Can we talk about this fuck? I know someone who is obsessed with JP and treats his word as ultimate truth. Can someone red pill me with a quick run down on this fag? I know he won't touch genetics.
Can we talk about this fuck? I know someone who is obsessed with JP and treats his word as ultimate truth. Can someone red pill me with a quick run down on this fag? I know he won't touch genetics.
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone have an infographic on this guy?
Jow Forums is genuinely retarded for not listening to what they guy actually has to say.. this is why you'll all stay losers, heres a man giving you life wisdom and here you are throwing it away because you rather listen to memes that shit on him kek, how quintessentially Jow Forums
Do you have a preferred lecture you can point me to? Or an example of life advice besides cleaning your room?
Kek, didn't realize he had fans on here. Good. Break down why he opposes any form of white identity. Has he ever talked about Zionism?
his entire biblical series on YouTube, also this video near the end really got me:
>I know he won't touch genetics.
Peterson is surprisingly frank about the consequences of current understandings of genetics and IQ
I'll watch it. Does he ever go into genetics?
He doesn't oppose white identity. He opposes having a moral structure that places the group rights too far above individual rights--- something like that.
Selective edited, taken out off context.
>Or an example of life advice besides cleaning your room?
accept as much responsibility as you reasonably can.
I notice whenever IQ differences are brought up it's a favorite among leftists and centrists to downplay its significance, yet they make sure to throw in the claim that Ashkenazi Jews have an average higher IQ. Interesting. So IQ doesn't really matter, but it does...for Jews. And I noticed the comparison was made to "the population", that's because there are subsets of Caucasians (Ashkenazim are a subset of Jews) that have a higher average IQ, strange they aren't the ones touted, it's always Ashkenazim... The egalitarian's sleight of hand is amazing to behold.
I did find this vid which I'll watch later:
Thanks for this.
Everything politics related thing he says should be ignored. He's a psychotherapist, his scope is completely individualistic for a reason.
Dont think he associates it with race though
He talks about "groups" with different average IQ. I don't remember if he talks about blacks specifically, but it's clear from context what he's talking about.
I can't believe he couldn't even address it lol.
How the fuck do you eat steak for every meal then go on stage and start crying like a bitch.
He would have been very useful about 10-15 years ago. Unfortunately we are so far down the collectivist rabbit hole that we have no other choice but to play the same game that the left is playing. And we need to play to win.
Good guy with good intentions, but his message is only really reaching whites. Therefore, he’s hurting our movement.
He’s woke on the JQ but won’t dare to say anything about them publicly. He almost did after being prompted during a Q&A, but he decided against it. Shame.
because he's not a racist fuck who wants to use iq to justify his racism, he just uses it to understand the world from a scientific perspective.
Tell him Jordan wants people to think for themselves. His whole stick is that people disagree and talk to get to a better 'truth'. He literally says that people shouldnt see him as a messia and that that's very dangerous. Also you're right he wont touch certain subjects, but I dont think that will redpill your friend. Or perhaphs your friend is just a bluepilled robot npc and you should find better friends, I dont know.
Because of money, or because it's suicide? Who thought a carnivore could be such a coward...
Jordan is absolutely a soft red pill. Steven Pinker is, or used to be, a similar figure. Either one is a good choice.
>Can someone red pill me with a quick run down on this fag? I know he won't touch genetics.
gas yourself you shill faggot
>in all fields
Probably bc he’s smart. He was already under extreme pressure from the left. Naming them would have ruined him. His ability to propagate his message would take a serious hit. It was the smart move.
nigga you couldn't even hold a talk in front of anyone because you probably speak like a retard and because nobody would listen to you, let alone would you ever get the chance to be so 'brave' to 'drop the woke JQ pill', jesus christ
The only winning move is not to play.
Ur gay
But to run away completely from it..
>Talk like a retard
He's a Jew. Also sage
Peterstein talks around race yet speaks so much on heritability, it's almost like you require more serious redpills to get where he's going most of the time.
