This is Karlie Guse. She was 16 and disappeared last October. She was from Bishop, California. She was in a dazed state the night before she disappeared from her room and it is believed that she walked to the nearest highway. No body has been found yet and specialists believe she was taken into the underground sex trade. I’m putting this out there because this mystery is very interesting to me and I’ve seen Jow Forums solve some amazing shit.
Any help /[pol/
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No one cares here
raped and murdered by either nigger, shitskin or beaner, obviously.
look for shallow graves
Look at that face
Goddamn I'd rape her ass just to see her squirm and give her a facial
probably in the jew child trafficking system by now.
Try later tonight, people usually get in the mood for detective work in the afternoon.
get a fucking life and stop fantasizing about a most probably dead girl in your mom's basement
>in a dazed state
Bought drugs from the local gang members, they picked her up, raped her a while, until she dies. Mystery solved.
This. People are likely busy right now so you are just gonna get shitposts.
Probably being kept alive as a sex slave.
Mexican trucker doing the 395 haul to Reno killed her
Post nudes or gtfo
But seriously though, shes probably in mexico getting fucked by the hour for pesos.
that's the most common guess.
>meme flags
why is slavery your first assumption? the leaf has this down to a science
>Disappeared in October of last year
>Hot as fuck
>most probably dead
Nah nigga, I can guarantee she's dead
If she isn't she sure as hope wishes she was, she is/was someone's fucktoy
>hot as fuck
You people have very low standards.
Who gives a fuck
You need to post more info so that the autists can start
That top right pic is top quality high school cutie
In all likely hood the highest chance of finding her is by investigating her parents and step parent. I saw this news a while back and seen the conflicting, changing and contradicting POV from her parents and step parent the night before her disappearance. I suppose we can all start by going through her family since from their given info alone they're already shady afk.
This thread will just get deleting by mods for "doxing" if any real info is unearthed or discussed. Just an fyi, that's why we needed infinity. For real threads.
She's probably got more black semen in her than blood by now. On the plus side it's a great excuse to browse the strip joints and hooker houses looking for her.
She was raped by niggers and dumped into an alligator infested lake. Sorry m8
That's where the cops would start.
Also, boyfriend, probably in his mid-20's, would be a prime suspect.
She was diversified, memeflaggot. Find a new imaginary goyfriend.
She's cute, I hope she's ok.
that face looks familiar... but that would be some 90s stuff
Where? In West Virginia and Alabama?
either dead or doing donkey shows for mexican cartel members.
>Please help me find this drug-addicted prostitute.
>(((dazed state)))
Let's legalize marijuana, kids. Let's legalize it K-12, kids. Nothing bad happens when you don't keep your wits about you, kids.
>Disappeared from California
Don't care. One less Democrat vote.
fuck off retard
I met the Bishop of Bishop in Bishop once... didn't ask what church but pretty sure wasn't the catholics
here is a short video on the case.
- true crime series created by a pink haired zoomer
- g-guys, give this series a FUN NAME
jesus christ
>She was 16 and disappeared last October
do you know what it means to be "desensitized" to human suffering?;(hint: you are)
>there are no thirsty faggots on Jow Forums
Nigger, how new are you?
No, user, it breaks my heart too, but I am a realist. Miracles can and do happen, I grant you.
shut the fuck up you monkeyface chicken tendie mom living fucking idiotic cunt
She's taking tiny cartel dick as we speak.
Why do they think she was turned into a sex slave? Much more likely that she was killed by a random person or walked off somewhere, died, and was scavenged. Anyway, don't do drugs.
The hrt is fucking with the language centres of your brain.
It's more common than you think, thankfully it's mostly beaners doing it to each other.
The final redpill is mgtow so you're a few years late to the game
she wouldn't have fucked you
Well, I certainly wouldn't mind having such a cutie locked up inside my basement, if you know what I mean
do you really think this is a fucking "save my crush" kind of shit, fuck off you massive cunt, this is someone's life, and all of you cunts if you work together can help, but you decide to make fun of shit.
stupid bitch rolf.
Fuck her oh no wait that is being done by the hour.
Here's the thing you have nothung to give us other than the felling of satisfaction and a boost in our moralitty. Who even are you to critisize the people here if they don't want to help you? You deserve nothing and should get nothing. Go cry about your daughter/friend/sister somewhere else
>glowies too lazy to do their job
>attempt to hire autists to do it free of charge
>the final redpill is to not breed, goyim
MGTOW faggots are as blackpilled as libertarians.
I don’t think the purpose of MGTOW is to never breed but just to ignore roasties until they clean their act up. If they do swear women off forever then I guess they’re all just gay
you might want to check with Europol about that one , either that or make a reward interesting enough to spark our interest.
usually come cases are solved here because cops come with an interesting story and plenty of details , you have none of that.
that and you insult other anons , bad thread.
No gators in CA
She’s probably in hell with the rest of the women
>OP is low standards
If only you knew how bad things really are.
And nothing of value was lost.
jewish slave trades make people disappear without a whimper
this shit with news media attention is always nigger murder
she looks like a soulless whore
we are all mirrors.
>from Bishop
>missing since last October
it's safe to presume she's a skeleton in either the Sierras or the desert by now.
ask illegal migrants what happened. they know
Coastal range of Northern California, fucky shit, as sociopathic as it can be, and it strives
that happens when you fail at parenting.
We need to get rid of the mods