American History X

Friend told me to watch this movie because I hold what some consider to be alt-right notions. I knew it was about a reformed Neo-Nazi, but I had no idea it would end up just enforcing my original views.

Lots of redpills are dropped about race relations in the first half of the film, especially at the dinner table scene with the mother's kike boyfriend. Even when Derek decides in prison to give up his old life, a good solid reason is never given. Sure the skinheads turn on him, but that's life in prison if you're being a fucking race traitor. None of the principal's advice seemed to make any sense. The only positive change I saw Derek make was he was kinder to his family, but someone who was a true white nationalist would treat their white family with dignity and respect, try to better their lives, unless Derek's sister was a coal burner or some shit.

In the end, younger brother Danny sees the light and stops hating niggers and spics and kikes, and what happens? He got shot in the bathroom (spoiler alert) by a fucking niglet because earlier in the film, Danny stopped him from beating up another white kid.

So now, after watching this if anything I'm even more radicalized. Is there something wrong with me or did this movie have the wrong message with the right method? What other films are similar to this? I doubt there are many with (((hollywood))) and this probably being the only attempt at "white nationalism bad".

What's your take on the film?

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The ending pretty much undid any brainwashing the film had attempted. It's bizarre.

Exactly. If Danny had gone on to reform himself like Derek, then it would have had more meaning. But the look in that nigger's eyes after he pulled the trigger just made me think of how often this happens in my own country and around the world. I had almost hoped half-way through the movie I could have changed my own mind about a few things.

Perhaps the film wasn't there to brainwash?
Hell, perhaps you guys just call everything you dislike propaganda?
No, that can't be, I wouldn't wanna go against the groupthink here, would I?

Glownigger IP shopping list, let's all sign on

>Ending of the movie(spoiler alert)
You're doing it wrong, retard.

Like I give a fuck

Based and Redpilled movie

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The movie was an early redpill. Too bad Edward Norton is a faggot kike shill.

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Director’s Cut literally ends with Norton’s character shaving his head


The speech Derek gave about illegals taking his friends' jobs was never denounced later in the movie either. All Derek said was Cameron's Nazi club was "bullshit" and that he's tired of being angry. The speech still held ground after the movie's conclusion.

Glowniggers and the boomer types that enable them have been obsessed with this movie for decades, believing for some reason that it features a portrayal of muh nahtzees that """"racists"""" identify with.
If anything, its themes serve as yet another example of how clueless Pedowood is.

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That magical pixie kike in the movie makes my blood boil.

I liked this movie a lot back in the day. Dare I say my first redpill. I grew up thankfully with a dad that warned me about mongrel races.

is he? why?

Yes. One of the biggest redpills is that many of the Nazis are portrayed by Kikes like Stacey Keach and Faruzia Balk.

For me the movie redefined the meaning of the word nigger from skin colour to someone who wants to be different, better than everyone else and racist. Today’s niggers live in Israel.

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I've read about this ending before and the tone of it is all wrong for the movie to me. The idea that Derek would go through that change in prison and then just give it up again in the end feels like a cheap gimmick. The movie's conclusion is supposed to leave Derek punished for his sins one final time. He knows at that point that what he was doing was wrong, but there is one final punch to the gut he must receive for having left his mark on the world. It's very much like a modern Greek tragedy in this way, and for that feeling to be consistent, you have to imagine Derek's final point of development in his arc is knowing he was wrong but having been too late to do anything about it. He doesn't change back to hate because that's what got him there in the first place, but he doesn't have anything to show for his transformation either. He isn't rewarded. He will have to go through life knowing he didn't turn it around in time to save his brother. But tacking on an ending of him reverting to his evil ways is Saturday morning cartoon quality writing. You completely rob the film of its impact because you turn Derek into a character whose transformation in prison no longer mattered. He ceases to be sympathetic, the viewer ceases to feel bad for him, and the message of the film gives way to muddled anarchy.

>jewishness is matrilineal
>fairuza balk's mother isn't jewish
>fairuza balk is jewish
Wew. You can't even stick to your own rules.

The film has no moral?

All you learn from it is "Don't live by black people"

The movie proves nazis are homo sexuals when he got raped. It would have been a better movie and more realistic if he got buttfucked by bbc in jail

first retarded leaf in thread detected

Its not 'our' (goyim) rules, its their rules. And she is what she is.

the dinner scenes are some of the finest pieces of acting in history

I member watching this film, hating nogs more and more, to conclude it with the thoughts
>welp, around blacks, never relax

The other whites in the prison were untermensch, they were just larping as 'neo-nazis' and betraying the people they claim to be on the side of. You can't be pro nationalism and poison your people with drugs.