Is it white to move? Lol I get your point though.
That logic is like the inverse of “if you kill your enemies, they win”
Real red pill is that there’s no winning move. It’s already too late. The nation is lost, and all we can do now is damage mitigation.
>He’s woke on the JQ
He put out a gay manifesto stating it's merely their high IQ which has resulted in their over representation in positions of power - such as college professors who he often derides as idiots but ok, I hardly see refusing to answer the question as "clearly redpilled".
Peterson has some insights but I am completely turned off on the group of young boys that are always attending him before and after he talks. Is some sort of Mickey Peterson fan club? Something worse? What parents let 12 year old boys follow around some dude like puppies.
I did always get a pedo vibe.
No, he’s spoken about their proclivity for high in group preference. He knows the score, but he’s never going to say it out loud.
he is afraid or just dishonest
i do not believe that all jews or that we should blame today jews but for fuck sake the fact that he can't even acknowledge the fact that majority of the leading Bolsheviks were jews something that putin say openly telling a lot
I would need you to cite sources to form an opinion on that comment but even if he believes as we do on the JQ then lying about it is much more nefarious.
I know it’s a meme but there are thousands of young men and boys who grow up without a single strong male role models either in the home or at school. Women raise boys to be feckless doormats. There’s an actual need for figures like Peterson. So you can kindly fuck right off with your anti-male drivel.
He’s obviously afraid, and he’s right to be afraid. He has a lot to lose and speaking on the JQ is a surefire way to lose it all
shitposter on pol > an intellectual who actually studies shit
Yea okay, you’re really brave shitposting about them on a Mongolian underwater basketweaving forum.
he was a psychologist so by definition he is a fake doctor with inflated ego. you know how we make fun of people who go to school and get certifications in completely impractical, non-stem subjects? he is part of that world but a bit different from the norm because he's marketed towards right-leaning people. we're looking at a glorified self-help author, basically.
Thanks for your insight.
>Implying I'm incapable of research because I don't give word salad lectures in a Kermit the frog voice.
useful to get off the ground, amputate the umbilical cord with his philosophy when you're at risk of being infected by good goyim-ism
JP is a guy who gets it, he understands that there are differences in gender and race and how different religions can shape different cultures to levels that should never be necessary but are in this clown world.
Jow Forums dislikes him because he plays the 'Liberal Word Games', he will spend hours debating someone on how there is a difference between two genders or how personal responsibility is a good thing. He's basically preaching the sky is blue in an extremely complex way and as fucked up as it is many people are being taught the sky is actually green(with a strong suspicion that it is actually blue). Finally he is soft and refuses to make a firm stance on any of his views(like genetics) and doesn't use his logic to beat Liberals into submission, only to defend himself.
I'll tell anyone who cares to listen. Now go and serve Jamal his fries you dopey cunt.
Kek. This is good.
Maybe try listening to his points instead of formulating an opinion on someone else's talking points, just to be an edge Lord hipster faggot and hating something because it's popular.
This makes me sad
I like him but his all beef diet is fucking pants on head retarded
Just point out how he says he believes in free speech but has no problem deplatforming certain people
>Clean your room
>You're just jealous of the Jews
>Wash your penis
>Niggers are human
>Whites and Europeans can't have their own Homeland
What points do you agree with?
Sadly the real Holocaust will never get attention so long as the hollywoodcaust is allowed to be mainstream.
There is never going to be Hitler 2.0, the modern world will never allow it. It's best to focus on immigration if you want to save our countries. Gassing a billion niggers and creating a jew free white ethnostate is never gonna fucking happen. Every fucking day with you stupid fucking cosplay nazi niggers.
i feel you brother what is even more sad is the crowd reaction who are unable to accept any of that and hide the nervousness by laughing it off
Anything about philosophy, personality and behavior. I don't expect him to be woke on all politics and can separate the typical political opinions. He's religious too, I don't agree with it, but he's still brilliant in his fields and shows there's even positives to the text.
