Its all fun in games as long as there are no fraternizing involved.
We really fooled around in the showers. I had the biggest dick in the platoon
If they are able to behave as a soldier should, go ahead. If they're going to be a bunch of sissy faggots they should get shot on sight.
Gay men are not as much of a problem as just about any woman. 20+ year army vet here. The memes are real.
Well straight people already rape a lot so...
That’s a big ass big blue pill you have there sailor
Reminder that it's widely known that Mattis is a homosexual.
And who are you, a fucking fish wife?
Fuck off newfag
Looks like someone hasn’t had enough life experience to make an objective decision about their feelings.
Do something with your life and report back to me okay nigger?
wh47 7h3 fuck d1d y0u ju57 fuck1n6 54y 4b0u7 m3, y0u l177l3 b17ch? 1'll h4v3 y0u kn0w 1 6r4du473d 70p 0f my cl455 1n 7h3 n4vy 534l5, 4nd 1'v3 b33n 1nv0lv3d 1n num3r0u5 53cr37 r41d5 0n 4l-qu43d4, 4nd 1 h4v3 0v3r 300 c0nf1rm3d k1ll5. 1 4m 7r41n3d 1n 60r1ll4 w4rf4r3 4nd 1'm 7h3 70p 5n1p3r 1n 7h3 3n71r3 u5 4rm3d f0rc35. y0u 4r3 n07h1n6 70 m3 bu7 ju57 4n07h3r 74r637. 1 w1ll w1p3 y0u 7h3 fuck 0u7 w17h pr3c1510n 7h3 l1k35 0f wh1ch h45 n3v3r b33n 533n b3f0r3 0n 7h15 34r7h, m4rk my fuck1n6 w0rd5. y0u 7h1nk y0u c4n 637 4w4y w17h 54y1n6 7h47 5h17 70 m3 0v3r 7h3 1n73rn37? 7h1nk 4641n, fuck3r. 45 w3 5p34k 1 4m c0n74c71n6 my 53cr37 n37w0rk 0f 5p135 4cr055 7h3 u54 4nd y0ur 1p 15 b31n6 7r4c3d r16h7 n0w 50 y0u b3773r pr3p4r3 f0r 7h3 570rm, m46607. 7h3 570rm 7h47 w1p35 0u7 7h3 p47h371c l177l3 7h1n6 y0u c4ll y0ur l1f3. y0u'r3 fuck1n6 d34d, k1d. 1 c4n b3 4nywh3r3, 4ny71m3, 4nd 1 c4n k1ll y0u 1n 0v3r 53v3n hundr3d w4y5, 4nd 7h47'5 ju57 w17h my b4r3 h4nd5. n07 0nly 4m 1 3x73n51v3ly 7r41n3d 1n un4rm3d c0mb47, bu7 1 h4v3 4cc355 70 7h3 3n71r3 4r53n4l 0f 7h3 un173d 574735 m4r1n3 c0rp5 4nd 1 w1ll u53 17 70 175 full 3x73n7 70 w1p3 y0ur m153r4bl3 455 0ff 7h3 f4c3 0f 7h3 c0n71n3n7, y0u l177l3 5h17. 1f 0nly y0u c0uld h4v3 kn0wn wh47 unh0ly r37r1bu710n y0ur l177l3 "cl3v3r" c0mm3n7 w45 4b0u7 70 br1n6 d0wn up0n y0u, m4yb3 y0u w0uld h4v3 h3ld y0ur fuck1n6 70n6u3. bu7 y0u c0uldn'7, y0u d1dn'7, 4nd n0w y0u'r3 p4y1n6 7h3 pr1c3, y0u 60dd4mn 1d107. 1 w1ll 5h17 fury 4ll 0v3r y0u 4nd y0u w1ll dr0wn 1n 17. y0u'r3 fuck1n6 d34d, k1dd0.
In general a liability, like women. But there are jobs in the military today that they would be fine doing.
Found the gay who doesn’t think he’s a faggot
Shut up you idiot.
>What's your opinion of homosexuals in the military?
a) don't ask, don't tell
b) it's nobody's business
c) the military is *NO* *GOD* *DAMN* *PLACE* *FOR* *ACTIVISM*
Don't be racist dickhead
I know all of these words mean, and I think I even know what a fishwife is, but I don't understand what you are saying.
A little wifey who gossips after the sailors have brought home their catch about so and so in the village and they dilute their daily boredom by imagining they are better than other villagers and more moral.
He might be gay but far from a fag.
*WHO* the *FUCK* *FELT* (not think, FELT) that it's a "PHOBIA" to be *REPULSED* by *HOMOSEXUALITY* ???
Eat moar dicks squid, you know your prior faggot acts are causing you to white knight for gays to redeem your own depravity.