That's what left the conclusion feeling so... empty. All of the points made in the speeches and rants are shown to be true with real-life statistics, but none of it is refuted anywhere in the film. The only rebuttal is "hate is wrong" but is it really wrong when it's so well-founded?

Of course its brain washing. Neo-nazis are born from believing the lolocaust propaganda. They couldn't be further from the ideals of actual nation socialism. It just reinforces the misrepcentation that the nazis were racist thugs.

Shut up you FAGGOT FUCKING LARPing. Lonely fucking nobody. Youre not a fucking NATIONAL SOCIALIST NEO CRUSADER. Youre not a fucking Technoviking. Youre fucking BIPEDAL GREAT APE LARPING about coming from an infinitely reoccuring mutation. Youre a fucking PSY OPPED LITTLE socially ostracized, sexually frustrated angry little chimp.

Fuck all you larpers and your faggot little incel club, just circle jerking your miserable depression. We are enslaved, we are war. And here you faggot fucking losers are just jerking off to fake fucking news for a modicum of self worth. Hitler was controlled op. Ww2 was about as real as 9.11.

Why you dont larping faggots do me a favor and go type 1488 into Jewish Gematria. Let me know what you get. REminder that kikes are nothing but cut dick mutilated sexually abused slaves. Fucking morons. Theyre not the top of the pyramid. Just another monkey pawn like any other christian of Islamist. Wake the fuck up monkey. Stop larping. Hit the fucking gym. Get yourself a lady. And join your brothers and sisters as light incarnate, simian protector of mother nature. Put down your gay and beta hate juice, little children.

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it's funny because this movie was probably intended as jewish propaganda depicting racism as being bad but it ended up redpilling an entire generation. the ending shows you that you can try to be the "better man" aka not be a racist nazi but in the end nigs are still gonna nig no matter what you do.

>Nazis = Fags
That's the silver moral bullet that this movie has. Whether or not you think tattoos or living like white trash is preferable or not, whether you're supposed to have a gut reaction to the excessive (but reactive) violent behaviour of the white protagonists, the "Ahah! Gotcha You" turning point of the film is when the dude is raped in jail by self ascribed neo-nazis, so somehow that completely defaults you to a Centrist or Liberal position, as if Nat-Soc or any right wing beliefs can't comprehend and crumbles under the reality of our own ingroup having terrible people in it....

And sadly many people really do have this level of shallow think to them.

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>implying there's no poetic and artistic value in sheer futility caused by the circle of violence perpetuating itself again and again, with a Sisyphean task of changing oneself in spite of it
No, it would be even more sensical as a conclusion, and would deliver a far deeepe, universal message.

The shower rape scene wasn't a proof that Neo-Nazis are homosexuals, I would think the opposite. It was a show of power and consequence for Derek's relations with the laundry nigger.

I took the film as a cautionary tale about violence and ideology. White nationalist or not Derek makes some great arguments even a 90s Democrat would agree with. The problem is he always takes the path of violence and anger in response to problems he sees with his world. He acts and this causes a reaction from those around him that he can't control. Things get out of hand and nothing ends up better.

I think the movie is saying violent people of all races should be avoided.

>t kike

no faggot. Kikes are just another pawn. Youre fucking retarded. Da kikes! da jews! Theyre fucking scapegoats you dumb little honorary nigger.

Wow so upset. Never said I myself am a Neo Nazi, but I do hold some of their views, especially regarding race. Not sure what you're rambling about. My core belief is a white ethnostate where every able-bodied man defends that land with his life against mongrel races, Jews included. No ladies I've met in my life would be a worthy mother to my children, and many women aren't with the zog promoting promiscuity and miscegenation. To build a world where any of what you say is possible, we must first awaken the world we're in now.

>Father murdered by nigger
>Brother murdered by nigger
>don’t hate niggers goy

you are all over the place kike

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There is an alternate ending with Derek shaving his head again in his bathroom.

the movie is meaningless without the original ending (which had Norton donning the Swaztika once more following Furlong's murder)

Had the exact same experience. I think the film is genius. Lots of red pills, but reflects the nuance of real life. Even a ardent white supREEmist can appreciate the good qualities in a decent black (makes a black friend on laundry duty). Yet, in the end, acknowledges the reality that on average, blacks are violent, poor decision makers.

Look around dude. What are you guys doing. Dont play coy. Dont play innocent. HAil BREVIK! Hail TARRANT! YES Elliot Rodger! YEs Dylan roof! YEs shootings and happenings. Youre all being indoctrinated into Setism(Satanism). Entropy worship. You are doing NOTHING as the hearts of your brothers become corrupted by a very insidious evil. Just smiling as they fall from grace and are sucked down the abyss. (Im not christian, its metaphorical). Cmon bro. dont play innocent. You know what you guys are doing. "Read Siege! hate is good!"

