Nog beats up white female policer officer, steals her gun
Yet another example of why women need not be cops.
And I am very disappointed that they let the piece of shit live. It seems that they letting many live now no matter what for fear of Al Sharpton.

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It's time to let California go

Right, because no male cop has ever had his sidearm seized.

Lady cops frequently get beat up where a man would have no problem. Yet again, the Gadsden flag indicates stupidity and liberalism.

It's not my fault there isn't a flag for the Gadsden Purchase.

Just use the gay flag instead, it suits your opinions. Anyway, women belong in the home raising children, not fighting jacked up negroes in the streets.

graduate from middle school

None of you ever have anything to say. You're all anti-Christian freeloaders. You're against taxes, any taxes, and think you should be allowed to bully people with guns. Guns are for protection, not to make up for your lack of arguments.

Don’t be a faggot. The Gadsden may represent a woman’s right to apply for employment on a police force but it also represents a man’s right to tell her to fuck off and get back in the kitchen where she belongs.

White males btfo

If I lived in a no gun state the last thing I wanna see come to the rescue is a female police officer. At that point I'm better off using my replica swords to parry some lead.

It was cooler when it represented Colonial Marines taking action, given it was their first flag. In contrast, too many fence sitters use it nowadays, not to mention that Tea Party embarrassment.

That flags stands for Ayn Rand and Satan, fuck off.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with the thread? Stop jacking off your victim complex.

Hahaha true. Female cops are bad shots too.

I made the thread, nigger. It's about what I say. Eat shit.

seems to be a california thing

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>tiny nigger thug
Sure they have, but not by a niglet of this nature.
Women are brutally weaker than men - you know this, so quite your kikery.

It's not homie's fault that guns naturally grow out of his gnarly pube hairs.

>I made the thread, that means my furious gasping for air as my hand wildly flails on my dick is sensible!
>gun rights!
>literally equating people with a flag they already told you is a stand in for a region!
>I'm cumming!

I'm convinced that all Gadsden fag [sic] posters are kikes.

Makes me think of a scene from Dirty Harry

holy shit dude you're the biggest faggot

He didn't even do nuttin. Stop being so racist.

There are numerous reasons for having female cops. For instance, suspects and victims aren't all men - a woman is a much better option for interviewing a rape victim or getting a child to open up about domestic violence they witnessed.

And in general, I don't like the idea of categorical bans that ignore individual characteristics.

Why are female cops not allowed to shoot perps?


>a woman is a much better option for interviewing a rape victim or getting a child to open up about domestic violence they witnessed.

At least she didn't get pregnant,
Also race of so called female cop

>DeQuavon, after a nice walk in the park to police trash and clean up his community, sits down on a bench
>relaxing, he waves and greets fellow members of his community as they walk by
>after some time, he stands up
>it would appear as if a Hi Point .40 caliber pistol would have appeared underneath him
>he has a Looney Toons tier reaction to it, as if he were a cartoon hen that just laid an egg
>the presence of this toxic gun culture was the straw that would break the camel's back
>systematic racism, socio-economic status (not IQ and impulse control), and now this registered, dealer purchased assault pistol?
>his face when
>pic related
He then led a life of mugging and shootouts, before facing the horrors of police brutality in Amerikkka after having his life taken by a jackboot thug with a shotgun after opening fire upon officers.

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There's no denying that women are at a disadvantage in hand to hand combat, when violent criminals are often grown ass men. I don't think it's out of the question to take that into consideration during calls.

"Hypothetical situation uh. All right I'm standing on a street corner and Mrs. Gray there comes up and propositions me. That if I come home with her for five dollars she'll put on an exhibition with a Shetland pony."
Clint's grin there.
Lady thought it was funny.

Love that scene.