You should have never performed the gay initiation, you’re there for life.
Huh, the more you know. In that case, yes I am.
Jesus would hang with gays, no problem.
Jesus had time for everyone.
"leet speek". TOTALLY lame!
The 90's called and they want their secret code back.
I'm not gay.
You do realize you are posting with a fokkin memeflag, you memeflaggot?
Stop pinning your hatred on Jesus
you are being weird
why not only do I think it's a good thing I think the army should be entirely commanded by homosexuals
Can you help translate what he said? I don't understand.
Support the watchbill. Get qualified. Know your shit. I don't care who you fuck on your own time.
He'd also tell them to stop being immoral faggots.
If homos want to die for the USA/Israel then by all means, but they shouldn't fuck their fellow soldiers. It might compromise their judgment.
Just cause you tried it doesn’t mean you liked it, I believe you fren.
Wanting to dead end your genetics is not a sign of sound mental health no matter how you slice it.
Classic leaf mentality.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Himalayan Quantum lo-G Weaving, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret, solo nuttings on Al-Quaeda hillsides, and I have over 300 confirmed slappedy fuckin' doos. I am trained in gorilla scent sniffing and I’m the double top best sniper in the entire US space forces. You are nothing to me but just another fidget spinner. I will wipe you the fuzzy leftovers out with gnat's ass precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Grassy Knoll, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Noodlenet? Think again, pig fucker. As we speak I am contacting my super secret, special spy network of super secret special spies across the whole star fucking spangled USA and your watered down IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the electrolyte storm, Prius worshiping butt plug, the great wrath and furious anger that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, soup dick. I can be everywhere, at all the parts of the time, and I can obfuscate you in over seven gorillion ways, and that’s just with my bare Thor ass hammer hands. Not only am I over-extensively trained in unemotional, like seriously detached combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Deep aaayyyy Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable refrigerator art off the face of all the the dry shit, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your smarmy, goat licking, panty parched tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the butchers worst friend's price, you goddamn fledgling monkey fruit. I will shit ghost pepper fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking done in this bouncy house, kiddo.
That's ok, I still think you have a cool soul
I don't have an issue with it. When I first joined the military, I hoped there wouldn't be any gays at my command. But now, I realize I don't do anything "special" with heterosexual males that would be a problem to do with gays.
They're just another group of coworkers that I don't hang out with.
but I do have mental health problems and don't want to pass them on.
Homosexuals and Transgender would be bad for morale, who would want to shower and bunk with a homo or tranny? fuck that shit.
>Be the military
>Don't know how to handle the homo/tranny situation
I know! Let's ask Jow Forums
Only you can fix you friend. I wish you luck and good fortune in your quest. I do not suffer mental problems and would like to help you be well.take this energy, find yourself and understand natural law for the ways of man have splintered your mind.
There's a lot of them
as long as they don't sexually harass the non-fags, w/e
>t. artillery
Don't ask, don't tell.
I can't fix it
Well then sad sack, learn to have fun with it.
There’s nothing like getting pounded in the ass after a fire fight.
I second the motion...
Man attacks and shoots female officer in Victorville, California
I have had mental health problems for my whole life.
I find no solace in passing on the difficulties (despite the amazing moments)
Don't care anymore. The standing Army needed to be stood down in 1993, with only a small cadre of no more than 30,000 active duty to preserve doctrine. Even Madeline Albright said 20 years ago "What's the point of having a huge army if you don't use it?". The temptation to use our military to change the world to how we want it is too great, it should be stood down until there is an actual direct existential threat to the United States. If it can't be stood down, then let it be destroyed from within by this social engineering.
>Holds battle buddy spoon all night
Well I try to not lie in bed depressed and sometimes Jow Forums helps because I can just type shit and be catatonic otherwise
and that is the sad thing Kafka showed in Metamorphosis
I dont know but ever since that kid found a bomb in your moms asshole his face hasn't been right since.
Whatever you think you can’t do, you’re right.
The first symptoms of my illness were social withdrawal and inability to speak vocally anymore.
I know I am right about having children. That's not why I was put on earth.
I also think Kafka is relative to the savants
You will recover fully if and when you decide to.
Ju can dew it wheels!
Though I think it must be a very wonderful experience and very peculiar to think of what God is capable of doing.
the cherry marines have always run the place
Unfortunately though I may go periods of recovery, it's not permanent
hence why i desisted in a law course and psychology course
despite the fact I would love to have a degree
It’s all what you make it.
all what you make it
you make it
make it
It's sad but I can get over it.
It's what I think but it's not for me. I wish I had the temperament for it but I am not reliable.
Can you do eight plus four minus one for me fren? Any alternate reply will register you as a bot in my neural net.
I couldn't bare letting my own child down. Through being a selfish maniac.