Dude, youre not waking up. Youre getting sucked down a psy op. The history youve been taught is fake news. Youre ruled by an ancient cult that has ruled the world since the construction of the pyramids. English language is controlled opposition, its why its called spelling. The sun is SETting on SATURday.

You all wanna larp as heroes, with courage, honor, and truth. But really the only you guys have been bolstering is your hubris filled chimp egos.

The twin towers fell 33 years after thier construction. Yeah. Youre entire life has been socially engineered especially this nazis vs commies larp that youre all so invested in.
Think critically.

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Not an argument. Calm the fuck down dumb little 80iq monkey.

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you are the one who have shoe size IQ and cant see patterns

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The whole second half of the movie doesn't make sense.
>Oh some neo-nazi prisoner is doing drug deals with a Mexican that means that Nazism bad.Forget that the whole reason you became a nazi was the death of your father the flooding of shitskins and the fucking of the white working class.All that doesn't matter because some gay dude with the same tattoo as me did a bad bad.
>Oh I met a nigger that isn't a complete nigger that must mean that all niggers are based.And we must respect each other and live together and shieeeeeet.
The ending for me isn't a fuck up on jews's part.It's more of a "If you even try to stop us we'll take even the little you have left ."kind of deal.The goyum at the end of the movie are supposed to be left with a "don't try this at home kids" feeling

You missed the real points of the movie. Glaring truths that aren't highlighted in a single moment per say- rather they are intrinsically obvious to the enlightened.

The moral of American History X is literally that by obsessing over hating niggers and stooping to their level to wage racial conflict- you ultimately *become* the nigger, and find yourself in a world where whites are no better than the niggers.

There are plenty of legitimate paths in life, choose one of them. Don't be that guy who throws away his life because Jamal said "ay moe fuck white people"... certainly not when you can just join the police force- among a long list of careers that find themselves at odds with nogs regularly

Damn that would have been way better. They have no fuckin balls.

These jews are nothing. They are nobody retard. You think you actually know anbody on the shadow counil. You think those hollywood jews you keep posting fuck little boys and eat them? Theyre scapegoats you dumb monkey. Nice apartment, fucking retard. Dont let it become your tomb.

The fact that this movie is even discussed here shows Jow Forums is full of shill and underage
There is nothing of value in this movie
Derek is an angry redneck just like the upper class wants him to be, bunch of cinematic violence with slomo drama effect, terrible haircuts, bottom of the barrel social dynamics, gay fucking and complete absence of any harmony.
Trash. Just like much of the white power movement.

What a dumb fucking retard infograph. As if WASPS from the Vatican, Zionists from Israel, And Wahabis from Saudi Arabia, all dont fucking work together.

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The ending is very important for those who see it the first time. Like, don't say what happens before you say the spoiler alert, you're going to ruin it for people.

But hey now that the cat is out of the bag... Around blacks never relax, this is a major takeaway. It's almost like the movie is secretly pro-racism.

unironically this

> In the end, younger brother Danny sees the light and stops hating niggers and spics and kikes, and what happens?
Yep. In the end after Nazi big brother turns nigger lover because the person who was nice to him in prison was a nig, and he tries to spread his blue pills, little Danny gets blown away by an ape in the bathroom for no reason.
What I hated about this movie is that you never got to see Derek's after reaction to having his brother shot up the way his dad was shot up.
Still love nigs bitch?

I watched the film recently and I may have seen some directors cut because there was a part of the ending I never saw before. Basically, the movie claims that Derek wasn't "radicalized" by Stacy Keach's character, but instead something his father said at the dinner table.

funny you mentioned them both brainlet
>Rothschild loans to the Holy See refers to a series of major financial loans arranged between the Rothschild family and the Holy See of the Catholic Church. The first loan which occurred in 1832 took place in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars during the Pontificate of Pope Gregory XVI (involving James Mayer de Rothschild and Carl Mayer von Rothschild). This loan agreed on was for a sum of £400,000 (equivalent to £36.5 million in 2018). A second loan occurred during the Pontificate of Pope Pius IX ("Pio Nono") in the early 1850s with the same members of the Rothschild family after the collapse of Giuseppe Mazzini's short-lived revolutionary Roman Republic and the restoration of the Papal States.