>Jealous of jews
Source that.
>Niggers are people
They are, like it or not.
Peterson literally believes ancient humans knew what the double helix DNA structure looked like. His reasoning for this is that there is art of snakes twisted around one another. He's a retard.
Lol okay faggot
he has gone into 'genetics'. im pretty sure he did say intelligence linked to race is very much possible and needs to be looked into but it was a discussion about how jews are more successful. we both know why he cant explore/talk about that topic in detail it would be political suicide.
Fuck that defeatist mindset.
My grandparents pulled thru it, and had some bizarre stories to tell.
Lets hope we will pull thru our hurdles and crises, so we also would have story or two for our grandkids.
Cheers. Any opinion on peterstein?
He's basically a complete fraud propped up by the degenerate education system. He's no different from any other self help guru.
yes but very obliquely
The meme has been dead since he lost that debate to Zizek.
Are you serious?? Kek
Fair point.
I thought he was anti religion?
No. Niggers are a sub species.
>He's anti religion
I've listened to him quite a lot, still haven't determined if he takes it literal or not
What do you make of the millions of nigs with higher IQs than you? Don't Jews feel superior to whites? There's no cultural factors just gaps in evolution huh.
What a quality article you posted.
He said the differences in intelligence are on the micro level.
Don’t paint Lewontons fallacy in here you kike
so what? due to how normal distributions work small differences can have large effects in extremeties
Find one nig with a hire IQ than me and I'll eat my foot.
Higher. Kek
Back to 2017 with your false prophets
1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
Who cares about white identity m8? In an ideal society you don't need WN because nigglets and brownlets die if you don't provide gibs so whites can actually thrive.
The reason people don't have children is because a large parte le our wealth is given away is taken from our future children and given to subhumans.
Remove policies that favor the k-strategists and suddenly white genocide is no longer real.
? There's way too much for a qrd. He's based, but anti-white-solidarity - he's deathly afraid of whites turning nazi.
Interestingly, he knows about higher Jewish IQ so he knows about lower black IQ, but of course never mentions it and it seems like he's succeeded in not having been asked for his opinion on that.
Other than that he has a lot of good, down-to-the-nature-of-existence reasons in support of conservatism.
Look for book reviews of his book '12 rules for life'.
Imo, that's not as good as his 'maps of meaning', and, his 'personality' courses.
> He doesn't oppose white identity
Has he changed, recently? Last I knew he was against all forms of anything /not individual/. But especially whites grouping up.
That's awesome! (deep-fake JBP)
His wife is Jewish. People rarely move away from their situation-determined beneficial positions. Brother Nathanael and Norm Finkelstein are exceptions.
> pretends to not know anything about 200 years together
> He's basically preaching the sky is blue in an extremely complex way
Well, in a world that believes it's green, that's useful.
We need to space to move into, to start over.
That sounds plausible (that he believes it). Yeah, he's a curious character, running a psych lab, which uses the scientific method, yet believing weird symbolic, Jungian stuff as well. Actually I'm fine with Jung, but he lacks a sense of rejecting too-convenient hypotheses.
> millions of nigs with higher IQs than you
I doubt there are millions, but there are some.
> Don't Jews feel superior to whites?
Yes - we whites know we're not at the top of the heap.
> no cultural factors
Don't oversimplify the race-realist position. Sure it matters - blacks used to behave better and probably even /do/ better before welfare, and, when there was segregation (their own businesses didn't have to compete), but, there's a ceiling on how much that can affect without genetic support.
JP is a shaman/occultist. He's ultimately pitching the supremacy of the individual human Will, and trying to get average slobs to "recognize their nature."
Most of these comments aren't getting to the real shit.
Dig deep you lazy newfags and bots
Oh fuck came to post this but some beast named "Q" seemed to beat me to it...