>James Mayer de Rothschild, head of the Rothschild banking family of France (Banque Rothschild), became the official Papal banker.[2] His Naples-based brother, Carl Mayer von Rothschild, geographically closer to Rome, went to meet with Pope Gregory XVI in January 1832. Here Carl Mayer was presented with the ribbon and star of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. It was customary for Catholics to show reverence for what they regarded as the Vicar of Christ, to kiss the Pope's feet when meeting him. As a Jew, Carl Mayer von Rothschild was permitted to simply kiss the ring on his hand instead.[2] This outraged Catholic critics of the deal at the time. It even garnered a reference centuries later, by Philippe de Rothschild, a direct descendant of James and Carl, in his autobiography Milady Vine (1984).

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Rothchild smotchild. These are nobody retard. Your silverstiens and goldbergs. Nobodies. Cut dick slaves. JEws are SLAVES. They are slaves like me and you.

You are ruled by a hidden shadow elite. You dont know any of their names faggot larper. Youre not some Neo national socialist dipshit. Youre a brainwashed little monkey.

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absolute cringe

>You are ruled by a hidden shadow elite. You dont know any of their names faggot larper. Youre not some Neo national socialist dipshit. Youre a brainwashed little monkey.
go on. name the elite

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Everything is propaganda and agenda driven... That doesn't mean it's a big conspiracy carried out by knowing actors.
The question is, is it morally good and a net positive in terms of what it promotes or no? If you have been here long enough you will start to see that people are for the most part stupid mother fuckers who don't want to think for themselves...
May as well be led by wise people if they refuse to take control and be self sufficient both mentally and physically.
I used to think everyone should govern themselves, anarcho concepts. Then I realized people are fucking stupid, fickle, and most want to be led...
Making fun of people who think for themselves here is a meme about the real groupthinkers.

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You dont know them lol and if you keep playing their fake little game, you will never know. These are the kind of people that travel the world through underground hyperloops safe in DUMB's. Deep underground military bases.

Im not saying I can name them, Im saying youre distracted and barking up the wrong fucking trees.

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i watched NAPOLA because those blond guys were so fucking hot

It's a terrible movie and shows how broken and dysfunctional america really is and why people should live in their own segregated communities.

The film has been made by a jew. The only meanningfull redpill part is in the deleted scene.

Okay go to sleep boomer.

you are just kike looking for some mythical unnamed people you can blame your collective crimes on
if you cant name particular people and their particular crimes you obviously have no idea what you talking about
Rabbinic jews are the source of ours problems and we have enough data on that

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Did you not fucking read?

also if you say jews are just scrapgoats(who participate in whole process) just torture them untill they name the elite

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He was gonna shave his head again but the scene got removed for being too dark.

boomers are the ones who always blindly defend jews based on what they read in jewish media you fucking newfag

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I'm not a white nationalist or a neo-nazi, but I liked the movie. It was well made.

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Theyre not mythical dumbass. Ofc theyre real. Ofc theyre cutting up kids and eating them larping their gay little rituals. Rotshit is just a scapegoat jew. Sure hes rich and hes done some shady stuff. Sure hes guilty. Whatever. But does rothchild sit at the highest table? No. Hes a fucking nobody. These people dont care about money. They make the money. They print it out of thin air. Their currency is children and blackmail.

Here's another good one that's almost never brought up. The believer

>mfw ryan gosling played a neo-nazi
>mfw this movie was made to make neo-nazis look bad but ends up reinforcing everything we
believe in

I have never seen a more apt description of jews in my entire life.

Watch the movie again.
The rape was a direct reaction to Derek abandoning the "nazi gang" because he was the only guy who really understood national socialism or at least lived by its principles while they had a drug business with spics and niggers which he obviously condemned.

its past your bed time now boomer. Im sorry I cant take you seriously. Youre just too dumb. You keep posting what everybody already knows.

Israel and Ukraine.

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Curbstomping niggers with boots and red laces.

so name the real elite retard.
if you cant we must torture rotschilds untill they prove who is elite

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yea it's hard to even imagine that it's supposed to be anti-"hate" when you watch it but it has to be, right?
im sure the racial masochist who made it was serious when he made it and the ending was supposed to be a grim message like this WILL happen to you so dont even thionk about "hate."

Movie should be called "Why not to be a race-traitor."

its 16:32 in my country you fucking retard

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>if you cant name particular people and their particular crimes you obviously have no idea what you talking about
This is how I know you‘re a shill or your intelligence is being blocked by negative emotion

I talked to you a few days ago lol
I‘m following your advice to get gf
I have a question tho. Should I cut the sides short 30s style or let my hair grow to like a medium length? What are girls more into?

Neo-Nazis aren't white nationalists. If you think any of them actually care about Tradition, family, History or culture youre an idiot. They are essentially Antifa-Niggers only on the other side of the spectrum. They are actually so similar in terms of behaviour that often times they switch back and forth between those groups